
  1. E

    [California] Tech support number no longer works

    Well, the number itself works, but you can't get help for ui/edd questions anymore. It worked great earlier but I got disconnected (it was my bad, not theirs) before I could talk to a rep from claims after I got transferred. After 1 1/2 hours of waiting, I was disappointed and took a mental...
  2. H

    [California] filed for unemployment on 4/1 but just got a full time position. How do I cancel my claim?

    At the beginning of the month my work let a majority of staff go, and anybody they didn't let go was put on notice that we will get reduced hours and to apply for unemployment. I did so, and had a few days of my week cut down. This week I was assured that I would be receiving full time moving...
  3. I

    [ALL STATES] Are you tired of being screwed by the system? Be a part of the biggest F U in modern history to the rich POS who ruin everyone’s life

    This goes across all political lines but if we are being honest, you’ll be screwing over the older generation which might lean a little more conservative, for selling out all our futures for a second home while most of us don’t even have enough money for a down payment on our first. I’m sure...
  4. A

    Tips for Filing In NY

    This assumes you began your application online and have to complete it over the phone. File on your day. Monday is A-F, Tuesday is G-N, Wednesday is O-Z. You can also try on Thurs/Fri/Sat but that's for everyone and your chances of getting thru are worse. Call at 8am. The earlier you call, the...
  5. L

    [Pennsylvania] PUA BYE date 9/4/2021 but Monetary Finality date shows 9/3/2021

    As the title says, does anybody else have it showing like this in the PUA dashboard? Or is it just me, and will this affect me at all? As in the 9/3/2021, as that's 1 day before the end of the final week of the current extension. Will I still be able to file the last week, or will I have...
  6. I

    [VIRGINIA] Good news?

    Hello everyone, I am on PUA and stopped getting payments about 4 weeks ago due to the verification clusterf**k and completed and submitted all verification forms by july 1st, I finally got an email back from a rep but I am unsure if this is good news or not since I am not sure what stage of...
  7. M

    [CALIFORNIA] Application Question

    When adding in an additional employer during the Application process, they ask for Start/End Date and average hours worked per week. This is a bit confusing as I work for multiple W-2 employers throughout the year. Sometimes I work 8 hours one day. Then months later come back and work another...
  8. T

    P.u.a unemployment [illinois] i have applied its been nearly 30 days and still no check, im in serious trouble

    I applied for unemployment, was told I needed to be turned down to try for p.u.a I filed for that, and this has been going on nearly 2 months I have 2 pending matters in adjudication p.u.a and identity verification. I have not heard anything, im certifying but not getting a check, unemployment...
  9. L

    [Pennsylvania] PUA earnings - aren’t we supposed to receive 1/2 our pre-pandemic earnings, not just $195?

    Hi everyone, Pre-pandemic I was making $800 a week as an independent contractor (sometimes more than that; sometimes less, but average, it was $806); however, PUA will only give me $195 (plus their stimulus payments) per week. Am I incorrect to think that it was supposed to be 50% of our wage...
  10. P

    [Pennsylvania] Backpay Eligibility for U.S. Census Workers?

    Hi all. My first job was working for the U.S. Census as an enumerator for the 2020 Census. Shortly after Census operations completed I was in a car accident and was unable to work. I consulted with my former supervisor about unemployment and they said they had no information for me. A few...
  11. I

    [Texas] license just expired, just got laid off, can’t renew because it’s suspended. Help?

    I was laid off due to the fact I can’t drive for my company anymore. I was on a occupational but we got a new insurance and they wouldn’t insure me. My license just expired October 20th. I just got laid off. It won’t let me renew online, I already applied for benefits. What can I do? Am I screwed?
  12. C

    [California] I got a job. Somehow. What do I do for my unemployment until I start it?

    I’ve been given a job offer and I’ve completed their onboarding process but I won’t start until the 28th. If I tell them I got a job but haven’t worked, will they still give me the backpay? Should I continue putting in job applications just to show I have been looking, even if I have a job that...
  13. A

    [Colorado] Is making it impossible for the unemployed to receive their 1099-G in a continued effort to oppress the poor

    I've spent the last two weeks attempting to help my unemployed brother in Colorado get his 1099-G. Like many Americans he is not the most tech savvy person, as a matter of fact he does not even have easy access to a laptop or desktop computer, no problem I thought I can help him "overcome" the...
  14. D

    [California] for those with 0 balance and not paid weeks

    Just got off the phone with EDD. For those with $0.00 balance and not paid weeks read:) Hey guys, so the rep explained that for the weeks not paid. There was a glitch and when you Certified with no balance(new extension hasn’t kicked in yet), those weeks went to the old peuc and sits there. The...
  15. B

    [New York] PUA Submission Question

    Sorry if someone already posted this but I couldn’t find an answer anywhere. I applied through the link https://unemployment.labor.ny.gov and they said according to my situation, they auto applied me to the PUA. It’s been two weeks and I have yet to receive an email or call and the page where I...
  16. S

    [OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..

    [OHIO] Kimberly Hall is the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services. Her email is [kimberly.hall@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:kimberly.hall@jfs.ohio.gov). She needs to hear the suffering we are going through because they are paying $0 now on unemployment to Ohioans while 18 other states are already paying...
  17. M

    [ARIZONA] Account says it’s in review, past 9 weeks are all in progress. Will the review happen?

    I can’t find the Arizona number, but I’ve been trying to be patient. Running out of funding now, so I can’t really be too patient. I’m still looking for work, so I don’t know why my account would be in review all the sudden. It just told me that this time when I filed though. I’m on PUA...
  18. K

    [Michigan] Here's what worked for me

    I was having a lot of trouble getting ahold of an agent at unemployment for about 8 weeks. My claim said Pending Adjudication/Add Additional Docs. I JUST received my benefits. So I wanted to pass along everything I did in case it can help anyone else out. I tried a few different things and I'm...
  19. R

    [New Jersey] "N.J. will not extend pandemic unemployment benefits to 500K residents, source says"

    Hot off the presses: Murphy (our Commandant) to announce - "N.J. will not extend pandemic unemployment benefits to 500K residents" per https://www.nj.com/coronavirus/2021/08/nj-will-not-extend-pandemic-unemployment-benefits-to-500k-residents-source-says.html . For those on PEUC, see the...
  20. K

    [Vermont] I filed a new claim today and was told that they are 6-8 weeks behind on reviewing new claims

    Once my claim is reviewed, will I receive one check for all submissions up to that point? Is this typical for all states? This is only the second time I have ever had to file unemployment. The first was in another state and due to a weather event. It was a completely different circumstance. I...