
  1. A

    Adding to a defined benefit pension (Civil Service)

    Most people I know have employer DC pensions, so I've found it surprisingly hard to get advice on my DB pension. It's the alpha scheme from Civil Service Pensions, which I know a few other people on here are members of too. I've been lucky enough to have saved money from lockdown and want to...
  2. C

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    The price cap has been announced today with a headline figure of £3549. This isn't particularly meaningful for most people, as it is based on an average usage, so it's better to know your exact unit rates. Ofgem publishes the figures under their default tariff cap level document. We have to do...
  3. T

    K tax code issue and underpayment of tax

    Hi all, I’ll keep this as brief as I can. I just started a new employment in the NHS and was issued a K122 tax code. I rang HMRC a couple of weeks ago and I was told that my tax code would be changed back to 1266L. Fast forward to this months payday, my payslip still says I’m on a K tax code...
  4. D

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    Preaching to the choir here, but always good to have the hard numbers. In the past year or so, we had a lot of posts in /r/UKPersonalFinance asking why even risk investments when fixed-rate savings were paying 6%+ per year. Well, it's been six months so I thought why not take a look at the...
  5. J

    Got my first job, what do I do with my money?!

    I just landed my first job, I earn around £1,600 a month and have around £400 outgoing per month. Where do I put my money to make the biggest profit possible? Do I: A) Split it between an instant savings account, ISA, Funds etc B) Buy a house, rent it, sell for profit in years to come C) Invest...
  6. S

    Scottish Widows v Vanguard v A.J Bell

    I have a pension plan with Scottish Widows and funds are in Portfolio one and Portfolio two. It's doing well as far as returns are concerned but i would like a little more control over viewing my account...
  7. C

    Can you help a family feeling the 'squeeze'..

    As a family with two young children, we are experiencing a squeeze on our finances. I'm sure many parents are in a similar situation. Essentially costs are going up everywhere, and wages in our industries (NHS and private health) are not increasing at the same rate. Our costs are mostly rising...
  8. L

    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    I currently pay into my employer pension (police) and I pay into a S&S ISS (Vanguard global all cap) but I don’t trust that by the time I reach state retirement age it will still exist in its current form (if at all). Would setting up a SIPP be worthwhile? That way if I get a state pension it...
  9. E

    "X% of the time you make money investing in Y over Z time period"

    There is one investing statistic that I see more than any other. I’ll be innocently browsing Twitter or in the comment section of Reddit or blog post and someone will inevitably throw out this stat. It’s typically used in one of two ways: Hey you, look at this statistic. It’s amazing. How can...
  10. F

    Have htb isa + Lisa isa and want to open S+S isa in the new tax year. Wanting to close htb isa to maximise isa input for the next financial year

    Hi all, Background: I’m a complete novice with money and don’t have any family or friends who can explain this stuff to me. I’m 30 (f), earn 30k p/a and live with my partner. We’re hoping to get a joint mortgage in the next few years and maybe married in the future too. I currently have...
  11. C

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    My 3yo son has just qualified for the 30 hours free childcare. We currently pay just over £1,800 per child for four days at a nursery in London and were hoping that the free hours would result in a decent chunk of that being reduced. Our bill has only reduced by just under £500 though and on...
  12. R

    Renting uk property, living in Austria

    I am a U.K. citizen. I’m going to be renting out my flat in the U.K. whilst living abroad as a resident in Austria. My U.K. rental income will be my only income in the U.K. and will be below my personal allowance. I will be in full time employment in Austria, and paying tax on this salary in...
  13. R

    How does tax work when providing liquidity to DeFi pools?

    I just started providing liquidty to a DeFi pool (Flamingo on the NEO blockchain). However I'm trying to get my head around how the tax would work, these are the steps I took - which ones would create a taxable event? Convert a token into another token which have prices pegged to each other...
  14. B

    Ltd company 6 x £50 vouchers as trivial benefits

    I've stumbled across this 'perk' whilst googling about my end of tax year:\_company\_directors\_new\_tax\_year\_means\_time\_to/?rdt=40703&onetap\_auto=true I have my own ltd company with 60% shares and my partner 40% shares. Am...
  15. I

    5.8% 1yr fixed savings vs. 4.21% easy access - opinions wanted!

    Hi all, Keen to hear your opinions / strategies on this: - Oxbury currently offering a 5.8% interest rate (at maturity) for a 1yr fixed rate. - Chip currently offers best easy-access at 4.21% ( but of course likely to track BoE interest rates). In the past, I've found that fixing savings...
  16. O

    UPDATE - I found a lost premium bond that’s 30 years old..

    Absolutely no idea how to link the original post but a few wanted an update. Back story: I found a 32 year old £10 premium bond in my name. Had the exciting prospect of calling them up, them sending me a form, me sending the form back to them, wondering who the F is ERNIE? It’s been a wild...
  17. J

    Stocks and Shares ISA or Guaranteed 8% YoY?

    I have around 25k (from a relative passing away) that I have a few options to do with. The first is I leave it with a family member who will guarantee an 8% YoY return until I need the money. The second is I put 20k of it in a Vanguard FTSE Global S&S ISA. The rest remains with 8% YoY. The...
  18. A

    With the BoE expecting inflation to reach >7% what are the best options when you may need the cash in the short term (1.5-3 years)?

    Hey everyone, Lady Gibbons and I are looking to buy our first house soon. We've already got our deposit ready but we've decided to hold off for 1.5-3 years for the housing market to calm down a bit (more the having to overbid to get a look in side of things rather than concerns about crashes...
  19. H

    Diversifying Vanguard Index Funds & ETFs

    Hi, Novice investor here. I was wondering what the consensus is regarding the diversification of funds on Vanguard UK? I am aware that it obviously makes no sense to buy overlapping funds. I have had a look through some of the funds and ETFs which hold 100s to 1000s of stocks, and generally...
  20. C

    Theoretically, could you use salary sac and pension withdrawal to get around paying back student loan?

    I work in Scotland with English BA and MA loans outstanding, and earnings above ~43.5k pay 42% income, 12% NI, 9% Plan 2, and 6% MA loans. That's a nice 69%, deduction before any kind of salary sac into pension. From what I read, pension withdrawal penalty is around 55%. I'm not optimistic about...