
  1. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    Hi all, Wanted to get some different perspectives on financial planning for my next move. I'm not a big earner and unlikely to earn substantially more than I do now unless I have a major career change. I live in London and own a flat outright worth circa £600k (early inheritance), and co-own a...
  2. N

    Vanguard's IRR seems to be much higher than I'd expect

    I'm trying to work out what's going on with the personal rate of return Vanguard gives you, as it seems to be wildly off for me. This is the number stated on the home screen, and when you view performance. I understand what IRR (and XIRR) are, and I realise the rate of return takes into account...
  3. S

    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    See screenshots Experian credit score was from 3/4 days ago. Been doing bank switches since March collecting bonuses. I’ve done 4 so far including NatWest. Could this be a reason why i cant apply for their credit card? Have 3 other credit cards i...
  4. T

    Just moved into my first flat and feel like my landlords have set the gas rate extremely high

    Just moved into my first non student flat in London a little over a month ago and got my first gas bill today. My flat has set my rate at 65.58 p/kWh, which is nearly 2.5x the average London rate of 27.2 p/kWh. This feels extremely extortionate and I was wondering if anyone else had ran into...
  5. R

    Why the timing of tax relief doesn’t matter, and why that’s an oversimplification (especially for pensions)

    There was a recent post comparing ISAs and pensions, and it drew a lot of attention to the timing of tax relief. The wiki does cover this here, but even when I read this I was still not convinced because the example given didn’t feel nuanced enough. I’m going to try and explain it in a more...
  6. P

    Car Insurance - 18 y/o - Convictions HELP :c

    I am looking to finally get a car. The only problem is finding car insurance, most quotes are ridiculously high, others I don't get quotes at all. I've checked mainstream comparison websites and barely get any quotes. I was wondering if anyone can help me find a car insurance. I'm 18 years old...
  7. K

    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    This post is part rant part question: what broker do you use, does it show you the value of your portfolio over time, and does it offer trading account, ISA, Junior ISA and Lifetime ISA? I'd rather not scatter my accounts across too many brokers (right now I have AjBell + II, but simply because...
  8. C

    Am I being unrealistic with my plan to use my student loan for a down-payment for a house?

    I am about to be 19 years old and entering my second year at uni doing a Master's in Psychology (4 years total). I've had this idea to save my maintenance loan and use it as a down-payment on a small home and need someone to tell me if I'm missing something lol. I'm also very good at budgeting...
  9. J

    19 and I’d like a new car - what’s the best way to go about it?

    I’m 19 and I’ve been working my first full time job since August, earning about 1.3k after tax and ~£700 left after I’ve covered board, my current car insurance, tax, petrol etc. I commute around an hour each way 3 days a week and drive a fair bit on weekends/wfh days too. My current car is an...
  10. R

    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    My background- I am 36 years old and planning to retire latest 55 years old. So I changed me pension allocation for future contribution to higher risk with 80pc in the world equity index 3 (ex-Uk) fund and the rest between emerging markets index fund / smaller companies index fund and uk...
  11. J

    PV system financing; any feasibility study or other documents needed before asking for a loan

    Hi, I am interested in installing PV system (>10kW, not on a roof). Many web pages offer roof installation calculation and up to 4 kW. I am interested in higher powers and not on a roof. Are there any feasibility study documents or any other ROI calculations needed before asking for a loan, or...
  12. W

    How much should I pay my spouse if I (sole trader) employ her?

    I am a sole trader in Scotland, and for reasons I won't bore you with, I have to remain a sole trader (I cannot incorporate/become a partnership etc). For tax year 2022-2023, my pre-tax profit was £169k. I'd like to employ my spouse, for maximum tax efficiency. Is there any benefit to paying...
  13. K

    ETFs - FTSE 100 , S&P 500 - What if e.g company number 7 becomes bankrupt?

    If in 2020 I buy a ETF - Vanguard for FTSE100 or the S&P 500 In 2022 - lets say company number 7 becomes bankrupt. Do the ETFS automatically adjust? to incorporate number 101 and 501, since 1 is now bankrupt?
  14. S

    ISA Advice for U.S. citizen paying U.K. taxes

    Hi, looking for some advice for my US partner. She has a job in the U.K. so pays U.K. taxes. She did some contract work this year with a U.S. company so is also filing some taxes in America. I wanted to know if she could put the money she earns from her U.K. job into an ISA. I know a lot of ISAs...
  15. M

    Pick Holes in my Monevator ISA Hack Approach

    Hi guys, I got some really great feedback on some questions I asked about moving to a new ISA provider to take advantage of lower fees. One of the responses was to check out Monevator's ISA hacks to see what may work best for me. I've done some digging and come up with this approach. Can you...
  16. A

    MoneyHub x Amex - Handling additional CCs?

    Hi friends, Trying out MoneyHub to help track accounts, budget, yada yada... It seems it aggregates my main and additional Amex CCs. Is there a workaround to disaggregate this data? Does anyone know of an app that can do this?
  17. V

    Fix Electricity at (estimated) £56 p/m or stay on variable?

    OVO have emailed me and sent me letters advising about the price for energy dropping as of April, and seem to be strongly advising me to swap to a fixed plan for the next year. The estimated cost is £56, which is around £10 below their current estimated cost for me. I’m sure other people are...
  18. A

    GBP v USD performance over the past 6 months

    Most stock markets have declined by 20% or more nice the start of the year but those whose investments are in £ have been shielded as the £ has lost a lot of value against the dollar. From reading about this, it appears this is because the dollar is seen as a safe haven. Is there any investment...
  19. A

    It’s taken a while but I’ve finally hit £10k in savings!

    Afternoon everybody! Just wanted to share something positive as I don’t want to seem like a gloat to all of my friends considering the COL right now. A few years ago I was £9k in debt, jobless, a gambling addict who ended up with a CIFAS marker for fraud and a CCJ. Something had to change. I...
  20. P

    got a random bank giro transfer of 68.20 from ScotCo R (i’m guessing R means restaurants)

    what should i do? i’m not planning to spend the money after looking at other advice and will be calling my bank in the morning about it. from looking, they own kfc and i have never worked at a kfc in my life, possible accident or could it be a scam?