
  1. F

    J(S&S)ISA which grandparents can easily transfer?

    I've opened up a Vanguard JISA for our baby. In-laws kindly want to contribute £20 a month. However there doesn't appear to be an easy way for them to transfer the money in with vanguard in terms of a direct debit (they are not keen to transfer it into my account for me to then transfer it in...
  2. S

    Question about difference b/w Vanguard's Global All Cap Acc. and Income funds

    If I look at the performance of these two funds, although the Acc. version is a few pounds more expensive per unit, the performance is identical as far as I can see. If the Acc. version is constantly reinvesting dividends, and the Income version isn't, wouldn't we expect to see a gradual...
  3. D

    Buy an eSim rather than roaming when you’re next travelling abroad

    I hadn’t heard of this until last month, so thought I’d pass on how much cheaper it is to buy a disposable travel eSim when you’re abroad. Total gamechanger. I’m with O2 (the only big UK network that post-Brexit still includes free EU data roaming for new customers) but outside the EU their...
  4. S

    L&G Closing my investment account

    Hi All I've had an investment account with L&G for 15+ years which started as a 10K GBP deposit and then paying 600 GBP month into it. I now have moved overseas (which is why I don't have an ISA) and I probably won't come back to the UK after retirement. (I'm 50). L&G have written to me to...
  5. S

    0% p.a fixed interest - Retail spend?

    I got a credit card and It states; Promotional rate - you will pay 0% p.a fixed interest for 22 months on retail spend made in first 60 days from account opening. This is not my first credit card but never seen it worded like this. My question is? Does buying a holiday from JET2 or TUI count...
  6. J

    L&G pension fund advice for a novice investor

    Hi, I’m after some advice on a good L&G pension fund to invest in. My workplace salary sacrifice pension is held with L&G so I’m limited to the funds on offer from them. I can log in and change my investments easily but I’m not knowledgeable enough to confidently choose a fund/funds yet. I...
  7. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    I finally paid off all consumer debt this morning - £31,375.18 in 31 months. We used the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps method. It almost seems unreal. Being debt free seemed so far away in Jan of 2020 when we decided to knuckle down and get it paid. Just wanted to share. Edit to add a massive...
  8. B

    Can only afford to invest for c.2 years - still possible?

    I have just turned 23, and am looking to purchase a mortgage within the next 2 or so years. In 2 years’ time, I will be happy with the deposit I’ve been building in my LISA. However, I’m currently just shoving my income in my NatWest current account, and would much rather try my hand at...
  9. W

    Struggling to understand market bond funds - what would it take to raise their value

    I am struggling to understand bonds. I have this one in my managed portfolio BlackRock Overseas Government Bond Index Fund, Price £1.18, current yield 1.22%, yield 1.93% nominal average life 8.43yrs.
  10. C

    How can I sell paper certificate shares for the company 'Bombardier'? X-0 does not accept them

    Local firm is asking £500 to do it. Just seeing if there are cheaper options because X-Os website let's you do it yourself for £5.95, only they don't accept these particular kind of shares.
  11. S

    L&G International Index Fund charge for "dilution adjustment" of 0.15% for round trip - the what now?

    I was looking for a cheap Developed World fund and L&G International Index Fund (LGINTIA) came up in my search. The ongoing charge of 0.13% is attractive but on top if it there is a figure for dilution adjustment of 0.15%-round trip. I have never seen this before in any other fund/ETF I was...
  12. S

    What happens to your mortgage when you upsize?

    Sorry if this is a very basic question but I’m not originally from the UK and still getting familiar with how mortgages work here. Say I have a flat worth X with half of that in the mortgage at a rate of r1% and I want to sell my flat to buy a house worth 2X (to make things easy to reason...
  13. A

    Mortgage Float Down: L&C broker

    Morning all, I had a mortgage offer at 5.5% from Halifax a month ago brokered through L&C. I can see now that the same product interest has gone down a bit, and there are other products out there that would be cheaper. I recall my broker mentioning something about being able to change to a...
  14. P

    Baillie Gifford American Share Class A v B

    Hi all Just on HL Can anyone explain the difference between : baillie Gifford class B accum and baillie Gifford inclusive class A accum ? I know the difference between income and accum shares but not sure about diff classes within accum
  15. T

    EUR to GBP exchange w/o losing on FX rates when EUR is cash

    I'm a UK resident and my father (not a resident) is visiting us and happen to bring €4000 with him instead of £4000 (yes, you heard that right). And this amount is entirely in cash. What's the most effective way to exchange to GBP without losing a lot on FX rates? Post office, local exchange...
  16. H

    Yet another budget spreadsheet

  17. P

    Lifestrategy 100% Equity v S&P 500

    Hi guys, I'm a relatively young investor (22) and I'm currently putting around £300-£400 into my stocks and shares ISA per month. I'm hoping to keep doing this for pretty much the rest of my working life. I currently split this around 70/30 between Vanguards Lifestrategy 100% (70) and then the...
  18. J

    Planning for the next 5 years - at 30 y/o

    Hi all, Wanted to get some different perspectives on financial planning for my next move. I'm not a big earner and unlikely to earn substantially more than I do now unless I have a major career change. I live in London and own a flat outright worth circa £600k (early inheritance), and co-own a...
  19. N

    Vanguard's IRR seems to be much higher than I'd expect

    I'm trying to work out what's going on with the personal rate of return Vanguard gives you, as it seems to be wildly off for me. This is the number stated on the home screen, and when you view performance. I understand what IRR (and XIRR) are, and I realise the rate of return takes into account...
  20. S

    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    See screenshots Experian credit score was from 3/4 days ago. Been doing bank switches since March collecting bonuses. I’ve done 4 so far including NatWest. Could this be a reason why i cant apply for their credit card? Have 3 other credit cards i...