trading platform

  1. G

    Commission fees of buying VWRA on IBKR

    Hi everyone, I just got my IBKR account verified recently, and I wanted to purchase RM1500 (approximately 3 shares) worth of VWRA ETF. I'm planning to purchase it using tiered pricing as everyone suggests using it while purchasing a small volume of shares. After skimming through the tiered...
  2. G

    US stock brokerage fee comparison of several popular brokerages

    Was making a compilation of US brokerage fees now that Rakuten Trade has officially enabled their US trading feature. Thought to share with the community here. The below commission minimum totals are in USD (in the case of Rakuten trade, converted from MYR), and includes stamp duty and clearance...
  3. N

    Touch 'n Go, GO+ 4% Bonus rate, thoughts on this?

    On the 1st of November, Touch 'n Go launched a campaign under the GO+ investment features, which provide an additional 4% p.a. bonus rate on top of the daily return rate (1.47% p.a). The campaign only lasts for 3 months, which starts from 1 November 2021 until 31 January 2022. It is also stated...
  4. B

    Seeking advice for newbie investor planning to invest in global ETFs

    Hello! New to the sub here. After going thru a lot of PF content from US and SG recently, nice to find a community here covering this topic catered to Malaysia environment. Bit of background on myself, 33 y/o but I've basically squandered my income for the past 9 years of working experience...
  5. S

    Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks

    Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks. Check it out. Our own gomen launching retail patform to buy US shares. Look for MIDF Invest in appstore n playstore Edit: Had to say this after reading few of the comments. Guys, the point I want to put forward is the fact tht...
  6. M

    Why is IBKR more worth it than Stashaway?

    I've looked through some post recently. One notable post that stood out was OP asking if DCAing RM100/RM200 monthly into IBKR for S&P500 was worth it or not. Some comments suggested Stashaway with a custom portfolio that uses the S&P 500. Fees for Stashaway: 0.1% Conversion fees 0.8%...