the financially challenged

  1. T

    shopping refund

    Hi reddit. Im not sure this qualifies to be in here but i need help 6 weeks ago i made a purchase on an ecommerce website: a bunch up of formal wear. I was hoping to get new clothes for my work wardrobe. I eventually ended up cancelling my order the very same day because a friend of mine told...
  2. J

    Emergency savings: HOW MUCH???

    Dave Ramsey suggests Emergency Savings of $1,000 to start. Vanguard suggests at least $2,000 in this new video: Who should we follow?
  3. A

    Free Wifi HotSpots for students K-12

    T-Mobile is giving out free wifi hotspots for grades K- 12 students who don't have internet access. The hotspots give 100gb of data for one year, so it's really intended for just doing homework and not much beyond that. There are some eligibility requirements, check if you qualify here...
  4. N

    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    I feel too rich for this sub and too poor for the other one. r/Frugal seems to be a lot of people taking the long route to save a few cents. Is there another sub that might be a better fit? I literally receive EBT and live paycheck-to-paycheck now that I’m on my own, but I grew up upper-middle...
  5. A

    Just got a message from a friend that he lost all of his money with one of those online casinos.

    So he said he saw this great signup bonus at Red Dog casino.. something like +250% your deposit. I told him not to do it but he said it's too good of an opportunity to pass up. He deposited $1200 dollars so he had a starting balance of roughly $4,000. His playthrough was also over $100k...
  6. T

    Car Insurance went up 77% in the last six months. F**k Progressive

    I just got my renewal letter today. Six months ago I paid $638 for six months of coverage and now they want $1133. No tickets. One "no fault" accident where I hit a deer. I would hate to see what they would have charged me if I had an accident that was my fault. Time to find a new company.
  7. J

    Save money by unplugging devices

    Don't underestimate the lost electricity. Imagine that electricity is water and it's constantly pouring out of ALL your OUTLETS when you have something plugged in. I have personally tested this by turning off the outlet, plugged in an extension cord with red light button and plugged a...
  8. A

    Should I live on a house boat, or a converted vehicle for the next 3-6 months?

    Situation is complicated. Long term plan is for girlfriend and I to save up and find a place. I live in florida and rent is outrageous. I need something safe and cheap to quickly save up. Otherwise I'm working to pay bills and that's it. I'm in a unique position where the areas I plan to be...
  9. P

    Looking For Ideas Of What To Do Since I Can't Afford Survival Apparently

    Long story short (But to give the best context I can for advice) I lived on the west coast when I bought my car for 5K in 2018. It's supposed to be paid off right now, but I still currently owe 6K on the loan due to interest/fees and I've already paid off nearly 10K. They got me good. I got...
  10. V

    I got my dream job and it's been hell ever since.

    Original: On mobile I will do my best. I went from making well below median income for my area, to almost $10K above median. How? I applied for my dream job with a Word doc resume I built using ATS (applicant tracking system software) to make sure my resume got into the hands of a person to...
  11. 7

    19 y/o on The Verge of Homelessness

    I'm 19 and live with my girlfriend. Her family is being kicked out of their place. I don't have a credit or work history, so finding a new home seems impossible. I've got $5000 and a broken-down car because I'm trying to fix the engine. It's tough to work on it at my friend's garage, and I can't...
  12. J

    Being kicked out of an rv, need advice

    For reference, this isn't for me. This is for my childhood friend (K) and his mom, of whom I cannot help myself as they live several states away in Oregon. I'm trying to save up money to help them, they're essentially my family. Some background: K's mom has health issues, and receives...
  13. R

    Cheesy Tater Tot Casserole- Budget Friendy-4 Ingredients- Easy Meal

    Casserole Recipe: Tater Tot Casserole: In a skillet brown 1 pound ground beef Drain beef Return beef to skillet and add 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup Blend or mix together with a spoon to combined Transfer beef and Cream of Mushroom soup mixture to a glass baking dish Add 1 layer of shredded...
  14. J

    Electricity Tips

    This is a thread to brainstorm ways to save money on electricity/heating. Chime in with your tips and tricks so together we can all save our cents. So far I have got, Check out different power providers. If you haven't changed in the last year, have a hunt around and see if you can swap to...
  15. M

    Does anyone know the best way to get affordable fish?

    I would love to get more fish into my diet, but it's so expensive! I don't live near the ocean and I'm not that good at fishing. I potentially could fillet whole fish, but would definitely be a new skill to learn! I can do it but takes ages and there's a bit of waste. Is buying a whole fish...
  16. J


    Little bit of a vent post from a throwaway account. I'm not sure what I'm trying to achieve but really struggling with wanting a little bit more cash at the end of the week and just not being able to get there. I want to express I'm very grateful for the social welfare in place for lower income...
  17. C

    Spending smarter - cheaper meals at restaurants If you eat early you can book tables with up to 50% off. Search by region.
  18. R

    Saving up $20,000 for a Sailboat - On a Benefit (Long-Term Accountability Post)

    Income: $475pw average (benefit + part time job below cutoff point)Rent: $165 (caravan) Goals: $200 a week. Could do up to $250 a week, but $200 is more realistic, and still achieves the goal on time (in 2 years - 52 x 200 = 10400. 10400 x 2 = 20800).Sailboat: Nothing less than 32ft. With...
  19. B

    Any suggestions for financial assistance

    Kia ora, I am really struggling. I have a full-time job. I have no sick leave or annual leave to use at this stage. I don't want to get into the details here but I experienced SA after walking home from work last night. At work today, I am having strong feelings of suicide. I cannot imagine...
  20. E

    Cheap but good coffee

    Scrolling back, I'm surprised not to see a thread on coffee, so here goes: For me, there's a clear winner: Gregg's Special Blend, usually $2.49 for 90gm. (And famously a $1 loss leader at the Warehouse, who have now dropped it for their own brand - which is absolute shit). Special Blend would be...