the financially challenged

  1. B

    I can’t work and do school full time. Mom is demanding rent. I’d rather live in my car than give up school to pay her mortgage

    I never thought the strain in our relationship would be over money. I didn’t Think it could be our family. I feel this has broken my idea of who my mother is. I’m just trying to move up in life and get my engineering degree. She chose her new husband over me and I’ve accepted that but did I...
  2. F

    My lease ends 8/31. No one will communicate how to resign for the year..

    UPDATE: So a lot of people assumed they wanted to remove us. You were wrong as were we. They wanted to trap us into a month to month lease. We gave notice this week after taking the advice and locating another place. Thankfully it's larger and way better for us. However, we spoke with the...
  3. A

    Riskier borrowers under inflation pressure frozen out of US car loans (FT) Lenders concentrate on consumers with better credit and delinquencies rise in subprime tier Lenders are extending fewer loans to the car buyers with the riskiest profiles, a sign that they are bracing for an economic slowdown that...
  4. S

    Im not a robot!

    I'm almost 25 y/o and I'm embarrassed to say I'm just now realizing this. I grew up dirt poor in the deep south. Obviously, college wasn't an option for me (didn't stop me from trying though) because A: couldn't afford the loans and grants weren't enough and B: I needed to work to support myself...
  5. C

    Fed myself really healthy for 4 days for around $30

    I only buy certain things when they are on sale and I feel like i hit the jackpot this week for food. Actually walked out with 4 full bags for $60.(which with food prices is pretty good these days. So sad) BUT, The last 3 days I've eaten so much and so good, thanks to half off and sales. It IS...
  6. M

    Anyone do day trading with Hatch?

    Is there anyone here doing day trading in Hatch? I got few questions. How is the tax payment process for day trading? And any pros and cons?
  7. J

    On self help gurus

    Honestly, I feel that 99% of those self help gurus are just full of shit. It took me years to screen out the genuine human beings that actually want to help you. I found two so far who fit in that category, Scooby1961 for nutrition (+ other things) and David Goggins for changing your mindset...
  8. A

    Need help on if I should let the impound lot keep my car.

    Car was loaned at 23k. I think I only have like 8 months left till the thing is paid off.. ~~ general Depression, tried to end it, blah blah ~~ fell behind on all my bills, car got repossessed, but j kept my apt. Car didn’t have insurance. And was in a bad car accident. Will cost about...
  9. R

    How am I supposed to keep up with inflation? (school teacher)

    I've worked at my school district since 2014. I thought I was making good money back then at $67k/ year. I just compared my salary history to inflation and it's not looking great. It says I've lost $22,528 to inflation. I've been getting raises and been doing a great job. I guess this is why we...
  10. O

    Is it worth it to move back home while working on going back to school for a career pivot?

    Background: I hold two degrees both of which are essentially useless. I work in academia and the pay is barely enough to keep the lights on. I wanted out in the long term so I can build financial security, currently being able to save consistently involves monitoring every penny out but even...
  11. B

    Forget shrinkflation. Let’s “discontinue” a product and rename and repackage it at a much higher price!

    How dumb do these companies think we are? First, this happened with my cat’s food. I used to get a 6-lb bag for $28 last year. Then Purina “discontinued” it and relabeled it as 4-in-1 (whatever the hell that means) and it is now a 5-lb bag for $37. Now my bar soap. I got a two pack (5 oz each)...
  12. M

    Feed 1 Person for ~$110 (plus taxes)

    Kroger 1 Kroger 2 Kroger 3 Walmart 1 Walmart 2 Walmart 3 Walmart 4 Walmart 5 Walmart 6 Walmart 7 So I was inspired by the post @porven made a few months back regarding how to feed 1 person for $50/month here: . I played around with it some, doubled the budget for more variety, and...
  13. R

    (Vent Incoming) My wife and I are both about to lose our jobs. More anger than despair

    I was just told that after March, no one at my job is guaranteed employment, but given the option to go to our competitor (which i worked at for 6 years before getting so fed up, i quit) for a $2+ p/h pay cut, with no other business within a 2 hour drive, doing the same work. My wife was the...
  14. Z

    I know y’all are feeling this too..

    I am a 21 year old woman living with my grandmother in Eastern Kentucky. I had been living in the ghetto in Louisville, $650 a month with a 50 yr old roommate who was an xray tech. Due to groceries, gas, gas bill, electric, etc, me and her both could barely afford the place. I had 2 jobs, one...
  15. A

    If you are in the U.S. and can't afford insurance you should know about K health

    Like many others I lost my job and insurance due to the pandemic. I woke up with a abscess tooth and had no way to pay to go the urgent care. So I did a little research (after panicking) and learned about an app called K health. It is $20 the first time you use it to chat with a doctor online...
  16. O

    Can I post a big F You to the idiots who keep EBT customers waiting 1.5 hours on phone?

    Like, why the fuck can’t they staff more people in those industries? Why is it that on Facebook or Twitter you can get help, assistance, bells and whistles, and what not when these are frivolous and unnecessary entities, but necessary things like food stamps and unemployment bureaus are...
  17. K

    I shouldn't have to choose between having money or healthcare

    That's it. That's the whole argument. My wife shouldn't have to turn down decent paying jobs because she'd lose her current insurance that covers everything. I shouldn't have to sit down and do a fuckton of math and figure out if x insurance would cover everything at a y pay and if y is greater...
  18. P

    Getting $1/h raise!

    I'm getting a teeny tiny raise at work. Grocery inflation is going to eat it, but I was going to have to adjust the budget, putting less into savings and now I shouldn't have to.
  19. J

    Accepted a job and doubled my salary

    I did it guys! After struggling from paycheck to paycheck for my entire adult life, I have landed my first “big girl job”. Most entry level jobs in my field pay $45-50k/year. I took a chance and asked for $70k in the interview because I know how urgent their staffing need is, and we met roughly...
  20. F

    poverty shaming micro aggression "wHy DoN't YoU bUy ThAt ThInG yOu NeEd AnD cAn'T aFfOrD?!"

    I'm so tired of it. It's not a productive question. The only point of asking that is to assert that I am making a choice to be in poverty. It's never a question that comes from trying to understand, empathize, or help. The "Why" is always a fucking subliminal demand to Fix It or Get Your Shit...