
  1. R

    Double Taxation Treaty Ireland/Germany: Remote Working

    Hello, I am a German citizen (based in Germany) who has been offered a research position at an Irish university. My work can be done totally remotely so I would like to postpone the move for the next six or seven months, if possible. My boss has no problem with that but I don't fully understand...
  2. S

    Tax treatment of renting rooms to flatmates in your primary residence? Claiming tax back.

    Like many first-home buyers, I've had to bring in a flatmate to help pay the bills. With the tax year ending, I'd like to share how taxes apply to this situation as few people seem to be aware. If you do not report the rental income or apply the often-misquoted tax-free threshold of $222 pp p/w...
  3. S

    Where can I get help with my tax filing?

    Sorry this is my second attempt to get guidance on how to correctly fill in my overdue 2023 tax return. If this isn't the correct subreddit/forum please can you redirect me to the correct channels. Don't plan on spanning just need some urgent assistance.😔
  4. F

    LTGC on equity Fund of Funds: Entire Income at existing slab?

    I was reading an equity-based FoF here at ValueResearch It is mentioned: Capital Gains Taxation: If investment is made on or after 1 April 2023: Entire amount of gain is added to the...
  5. S

    Can ask for assistance with overdue tax return?(Sold stocks at EE and cant figure out how to fill it in income tax form)

    Hi, first timer with all this. Your help would be gladly appreciated. I've missed the return for tax year 2023 I'm trying to understand how to correctly indicate I sold 2 stocks(at loss for both) in the income tax form option. Tax certificate on EE USD Here are my questions: Question 1...