
  1. J

    Forcing to pay any taxes in Spain

    Let's consider following case: 1) I am EU citizen (Poland). 2) I want to rent a flat in Barcelona, Spain from 01.06.2024 to 31.05.2025 (that means I need to have NIE). 3) I want to stay 182 days in Barcelona in Barcelona from 01.06.2024 to 31.05.2025 with a break for Christmas holidays in...
  2. S

    Is C.P.P. inheritance taxed before I receive it or come tax time? (Ontario)

    I received the remainder of my grandfather's CPP last spring, almost a year after he passed. I have heard that it is taxed before I receive it, but after some googling I can't find any info on it so that I can be sure when filing taxes. Any help is appreciated!
  3. D

    Parents put me on their marketplace insurance (1095-A) without telling me now my tax return went from $225 refund to paying $4.6k. What can I do?

    As the title suggests, I'm filling out my tax return for this year and it was rejected because it said I was missing a 1095-A form. This seemed strange to me as I've been working at my company for 2 years and I'm insured through them so I asked my parents and they said they put me on their plan...
  4. M

    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    Thoughts? Regret is something you're supposed to feel for not contributing to RRSPs. But for years now, Jamie Golombek has been hearing from retirees who rue the day they started...
  5. T

    Claiming LTA tax exemption when source and destination are completely different

    Wanted to claim LTA tax exemption (FBP) on one of my recent travel journey. But the thing is my source and destination in both outward and return journey tickets are completely different due to a couple of complications that I faced. (Took taxi, flight got canceled at connecting airport). So I...
  6. A

    How to calculate tax when self employed and employed

    I’m trying to estimate my tax (I have used the IRD’s calculator) but that only calculates one income stream or the other not both. How does income coming in as self employed and as an employee affect the tax brackets for each calculation? E.g. I earn 100,000 self employed (I wish) which puts...
  7. C

    H&R Block and Form 8959: The answer to a 4-year-old mystery

    For the first time ever, my adult son (20 years old) is required to file. Since he's away at school, I'm doing it for him. His income: $175 in wages, $17 in interest, and a roughly $6K capital gain from stock purchased when he was an infant. (That last item is the reason he needs to file.) In...
  8. C

    [BE] Dividend @ DeGiro and Belgian Taxation - How does it work?

    Hello eupersonalfinance, Original dutch post @ Some question for the Belgian people in the community. I have an account @ DeGiro where I deposit some money every month in a IWDA ETF (free because it's their core selection). But I have not yet decided how I can make my porfolio/mindset more...
  9. R

    Taxing a Worker Owned GbR in Germany

    Hello, we're a small company providing logistics in Germany (courier services via bikes). We registered as a GbR to have it represnt us to clients. 4 of us are registered as members, and occasionally we have non member freelancers doing shifts "for" us. In practice the company shouldn't have any...
  10. K

    Really confused about a job offer

    I’m a 2001 Spanish national which is about o complete his Bachelors degree (this summer), and start a Masters+PhD in October (all my studies are in the U.K.). So I don’t know much about taxes, international salaries, etc. I have been working for this Spanish company for the last 4 years. My job...
  11. F

    Tax on a global shares portfolio in NZ compared to Australia

    Does anyone have any analysis on how FIRE'ing or investing in global shares compares in NZ and Australia? Here is some simple modelling in the below scenario, but wondering if anyone has a excel spreadsheet or other analysis? - Assuming average long-term stock return rates, 7% real market...
  12. L

    Recent freelancer and I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do about tax

    I started working as a freelancer at the beginning of last year. Having spent a good deal of time away this year, I have only recently gotten back to work and become aware that taxes are supposed to be completed by the end of this month. I never registered as a freelancer/sole trader and I...
  13. J

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    Not a personal question, more of an economic theory/policy/politics/legal question. We have USC/PRSI and then income tax, ... .. in some kind of dreamland, what would happen if we (Ireland) got rid of USC/PRSI altogether, and funded whatever those expenses were fr taxes. And then retailored...
  14. C

    I need some help with CGT on profits from stocks

    So early January till February I got into investing and I ended up being about 2 k in a loss and from what I’ve heard if ur in a loss from a trade u can minus that from the tax u owe . So I stopped trading until about late September and now I managed to make about 16 k . Now my question is if my...
  15. Q

    I wrote some tax saving measures for every class of salaried employee other than 80C deductions. I'd love your feedback

    It may be well known to some, but not all employees are aware of all tax-saving measures and their nitty-gritty details. TLDR: The Old Regime of Tax is Beneficial for Majority of the Taxpayers for the FY 23-24. Plan for your Deductions now. House Rent Allowance (Section 10(13A)) 100% of HRA...
  16. T

    Buying Bonds and Distributing ETFs from Poland: Withholding tax

    Hi! As a beginner investor, I was researching ways to diversify my rather unbalanced (100% VUSA) portfolio. I decided to buy some US Treasury bonds and simply hold them until maturity. However, I came across this thing called "withholding tax". AFAIK, this tax gets applied when I receive any...
  17. E

    Bed & Breakfast in the Republic

    Hello, according to Irish revenue:,your%20spouse%20or%20civil%20partner. As many of you I was wondering how a legit strategy of Bed and Breakfast...
  18. M

    Help with T3 MyCRA

    In my RBC DI account my tax documentation includes a T3 slip for 4 ETFs. Let's call them A,B,C,D. It would be appear to be a summary of those activities for the year all included in 1 T3 slip. When looking at the tax slips in MyCRA, there is no record of the T3 from RBC, but there is a record...
  19. R

    Double Taxation Treaty Ireland/Germany: Remote Working

    Hello, I am a German citizen (based in Germany) who has been offered a research position at an Irish university. My work can be done totally remotely so I would like to postpone the move for the next six or seven months, if possible. My boss has no problem with that but I don't fully understand...
  20. S

    Tax treatment of renting rooms to flatmates in your primary residence? Claiming tax back.

    Like many first-home buyers, I've had to bring in a flatmate to help pay the bills. With the tax year ending, I'd like to share how taxes apply to this situation as few people seem to be aware. If you do not report the rental income or apply the often-misquoted tax-free threshold of $222 pp p/w...