
  1. H

    Cross Border Tax Question (Dual Citizen residing in Ontario) - US Remote Contract Work Opportunity

    Dual citizen (US & Canadian) residing in Toronto with an Ontario Corporation (Engineering Consulting) since 2013. I have a new US client in Seattle which I want to enter a 8-month contract with (doing remote work from Ontario). For the US tax purposes for the corporation: 1) Do I need to...
  2. R

    The 2024 TFSA dollar limit is, or is not, possibly maybe confirmed, but not really, at $7,000, by me and not the CRA

    Note: on the mobile app, you may need to swipe to the right on the table to see all 7 columns. The average monthly CPI for all items for October 2022 to September 2023 was 155.875 (source), representing an increase of 4.7% over the previous 12-month period. As a result, the indexed TFSA dollar...
  3. A

    What am I meant to put in net chargeable gain?

    According to this youtube video your net chargeable gain is shares sold minus the €1270 personal exemption however my chargeable gains for the year are €946 for the year which is below the €1270 which means my net chargeable gain would be 0 however you can't put that in the form so what am I...
  4. C

    HBP Repayment

    I had about $3500 left to pay back into my HBP withdrawal from 2 years ago. In November 2022, I did a payment to my account of the exact amount owed, resulting in a balance owed of $0. I know PFC is going to yell at me for not investing it, but I just wanted to not have to remember it every tax...
  5. D

    Deemed disposal on investment funds

    I couldn't find a specific answer on this so asking in general. I own some ETFs and I know they are subjected to deemed disposal, but what about investment funds? Is everything that's actively o passively managed subjected to deemed disposal? Some examples could be the F&c investment Trust...
  6. D

    Freelancer relocating to Italy vs Poland

    Hello After few weeks of intensive research, I am leaving Romania for either Italy South or Poland (I leave Romania because the tax situation is nighmare and unpredictable, by the way, the government try to pass a juridic stuff in order to be able to apply tax change basically within a month...
  7. A

    1099-R w/ Roth conversion, H&R Block says it's wrong?

    EDIT 3/30/23: I went to go remove code G as suggested in a comment, but HRB seems to have finally resolved this issue. I did an in-plan conversion to Roth 401k, so my 1099-R has: Box 1) $amount Box 2a) same $amount [which it should be in this case] Box 7) G (direct rollover) Selected "I...
  8. M

    Changing tax residency within EU and Degiro

    Hello everyone, I am a bit confused to invest more with Degiro, since I have started investing not that long ago. Would you be so kind to advise me on what will happen if I change my tax residency? Meaning, I am a Spanish resident, registered with Spanish Degiro and have my Spanish bank...
  9. J

    Another t1135 question. Please help

    Please help! I believe I've read almost all t1135 posts, and they're quite case-specific. My questions are basic (please don't refer me to the CRA website and/or definitions as I've read and reread them. I also read what's on and similar websites I've come across from other t1135...
  10. W

    Should I claim 0 or 1?

    I (f23) want to get the most out of my refund. I do not own any property besides a car I purchased last year (I don't know how taxes work on vehicles). I live in an apartment with my partner and my roommate. Please explain it like I'm five
  11. M

    S&P 500 UCITS ETF (Acc) Irish domicile tax in Greece

    Hi and sorry for noob question but i am lost about etf taxes.I live in Greece and i want to invest iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (Acc) IE00B5BMR087 Irish domicile.In Greece ucits ETF is tax free (too good to be true?).So, that means after ALL i will have -0% tax? -15% tax because Double...
  12. T

    Deductions allowed under new(current) tax regime. Megathread

    In my previous post, I covered the popular deductions that have been disallowed under the current(new) tax regime. In this post, I will be covering the important deductions that are still allowed under the new tax regime. Here we go: Standard deduction of Rs. 50000 from salary Contribution...
  13. B

    Question on declaring loss w.r.t. foriegn income

    Hi folks, Want to know if there is a provision to declare capital loss on the sale of foreign shares and carry forward to subsequent years. Is this possible at all? If so, under what section should we be declaring such loss and for how many years that loss can be applicable? Wherever I look, I...
  14. K

    Inheritance tax

    Hello everybody, I am basically an idiot for understanding business and tax policies and know next to nothing about inheritance tax and schemes. I will be looking at in the future inheriting a fairly large tillage farm in north kildare (600 acres) with and adjacent large house. I understand...
  15. S

    1099-C Ally Financial

    I received a 1099-C (Cancellation of Debt) from Ally Financial for almost 10k. I have tried reaching out to them several times and can’t get ahold of anyone. It’s an automated system and no matter what time of day I call after I enter my SS# it says there offices are closed. I am not sure what...
  16. T

    Stamp Duty on Site with Planning

    Just about to buy a fully serviced site which comes with planning permission. Do I have to pay 1% or 7.5% stamp duty? Or do I pay 7.5% on the site, and claim back the difference on the price of the build? Thanks
  17. T

    For freelancers working with US clients: Here is the difference in form W-8 BEN and Form 8233 and why US companies make you file W-8BEN

    Another night another post. These forms relate to exemption from withholding of taxes in the USA(read: US version of TDS in India) and the standard rate of withholding is 30%. Tl;dr: You are required to file form W-8 BEN only and it allows you to avoid withholding in the USA. Plus it is easier...
  18. W

    Double taxation (PT/IE)

    Hi everyone, I (Italian nationality) used to live and work in Portugal (Lisbon, July 2016-March 2019) for a local company and used to have a tax address (= morada fiscal) there too. I subsequently decided to move to Ireland on a temporary basis and lived/worked there for almost two years...
  19. W

    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    Hi there, I just wanted to understand why is everyone against the 8 year deemed disposal rule on ETFs? If you invest for 40 months and after that period you sell and pay your taxes its the same as paying those taxes every 8 months. So, if you're not paying more taxes and you're not forced to...
  20. S

    Canadian in Australia...providing services to a Canadian client

    I need some help with understanding the implications of the following setup. But first a couple of details about myself: - I am a Canadian citizen - I am a deemed non-resident of Canada - I am a tax resident of Australia I have a sole proprietor business here in Australia providing software...