
  1. C

    Got a job offer at PwC but a bit skeptial to accept after seeing the news about the tax scandal, what should I do?

    As the title says
  2. S

    Tax help for an Australian living in Japan - working remotely for an Australian company

    Hi All! As the title says, I'm an Aussie living in Japan, and I'm working remotely for my Aussie company. I've been here in Japan almost 2 years - on a working holiday visa initially (until March this year) and on a spouse visa since then. I've been working remotely for my Aussie company the...
  3. M

    Tax Filing Question for Foreign Income

    I'm working in Sg and remit part of my salary back monthly in 2023. There is this new income tax law gazetted in 2021 that foreign source income include employment remit back to MY subjected to tax, however it's exempted from 2022 to 2026. My questions 1) Do I still need to file my remittance...
  4. H

    How do you fill out your U.S. taxes with the 源泉徴収票 , it doesn't seem to have the Box - b Employer ID Number (EIN) or Federal ID.

    I have spent days maybe weeks worth of hours of researching and trying to contact the IRS and my taxes are so simple... I made hardly anything, but between trying to figure out how to fill it in, and being told by the IRS number the answer is on the website but it's not, and the differences...
  5. S

    What should I be paying an accountant?

    Anyone have any idea on what’s reasonable and what’s ridiculous? Currently my structure is the following and shows revenue and also accountant fees (keep in mind this excludes bookkeeping and BAS lodgements as they are done internally, this is purely tax planning, advice and tax lodging)...
  6. B

    Need Help in Redo LHDN e-filling

    I wrongly declare my earning of 2022, need to redo but I've already submitted it. What can I do to redo the e-filing?
  7. E

    Spreadsheets for tax reporting of overseas dividends and stock trades

    Someone asked about this privately, and in order to share, and perhaps learn something myself (eg, improvements), here are the column headings in a couple of spreadsheets I use in my tax reporting. Here's the one for (1) trades, and another for (2) dividends. (There's one more for interest, but...
  8. K

    Help, do I need to file for taxes (BE form) if i earned less than 25 k last year??

    So basically my 2023 is 10 months involved in a protege program (less than 2k a month and no epf) then the last 2 months, i became a full time employee at another company ( b4 deductions 3.5k and i get the standard epf contribution). So in total, the year 2023 i have earned is RM 25,460……. So...