tax » inheritance / estate

  1. S

    Inheritance tax. Leave japan and come back?

    Some people Amy consider this immoral or something but I need to ask if someone has done this and if it’s possible. Me and my sister will inherit 3 properties collective value is 2 million dollars (about) Liquid assets is about 5-6 split two ways. Then there’s stock and bonds and some...
  2. G

    Need to cancel juminhyo, close bank account, remitting the balance to my US bank, managing property from the US

    Hi, I’ll see if I can keep this simple but I need some pointers of what to keep in mind. Here’s some context to my situation. You can skip to the end for my questions: I am a dual citizen, US and Japan. I was born and raised in Japan but currently living in the US. (let’s avoid talking about...
  3. T

    How to split ownership on new house purchase

    We are both US Citizens and US tax residents. Married for over 20 years in the US. During this time, husband earned all the money from his job, but all money are in “joint” accounts because the American way of thinking about this money is that it is “joint” money earned while we were married...
  4. T

    Calculation of spouse credit for inheritance tax

    UPDATE: I found this webpage from Shika Law that explains the calculation in English such that I am now able to understand the method in the tax law. The key to this webpage is that they very carefully define the terms they are using which helps avoid the confusion I had when reading the...