tax » income » year end adjustment

  1. H


    Hi everyone, I've just came to Japan for 9 months and I am currently a permanent (正社員) of company A and I do some freelance stuffs (業務委託) for company B. Company A take care of all my tax, I do not have to submit anything. Company B just sent me a 源泉徴収税額 for the income I earned in 2022. The...
  2. H

    Need help about unique tax situation

    I was working at company A but left it for company B. Things did not work out with company B and I left after 1 week After leaving company B, I joined company C. Company C thinks I joined right them right after company A. I was/am full time employee at all these companies. This being tax...
  3. J

    Is taking a percentage of tax refund a normal thing for an account?

    Awhile back when I was asking my friends if they had a tax accountant, and what they charged, one of my friends said that his accountant takes 20% of their tax refund as their fee. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but came across this post, where everyone saying it was unethical (maybe...
  4. S

    Year end tax return calculation confusion for misc income

    I am filing my taxes and I can not understand the calculation of tax resulting from my miscellaneous income. - This is the site I use. I would like to at least confirm that roughly it looks correct. My salary income: 9 M ~ 15 M My misc...