tax » income » expenses

  1. B

    Trading name / business address v personal for kojin jigyo expenses?

    Hello, First of all apologies for the basic questions, but I’m just at the start of setting everything up for my freelance business and am a bit worried I’ll make a mistake here that could wipe out my ability to claim any startup or ongoing monthly expenses. I am planning to submit the kaigyo...
  2. M

    Buying house in Japan

    Hey all, was looking for a Japan real estate sub but I think this is the closest (*also posted on /movingtojapan) I’m gonna get so let me ask - Currently living in the US with solid plans to move to Japan. Want to buy a house ahead of time in my favorite little town in Saitama (😆) Questions...
  3. I

    A few questions about Koshin Jigyo’s

    Is there a limit to the number of Koshi Jigyo's that can be established by a single person? Am I correct in understanding that business expenses from one break-even/in-losses KJ can be deducted from the taxable income another KJ? If goods were purchased, e.g. hardware, prior to establishing a KJ...
  4. M

    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    Hello Reddit, I don’t usually post here but I am feeling a little desperate for some advice or just to hear what options I have. I am currently 27 years old, Japanese citizen, grew up in the states so I know English. I live with my dad (80 y/o) and mom (60 y/o) in a decent house. They are...