south africa

  1. L

    The Index Card of Financial Rules

    Someone just posted on the Fat Wallet Community on Facebook (the group for listeners of the Fat Wallet Show podcast) about a book called The Index Card by Harold Pollack and Helaine Olen. The concept is that all the personal financial advice you need can be written on an index card, such an...
  2. L

    Sygnia Retirement Annuity Options

    I have the Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 70 fund (0.43% TER) through the Sygnia RA. I’m happy with the nearly 30% max offshore exposure but wish it had more equity exposure (currently 69% and can be up to 75%) and less in cash (nearly 7% currently) Does anyone manage their own Sygnia RA, and what...
  3. L

    I’m about to make R1 million at 34!

    I’m a yoga teacher, single, child-free and this month I will reach R1 million in savings and investments at 34 years old. I work in Japan at a holiday resort and can save my entire salary of R24 000 net a month because food and accommodation is taken care of. I have R48 000 in my Japanese bank...
  4. S

    Satrix MSCI World Vs 10x Total world for TFSA

    Hey y'all, I'm very new to investing so any input/advice/criticism is greatly appreciated. I've been looking between the Satrix MSCI World ETF and the 10x Total World ETF for my TFSA (EE). I know that Total World has lower fees and is more diverse (includes emerging markets while Msci world...
  5. F

    Airbnb tax implications

    Hi All, So I am about to start running an apartment for airbnb, the apartment is fully financed and I've started to do some renovations on the apartment and purchasing items for the running of it as an airbnb. So from a tax perspective it's not registered in a company and it's registered on...
  6. R

    TFSA - ETF

    I have been browsing and searching the sub the last couple of weeks. Going to be using EE for the first time and looking to start up my long term investments in TFSA Would the below be good suggestion to start with? ( this is what i saw most ppl reccomended in here) 10X total world 1nvest...
  7. A

    ZAR500k early inheritance from a parent

    As a sort of early inheritance my mother wants to give me and my sister each 500k with the caveat that we invest it for the future. Do any of you know what the best options are to: a) avoid paying a lot of tax on it? b) what you would do with it for a long term investment? I am in my mid 30s...
  8. H

    Platforms to buy US index funds on + Funds db for local offers?

    Hi guys, other than EE are there any SA platforms that will let me buy Vanguard, IShares etc? Also, is there a good fund website with information about the different local funds (e.g. Core Shares, Satrix, Sygnia etc) ranked according to performance, and their 3-Y, 5-Y returns, and risk ratios...
  9. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    Hi, New here but let's not waste time. My wife and I earn R62K gross collectively in a month. Her car is old and I have spent 50k on it in 2 years and currently, it is worth around R80K. We are considering selling it and buying a Corolla Cross for R400K. We want to put down a deposit of R100k...
  10. J

    Credit Card

    Hi everyone. So I recently got a credit card because it was a suggestion from clearscore to improve my credit score. I do understand that I have to be savvy with my credit and I plan on using it mildly since I don’t really need it and I want to use it solely to improve my score. But I don’t...
  11. M

    I need help with growing my extra money

    Okay so I’m working in South Korea atm and I’ll have about an extra R10k n month (or more) and I have no idea what I can do to actually grow this money into something? I’ve got a one year contract and might do another year with a salary increase….. any advice or pointers on what I can do to...
  12. R

    Does Easy Equity's new mandatory Thrive "loyalty program" violate the Consumer Protection Act?

    I'm pretty pissed about how they handled this whole thing. I didn't even find out about it until I happened to see that my account had a negative balance in the Discovery Bank app. Then I went to check my emails to see how EE communicated this, and it looks like the first time it was mentioned...
  13. J

    What do you do with money you have saved and extra income in SA?

    I am a 19 year old in South Africa and have about R60 000 saved up in a fixed compound account (7.70% nominal). Making, give or take, R15000 per month. Monthly expenses are R2000 food and R1400 petrol. I know this may feel like i’m overreacting but I am really stressed about being in my 20s...
  14. E

    Retirement trade off: RA, TFSA, and a personal account

    I’m crunching some numbers on my retirement savings and I’m looking for anyone to point out flaws in my logic or subtleties I may be missing. In terms of my retirement savings, I believe I have 3 options of putting money away. Retirement vehicles Retirement products (pension fund/retirement...
  15. A

    The enduring myth of the collapsing rand

    Hi all I frequently come across both posts and comments that lament, express concern over or suggest investment decisions based on the supposed common knowledge that the rand has lost massive value and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This is fortunately closer to myth than...
  16. S

    Where can I get help with my tax filing?

    Sorry this is my second attempt to get guidance on how to correctly fill in my overdue 2023 tax return. If this isn't the correct subreddit/forum please can you redirect me to the correct channels. Don't plan on spanning just need some urgent assistance.😔
  17. C

    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    Currently at absa and EE. My personal investments have not been that great (up about 20% but that's over like 7 years), so I kinda want to switch to something a bit more guaranteed with less ups and downs. Something with compounding interest.
  18. J

    Car recommendations under R450 000

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for a car - new not second hand - that’s under R450 000. It should have decent technological features, good fuel economy and should look good. Any recommendations appreciated.
  19. T

    Vitality or Vitality active?

    I’m looking to take out a virgin active gym membership and I’d like someone to recommend what the best option for me would be. For some context, I’m looking to take out a membership that will allow me to gym at two different clubs (one close to work and one near my home). Furthermore, I do play...
  20. T

    Student finance advice

    Hi all, I have a few questions regarding my personal finance. I'm currently a student living off of an allowance of about R5 000. I have a Tax Free Savings and Trusave account with ABSA. For the last 12 months or so I have been putting R250 into the TFS each month, and then whatever funds I...