south africa

  1. L

    Interactive Brokers announces zero monthly maintenance fees

    This is fantastic. I've been hanging onto the EE USD account for its fee structure but I rate it's time to switch. Has anyone else done a position transfer from EE to IBKR?
  2. A

    I'm a 25 (F) year old Candidate Attorney receiving a stipend of 7k per month

    I live in a small town and stay home, so my fixed monthly expenses aren't that much (approx R 2 500). Every month I invest about 2 000 towards my Easy Equity TFSA and 1800 to my emergency fund using Tyme Bank. I spend between R 500 - 700 monthly towards electricity, bread, milk and other...
  3. F

    Is it worth paying with FNB for groceries for e-bucks?

    My husband has an FNB account and I have Nedbank, he gets his salary and im pretty much a SAHM with a very minimal side job. So the way we split finances is he transfers me the full amount for groceries and baby budget and I pay for it all with Nedbank, I earn a little bit of greenbacks rewards...
  4. C

    Vehicle Maintenance

    Hello everyone, I have a 2019 Polo Vivo Comfortline, my father and I bought the vehicle together in 2019 and he was assiting me with the payments, he however passed away in 2020 due to Covid. I was left with a vehicle in his name that i was driving. Long story short, i bought the vehicle out...
  5. P

    Problems with executor of deceased estate

    Hi all. My cousin lost a friend tragically, a few years ago. Right now she's almost suicidal. Her friend left a big portion of his estate to her and some other friends and family. They have been having huge difficulties making any progress with getting the estate wound up and the executor...
  6. L

    Cape Town FIRE meetup at Forries

    For those of you interested in FIRE [Financial Independence/ Retire Early], we're hosting a meetup at Foresters Arms in Newlands, Cape Town on the 19th of December 2018, 7:30-9:30 pm. We've organised this through the Fat Wallet Show community on Facebook, where you can RSVP. Come and discuss...
  7. D

    Mums financial advisor advice sound? (Afrikaans)

    My mum has had issues financially throughout her life and my brother and I aware we’ll need to help her financially going forward, we both live and work abroad. My mum is 70 and will retire soon and this is the advice we’ve gotten from her financial advisor. It’s in Afrikaans, sorry about this...
  8. R

    Retirement plan vs other investments at 30 y.o

    Hey all, been lurking here for a bit and I'd appreciate any advice. I've recently been going through some kind of life crisis as I enter my early thirties, and I'm scrambling to get my finances in order. I never opened a retirement annuity and I'm coming to regret not doing it early. The...
  9. B

    I’m 20, what should I be focusing my income on?

    Hi all! I popped a question on this sub about 2ish years ago after I inherited about R100k at 18, asking for advice on how to utilise that money. Much to my surprise, R100k doesn’t go very far in this economy, especially when you’re young and dumb lol. However, I maintained then what I still...
  10. O

    Is Steinhoff Whoa plan well planned theft

    there is a Steinhoff group here. basically what they are saying is that the value of the assets are far higher than the debts. it does not look to me that they are going down with a massive fight anyway just interesting topic for me g.w.w.h.t.s
  11. X

    Basic Savings Question

    My wife and I want to start putting small amounts away for small vacations and for vehicle maintenance like annual vehicle services and so. We’re looking at FNB fixed saving accounts that gives an interest rate of ~3% and increases the longer you save. Keep in mind the savings plan is short term...
  12. F

    Building financial literacy

    Hi all, I’ve learned a lot from reading through old and new posts over the last few days. I’m not sure if anyone would have to time to respond to me but I thought I would just put my situation out there for any feedback. I’m turning 25 this year, working in my first job for about 2 years (1 as...
  13. M

    I don't quite understand TFSA - please help

    Why would one save money to a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) instead of a savings account? Let's say I have R10 000 left every month after I paying income tax, rent etc. The remaining money is in my cheque account with whatever bank I'm at. I have two options: - transfer the money to my...
  14. D

    Etfs and stocks

    Good evening, I'm fairly new at investing and trying out different things and I have 2 questions 1) after doing some research, I'm interested in the s&p 500. But how many shares of it is wise to get. An ETF is already diverse so would it be wise to buy maybe 6 shares if I have R500 to spare? Or...
  15. M

    TFSA Platform

    23M - have a TFSA with Allan Gray that has around 150k. I recently watched a power hour on “Just One Lap” that was really informative and noticed that Allan Gray offers a large number but not all the ETF’s that I’d like to invest into that could potentially provide better returns...
  16. T

    Help - R60k Debt + Judgment

    Gurus, need some help. Long story less long, quite a few years back an investment property was purchased (cash) under my name by my guardian with the hopes of decent rental income for them and an asset for me when farther time eventually catches up to the guardian. After a bit of mismanagement...
  17. A

    Closing creditcard

    Hi All, Looking at settling all outstandings with my credit card and closing it for good. I know the "Just have financial discipline" speech but at some point I have to be honest with myself, I lack financial discipline in terms of Credit Cards, so this month I will pay it off and close it for...
  18. P

    General finical advice required

    First off I understand a finical adviser would probably beter bet. But I would love suggestions from ordinary people like me. My goal is one day to live from passive income. So this is my current situation. I’m. 24, turning 25. I make 35k p/m. Around 28k after tax, 29k if I did standby that...
  19. D

    Seeking opinion for a newbie regarding stocks to hold, and ETFs

    I'm a newbie investor and I wanted to know some of your opinions on the stocks I currently have. So the long and short of it is that I have around R5k invested with EE (a lot of money for me, but not so much that losing all of it would be crippling), and I'm wanting to move the bulk of that from...
  20. F

    How am I Doing? & Where to

    hi , trying to get some opinions and views outside of my echo chamber, and obviously anon for obviously reasons. background 41years in April, married, no kids (passed on and not sure if we'll try again) income 1st house paid off, 2nd property paid up and being rented out - 8k/mo...