south africa

  1. E

    Advice on offshore investment funds?

    Good day everyone, I was hoping for some advice regarding potential options in order to invest into an offshore fund. This would be for my folks who are looking to put a % of their savings offshore in order to hedge against potential risks in SA or devaluation of ZAR. They already have funds...
  2. L

    Need Guidance with Finances Please

    Need guidance with my finances Hello all, amazing community btw! I would like you to look at our current financial position and give advise where necessary. Currently we are saving/spending as follows: 32 years old, me and my GF are not interested with having kids. My TFSA is maxed out annualy...
  3. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    Seems like it's time again for my quarterly F.I.R.E. update. For context please see original post. As always mentioned this post is for those interested in personal finance and the F.I.R.E. movement. I hope to show that early financial freedom is a possibility for South Africans. Your income...
  4. E

    Do you need to submit your gambling/sports betting winnings to SARS?

    I, as a hobby and sort of a second income, bet in sports pretty regularly. Because I have a system, I bet in a disciplined way and follow lots of sports, I make good amount of profit from betting. Obviously, sometimes I lose big, sometimes I win big. Overall, I always keep track of my profit...
  5. P

    Laws around RA in South Africa

    Hi all, Done a fair amount of research but hoping for some good opinions and caveats here. What are the laws around imigration and RA's in South Africa w.r.t to taxes and fees (though these are mostly specific to the company you're with)? Must it be set up to transfer into a new RA fund at...
  6. C

    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    Hello So recently I sold a phone and got R1200 and I wanted to ask, what is the best way to invest and grow this money. I recently graduated from university ( ceremony in May ) and job hunting now ( I have a degree in computer science ) but no matter how hard I try, I got nothing. So in an...
  7. S

    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    I ran the numbers and it seems gold has done well (13.9% p.a.) over the last 20 years (see below for details). Why then do I often see people in the finance community poo-poo gold as a worthwhile investment? Granted, gold didn't do as well over the last 40 years (11.5% p.a.) since it was...
  8. S

    Consequences for not giving 2 weeks notice before leaving job?

    Context: Recent graduate (2022) and first formal job. I got an offer for a job from Job A (about 1h away from me) that starts mid-May. I got interviews for other jobs (B and C) that are closer to me before then. I am in the process of accepting the Job A offer already but I do not want to...
  9. D

    Insane Personal Loan Interest Rate

    Please explain to me like I’m 5, why FNB is only willing to offer me a personal loan of R60000 at an interest rate of 28.5% over 6 years? My credit score is 670 and I make R25000 gross a month. I was rejected for a student loan and approved for a personal loan at 28.5% interest. I ask for a...
  10. E

    Car finance advice

    Hello everyone. In need of advice: I’m a 30y/o male, full-time employed in Health. I financed a 2015 MINI Country Cooper S in 2021 that I’m still paying off (I’m about 65% of the way according to ClearScore). I live on a very limited budget. The thing is, it’s become a problematic car to...
  11. U

    House Loan vs Long Term Saving

    Hi everyone, So I’m relatively young (22m) however been working since 15 and I’m in a pretty high position job, Medical practice manager. I do this and 3 other side jobs while studying (Final year BA, working towards PhD). Because my expenses are relatively low, R14 00 - R17 000 per month, I...
  12. B

    How to build credit

    Hi everyone! I need to start building my credit and I’m really struggling. I have absolutely 0 credit. I don’t know where to start because I can’t apply for a credit card, TFG or clothing account. So how would I start? What’s the best account/option as I’ve tried a few places and I’ve been...
  13. K

    What do you see as the current best investment to make in the RSA

    As the title explains i’d like to gauge what South Africans currently view as the best investment an individual can make with their surplus funds. Fixed deposits? Bitcoin? JSE? Property? Everyone has a unique insight and I’d like to see if there are any interesting suggestions that come up...
  14. D

    7 distinctions, need guidance on next steps

    Just looking for guidance. 7 distinctions, qualified for engineering degree. Need steps forward. So herss my story guys, I'm 19 and I graduated high school with 7 distinctions and got into mech engineering , however my hearts not really in it and I really don't feel like having those loans on...
  15. B

    Financial/general career advice needed

    Hi everybody. 2 years ago I was in a very dark place, I won’t expand further, here’s the post : Fast forward to current times, this is my situation. I’m 32m, currently residing in KZN. I possess a Bcom Degree with Major’s in Supply Chain...
  16. W

    ETF/S&P500 Questions

    Good afternoon everyone. I'm still very new to investing and was hoping that someone could assist me with the following questions: Why would someone invest dollars into an ETF (e.g. Vanguard S&P500) if there are South African/ZAR equivalents that tracks the same index, thus yielding more or...
  17. T

    GoogleSheet / Excel Bond Calculator available that is is similar to FNBs?

    I am looking for a sheet to use for my bond repayments that is similar to the one on FNBs site Just wondering if there is something free out there like this else I will create my own and Google. Thank you in advance for any...
  18. S

    Financial advice for 23 year old

    Hello everyone, I need some advice. I am a 23 y/o (F) software engineer working as a contractor for an international company. Next year I will be taking over my car insurance, car payment and medical aid from my parents. Currently my gross income is R43 000 and my net is R34 000. My car...
  19. B

    Self employed bond frustrations

    We've finally found the family home we've been after for two years. We've managed to reach a price acceptable to the seller, we've got a 18% deposit which we've paid to the conveyancor. The house is in an incredible area a stones throw away (literally) from one of SA's best school, and we...
  20. E

    Does SARS consider a U.S 401k a foreign pension?

    Evaluating retiring from the USA to RSA, in particularly looking at the tax impact. Does anyone know if SARS considers withdrawals from a 401k as withdrawals from a foreign pension, thus tax exempt?