south africa

  1. R

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    After Doing quite extensive research on Equities, ETF and specially focusing on the Boggle head mentality, the one piece of my portfolio that I don't have 100% mapped out or confidence is my BOND exposure. I have a Few questions, also short explanation where my mind is: On EE - Do you buy...
  2. A

    R 1 Million to Invest for 3 years

    Hello Everyone. My Inlaws sold their Seaside home and moved back to the City. They want to Invest R 1 million for a period of 3 years. Crucial that the money keeps value and good growth for the 3 years. What funds can they invest in? probably also a fund that can payout dividends?
  3. L

    Buying a car... that will hold value

    I've delayed this purchase for a long time, but now need to buy a car. I luckily have a family member that gets cost +5% on used cars, and have enough to buy cash. Currently looking at a 2023 VW t-cross highline, with 5,000 or so km, which I can get for R409k. The t-cross seems to hold value...
  4. J

    Optimising Qualifying Medical Expenses

    Was wondering if anyone has any experience with making their spouse the Primary Member for the medical aid to optimise for the "Qualifying Medical Expenses"? Is there any rules according to SARS regarding who the primary member should be? I am considering making my spouse the primary member as...
  5. G

    Sold our apartment in Claremont and unsure whether to buy or rent

    We sold our apartment since we’ve had since 2016. We hardly broke even. Will have about 1.5 m to either put down on a new home or rent a house for the next few years. Of course if we rent we’d need to put the money in some sort of investment for returns. Maybe something with low risk as already...
  6. S

    ZAR500 a month to spare: where should it go?

    Hello! I’m looking for some advice about where I should invest R500 every month? I already have a tax free savings account w Old Mutual - should I pop that R500 in there too? Or should I invest in unit trusts, or index shares or…well, I don’t know? I’m a newbie at this and I would like to be...
  7. C

    Saved up about 200k, should I pay off my vehicle finance or invest instead??

    Hi everyone!! First time poster here and I was hoping to get some advice. I recently purchased a brand new vehicle and received finance through VW financial services. I’m a first time buyer and was rejected for financing from major banks even though I have plenty of savings. My current...
  8. D

    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    Happy Tuesdays y’all So I have been working and hustling my whole life and I finally found something I’m good at. I have been buying up damaged cars fixing them and selling them for about a year now and I’m 250k in profit. I am financially woke but I am open to hearing what people have to say...
  9. Y

    HELP: Should I sell my car?

    Just for context, I (31f) earn about 37k take home a month. I own two cars, a Suzuki which I pay 3.4k a month, and a Toyota which I pay 9k per month. Both cars are insured at a value of about 2.2k. I have other expenses, a credit card repayment of about 3k a month, cellphone repayment of about...
  10. M

    Investing for dummies

    Hey, so I (31 F) am looking for some direction. Long story short; my mom passed away unexpectedly in 2022 she had nothing in retirement or savings and it was a big wake up call for me. At the same time, I came across Caleb Hammers videos and started to educate myself around making my money...
  11. J

    Inverstor W-8BEN form

    Hi, Does anyone know why an EasyEquities user has to complete a W-8BEN Form "This form is a requirement of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to invest in U.S. equities" or be blocked from transacting? I would have thought it was only if the user holds a US account, not just local...
  12. K

    If you had a R40K lumpsum to generate income..

    If you had a lumpsum of R40k which you would need to start generating income immediately, assuming you had the following at your disposal: a car, a laptop, internet connection, etc. What business would you start or method would you follow? Projected income requirements & time allocation are...
  13. M

    2 houses 2 bonds

    7 months ago I purchased a second house for R1.3 million with repayments of R14200. I still have my first with a bond left of R115k with bond repayments of R3300. House 1 is rented out via agent for R7500. What im currently doing is using the entire rent for bond and rates on both houses and...
  14. R

    Where to go from here...

    *Update\* - I ended up Killing my personal Loan, Settled it with my 200K EF I had stashed up in Absa, And moved the left over 90K to my Flexi Reserve in the home lone bond, I am staying in\ So have about 119K Stashed as flexi , emergency fund in the Bond now, Follow up post will come with where...
  15. S

    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    So I am a first time buyer with a credit score of 800 & looking to make the jump on a good investment property. After much negotiation, I've finally had a reasonable OTP approved by the estate agency on a property which I really like, which really stood out to me. The bond originator had come...
  16. R

    Emergency fund into a money market account

    Hi, so I wanted to get an opinion on my emergency fund. Is it smart to move my emergency fund to a money market account(e.g., standard bank money market account which requires 100k minimum investment). I only have about 10k saved up now but when I reach 100k, should I move it to a money market...
  17. E

    Advice on offshore investment funds?

    Good day everyone, I was hoping for some advice regarding potential options in order to invest into an offshore fund. This would be for my folks who are looking to put a % of their savings offshore in order to hedge against potential risks in SA or devaluation of ZAR. They already have funds...
  18. L

    Need Guidance with Finances Please

    Need guidance with my finances Hello all, amazing community btw! I would like you to look at our current financial position and give advise where necessary. Currently we are saving/spending as follows: 32 years old, me and my GF are not interested with having kids. My TFSA is maxed out annualy...
  19. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    Seems like it's time again for my quarterly F.I.R.E. update. For context please see original post. As always mentioned this post is for those interested in personal finance and the F.I.R.E. movement. I hope to show that early financial freedom is a possibility for South Africans. Your income...
  20. E

    Do you need to submit your gambling/sports betting winnings to SARS?

    I, as a hobby and sort of a second income, bet in sports pretty regularly. Because I have a system, I bet in a disciplined way and follow lots of sports, I make good amount of profit from betting. Obviously, sometimes I lose big, sometimes I win big. Overall, I always keep track of my profit...