seeking advice

  1. C

    Vehicle Maintenance

    Hello everyone, I have a 2019 Polo Vivo Comfortline, my father and I bought the vehicle together in 2019 and he was assiting me with the payments, he however passed away in 2020 due to Covid. I was left with a vehicle in his name that i was driving. Long story short, i bought the vehicle out...
  2. R

    Retirement plan vs other investments at 30 y.o

    Hey all, been lurking here for a bit and I'd appreciate any advice. I've recently been going through some kind of life crisis as I enter my early thirties, and I'm scrambling to get my finances in order. I never opened a retirement annuity and I'm coming to regret not doing it early. The...
  3. X

    Basic Savings Question

    My wife and I want to start putting small amounts away for small vacations and for vehicle maintenance like annual vehicle services and so. We’re looking at FNB fixed saving accounts that gives an interest rate of ~3% and increases the longer you save. Keep in mind the savings plan is short term...
  4. M

    I don't quite understand TFSA - please help

    Why would one save money to a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) instead of a savings account? Let's say I have R10 000 left every month after I paying income tax, rent etc. The remaining money is in my cheque account with whatever bank I'm at. I have two options: - transfer the money to my...
  5. D

    Etfs and stocks

    Good evening, I'm fairly new at investing and trying out different things and I have 2 questions 1) after doing some research, I'm interested in the s&p 500. But how many shares of it is wise to get. An ETF is already diverse so would it be wise to buy maybe 6 shares if I have R500 to spare? Or...
  6. D

    Seeking opinion for a newbie regarding stocks to hold, and ETFs

    I'm a newbie investor and I wanted to know some of your opinions on the stocks I currently have. So the long and short of it is that I have around R5k invested with EE (a lot of money for me, but not so much that losing all of it would be crippling), and I'm wanting to move the bulk of that from...
  7. C

    Retirement? Never heard of it

    Finally figured out how to make one of these. We figured we were under-contributing to retirement but yikes... suggestions? FYI - two DINKS under 30 that really like to buy things. Edit: we are currently in the process of hiring a financial advisor as we are still new to making real people...
  8. A

    ZAR500k early inheritance from a parent

    As a sort of early inheritance my mother wants to give me and my sister each 500k with the caveat that we invest it for the future. Do any of you know what the best options are to: a) avoid paying a lot of tax on it? b) what you would do with it for a long term investment? I am in my mid 30s...
  9. U

    Stretch for new build or walk away?

    Hi! 28(f)/35(m) married couple with 300K HHI (pre bonus, 340-350K with bonus) - smaller Florida city, not Miami. MCOL/HCOL. We have a good "problem" that we're trying to work through. The background: Wife has premarital home (current primary residence) with a great 3% rate and about 300K left...
  10. M

    I need help with growing my extra money

    Okay so I’m working in South Korea atm and I’ll have about an extra R10k n month (or more) and I have no idea what I can do to actually grow this money into something? I’ve got a one year contract and might do another year with a salary increase….. any advice or pointers on what I can do to...
  11. H

    Pay cash or line of credit for used car?

    Hi! Middle-class family of five, two incomes, three school aged kids. We're privileged in that we got into the housing market 15 years ago and thus our mortgage is quite low, and we live well within our means - we work from home and have only ever needed one car, as an example. Our kids are...
  12. D

    Add to retirement or save for a car?

    Diagram is of my current annual budget. I am a 44-year old electrical apprentice, currently making just shy of $30/hour in a HCOL city. All of my medical benefits and retirement are paid by my employer. I value good food and travel, so those budget categories skew high. I lost all of my...
  13. G


    Edit: thanks for all the advice! I’ve got a pretty good sense of direction now. ❤️ Not sure if this is the best sub for this, but I’m not too familiar with any other finance subs. I recently received 10k and am not sure how to invest it or what to do with it. I’m hoping those who are more...
  14. V

    Working with a spouse who is fearful and avoidant about budgets!

    After years of survival and subsistence jobs, working hard to get out of debt, and finally getting a mortgage in a medium cost of living area, we're dealing with a new phase of budgeting in our marriage— and I'm wondering if some of you have worked out a clever way to handle the tension of...
  15. Z

    Is our spending reasonable?

    Not sure if this is the right sub. Just wanted an opinion on whether or not our monthly spending is reasonable or if we should work on cutting back more and if so where? We are a family of 3 with a 1 year old living in the Kansas City metro. I know the median income in the US is around $80k and...