
  1. D

    Is this a good deal?

    My employer has made me an offer on a pension plan... Will contribute 10% of whatever I decide to pay e.g. if I contribute €1,000 they will contribute €100 No Policy Fee. No Exit Fee. There is a total Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.5% for standard funds (1% to the Insurance Company & 0.5%...
  2. R

    New Employer - Simplified Pension Plan choices

    Hey everyone, I just started a new job (Quebec) and currently going through the selections for my benefits. For the plan, the company has a pretty generous offer. Without going into details, with everything they give and match on top of what I put in, if I put in 9% of my money, I pretty...
  3. G

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    While I have a very good handle on my personal finances, and I max my 401k contributions, I don't have a good handle on my 401k contribution choices. I have read the wiki ( and numerous articles online, but it always just get's...
  4. W

    Should I (22 y/o) be directing all my retirement contributions to a Roth 401(k)?

    Hi all, having some confusion over my retirement contributions and would love some advice. For context, currently making 110K base before EOY bonus and employee retirement contributions. Employer automatically contributes from a profit sharing retirement fund an amount equivalent to 5% of base...
  5. B

    Stranded 401k’s across 4 companies

    Howdy everyone. I’ve got 4 401ks across 4 companies because I’m dumb. Whats the best option for the three that I’ve left behind? It would be 5 with 4 left behind but one automatically converted to an Ira. The IRA is with one of the 401k providers that I have a 401k at still, interestingly...
  6. K

    Advice needed: Vanguard won’t let me transfer my Fidelity Rollover IRA to current 401(k)

    A few months ago, I transferred my 401(k) funds from my previous employer into an existing Rollover IRA, both on Fidelity. The existing Rollover IRA was a 401(k) before, created by an employer long ago. I started a new job a few months ago and have a new 401(k) with Vanguard, which is through...
  7. S

    Rate my Pension from! 40 y/o, own a limited company

    I'm 40 and have (almost) no retirement savings. Ooops! Fortunately I am the owner of a limited company with decent cashflow and a paid off house. I read here my limited company should be able to make unlimited pension contributions with no BIK, income limits, etc. in 2023. My accountant...
  8. E

    Retirement trade off: RA, TFSA, and a personal account

    I’m crunching some numbers on my retirement savings and I’m looking for anyone to point out flaws in my logic or subtleties I may be missing. In terms of my retirement savings, I believe I have 3 options of putting money away. Retirement vehicles Retirement products (pension fund/retirement...