renters insurance

  1. I

    Has anyone ever had a good experience with their insurance company?

    Has anyone ever had a good experience with their insurance company?
  2. D

    Sinkhole coverage

    Hillsborough County fl, were renting a house, floor cracked upwards this weekend, rental company is sending someone to examine tomorrow. We heard horror stories where if a sinkhole is found they will condem the house and not allow us to retrieve our items, we have the basic renters insurance...
  3. L

    Could I be covered if I had the police knock in my door because I thought someone broke in?

    I have the police come check out my place because we couldn’t open our door and we believed it was because someone locked it from the dead bolt on the inside, could there be coverages for that damage???
  4. M

    Provided proof to complex of having renters insurance, complex still charges us their renters.

    I have emailed and also brought a copy to them of our current renter insurance provider. They keep saying they will pass it on to the manager of the complex to get it taken off for us. Last month I went in again to explain that I still noticed it on there. They again said that they will take...
  5. B

    Questions from California

    Does renters insurance cover my deposit if my shady landlord tries to keep it? Does it cover hotels in between places if my landlord moved me out because his son needed the apartment after four years of being here? And will it cover my next security deposit?
  6. P

    Renters insurance issue !! Need help

    Hi! I am moving into an apartment 10/10 however they needed my fiancé added to the policy and my insurance said that may take 4 weeks. They will not let us move in without the actual declaration page and him on that document . Here is my question … I have renters insurance, would it be possible...
  7. B

    Idk what to do

    Landlord doesn’t answer texts or calls when we need a new shower, dryer doesn’t work and we have a mice infestation. We pay 1700 in rent and we have been up to date paying rent but the landlord does nothing and my girlfriend gets mad at me when I try to tell her to keep hitting up the landlord...
  8. I

    I am a first time renter. What can I expect from Renters Insurance?

    I am a first time renter. What can I expect from Renters Insurance?
  9. E

    My new company wants to be added as an additional interest on my renters insurance.

    Hello All, I just got hired for a remote sales gig, and my new company is requiring that I add them as an additional interest to my renters' insurance. From my research, additional interests on a policy are notified if the policy is canceled. I understand why a landlord needs to be named as an...
  10. K

    Renters Insurance Claim?

    So I’ve had a bit of a crazy year. So last year December me and my partner went out of town to visit family. But before we left out of town we were talking then something came to me and said, “RENTERS INSURANCE” - so I asked my partner about the renters insurance apparently that was my...
  11. K

    Safeco Renters Insurance

    I need advice. I’ve never filed a claim before so I have no idea what I’m doing. So we just moved into our rent house in July. It’s a house built in 1920s. Beautiful old house but this is what happened: One night, i was talking a shower upstairs and my husband starts yelling turn it off turn...
  12. I

    Renters of Reddit, Why do you waste your money on renters insurance?

    Renters of Reddit, Why do you waste your money on renters insurance?
  13. M

    Liberty Mutual Renter's Insurance Claim Help

    Hi there! My apartment bedroom was flooded with very very wet carpet and everything on the floor was incredibly wet...I don't know how much I can exaggerate lol would love some advice on how to get as much as possible for my stuff, why not right. Thank you!!
  14. R

    Insurance cancelled (AAA SoCal)

    AAA sent me a notice that my policy cannot be renewed because I have more than 1 roommate. Are they allowed to refuse to insure me because of this? I live in Orange County, CA
  15. D

    if apartment becomes uninhabitable

    so.. how does renter's insurance work if your place becomes uninhabitable and you need to stay in a motel? send pictures?, then what? do you pick the motel or do they? since it's summer motels are really expensive so not sure how much they will pay out vs. if it was winter and motels are super...
  16. D

    Does renters insurance cover damage to the floor by furniture ?

    I’m moving out of my current room and noticed that the floor was pretty scuffed up by my bed frame. It turns out my bed scratched the floor pretty badly. The supper of the building said that they’ll likely have to replace the flooring and could cost upwards of 1k. In this case could the rental...
  17. S

    Does renters insurance cover property damage?

    My assumption is no, but I'd like to confirm before moving forward. I hit the garage door frame with my car this morning. Landlord has been informed and is chill, he just wants updates as we get it fixed. I checked my USAA renters insurance policy and didn't see anything about property damage...
  18. G

    Renters Insurance to Cover Food Loss?

    I live in an apartment and have renters insurance. I had called and left a Voice Message for the Manager to come and look at our Fridge because it was making a weird noise and was not getting as cold as it had should been. I also had sent emails and even saw the Maintenance man and told him...
  19. I

    Why do so many people not buy renters insurance? What would make them more likely to buy it?

    Why do so many people not buy renters insurance? What would make them more likely to buy it?
  20. H

    Lemonade limbo

    My ceiling suddenly and without warning collapsed. Restoration company said it was NOT due to wear and tear. High winds caused roof damage—tearing off shingles which allowed rain to pour in. Lemonade is waiting to speak to landlord, who doesn’t care to respond. He never visited the unit after...