renters insurance

  1. P

    Renters insurance disappointment after being robbed….

    I was robbed of 10+k worth of stuff last week. I have AAA in Southern California. My policy covers up to 21k. They said that they only cover 1000 for electronics because it wasn’t at my actual place of residence. I was told electronics were covered when I signed up for it the policy (three...
  2. A

    Question about lease agreement

    I signed a new lease with my apartment complex last August. My renters insurance policy was canceled early during the previous lease (October 2018) but the landlord didnt know. I never renewed the insurance and am already half way through my new lease. Can that come back and affect me, even if...
  3. T

    Do I need renters insurance?

    I signed a lease for my mom to get an apartment. She is listed only as an occupant. I know she should get renters insurance but I was wondering if I need it. I won’t be living there but I was wondering if I still needed it for liability purposes if say somebody gets hurt in her apt or something...
  4. Y

    Renter's insurance for two separate apartments

    Hi! I am currently a senior in college, home for the summer, and moving in with my friend while I am home. I have renter's insurance through Allstate for my college apartment, but I need it for the apartment we will be renting back home. My question is, am I able to have two separate renter's...
  5. B

    Need help with renters rights/laws!!!

    My landlord gave me a 60 day notice today that I would need to move because he would like all new tenants, after I agreed to renew my lease. I live in Georgia and have only been here for a year. Is there anything that protects me from having to move in such short notice?
  6. O

    Turning in my renters insurance late

    Hi! I just moved into an apartment on November 15th and I was supposed to turn in my renters insurance within 30 days...I forgot and now I'm scared that I will get evicted even though my two rent payments were on time. I havent received a call from my Leasing agent but I plan on slipping the...
  7. M

    Stolen bike

    My mountain bike was stolen off of my communities bike rack. It had a lock on it that was cut. Worried renters insurance won’t cover it since it wasn’t a burglary within my home. Anyone else have this happen and can provide some guidance?
  8. T

    First time renter insurance

    Not looking for something special just need cheap affordable insurance for new apartment. Moving into a new apartment complex in suburbs area of Portland Oregon fairly nice neighborhood so no worried about damage Any suggestions for my cheap ass
  9. I

    Lost Jewelry Claim ???

    Hi! I received a pair of diamond earrings from my dad for Christmas (worth about 4000). While on my way out of town (I had made 4 stops since leaving my apartment), I noticed I only had one earring in. Upon my return, I have turned my car and my apartment inside out and I have not found...
  10. T

    Unethical or illegal?

    As of about four months ago, my landlord passed away due to cancer. Last time we spoke I asked him about not receiving my receipts for my paid rent on time coming to fix sent that he was supposed to close back up for some maintenance which never happened and since then I’ve been in operable...
  11. I

    Can I move into an airbnb covered by renters insurance while they fix my unlivable housing situation?

    Hi - Last night the sewage pipes under the house I rent in Detroit collapsed. Leaving sewage no where to go other than my rental. I had to move all of my belongings into my car and don't know where to go. (I guess you really CAN have sh*t in Detroit.) I have renters insurance, and am trying...
  12. M

    Broke a lease!

    Hi so let me tell you a little context my husband and I were living in United States a couple of months ago. We had an apartment. we were both working, and suddenly he just started to experience some what he called voices in his head. I tried to get help but it was so hard to find and so hard to...
  13. F

    Can I have Insurance on a rental I’ve been out of for a year?

    I was recently billed by a rental insurance company and my lease has been over for a year. I’ve already reached out to the company and expect it shouldn’t be a problem, but it seems weird that it would happen at all. Is there no check on it being renewed? Seems kinda fraudulent especially since...
  14. Y

    Renter's Insurance for College Apartment

    My apartment is requiring tenants to show proof of renters insurance before handing over the keys. However, I feel as if I do not need renter's insurance. Can I just pay for one month of renter's insurance to show proof to the office and then stop the subscription or would that lead to a problem?
  15. S

    Frozen pipes

    My neighbors pipes froze and it flooded our apartment. Can someone explain to me how this works ? I have renters insurance and filed a claim. It flooded our stairs, laundry room, bedroom, kitchen and part of living room. Everything is wet but I’m not sure if anything is actually damaged.
  16. D

    best, affordable renter's insurance companies?

    **my apartment building was on fire last night / myself and my belongings are safe** this has put things into perspective for me for the future... i'm just looking for run of the mill renter's insurance that has great coverage and not too expensive lemonade comes to mind, but just want to get...
  17. 1

    Designer bags

    I bout a LV keepall used for 850$ My friend paid 2000 new. How can I get sround the proof of purchase And what companies are best about that
  18. J

    Trouble with my landlord

    I had a leak in my roof of the home I rent. My landlord has a handyman that is supposed to come fix the ceiling where the leak occurred. This handyman is very unwilling to work with me to set a time that works for both of us to make the necessary repairs. After several back and forths with this...
  19. T

    Welcome to /r/RentersInsurance: A Small Subreddit for discussions, guides and questions about Renter's Insurance.

    Hi, Welcome to r/RentersInsurance. We're here to provide guides, answer questions and have (maybe) general discussions about renter's insurance (RI) . Here's a quick and dirty starter's guide: 1) Do you need renter's insurance? If you rent an apartment, house or some kind of dwelling...
  20. A

    Please help: Tips for handling fire claim

    My partner had been living in a single family home that was turned into a duplex. Very old house (probably about 100 years old). Yesterday early morning, we got a call while at my place from his roommate that the entire upstairs portion of the house was engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, one of...