renters insurance

  1. B

    Renters Insurance question

    So my ceiling in my apartment came down and ruined a lot of my property. I told my landlord what was going on and it needed to get fixed be fore it fell. That didn’t happen and it fell. So will the apartment owners renters insurance not only pay for my damaged belongings but also a hardship fee...
  2. A

    HELP PLEASE. Need advice on this

    My roommate saw a leak and tried to fix it by tightening the valve but the other end of pipe broke and apartment got flooded and water leaked to the below stairs through ceiling. The Apartment owner said that the damages will be billed to us because a bidet is attached to toilet. No personal...
  3. D

    Do both roommates need renters insurance?

    So I’m moving into an apartment and my Roomate already has renters insurance (They’ve lived at the property for awhile) and says that only one of us needs it for the unit. Is that true? Or is it safer to have my own policy and just have two for our unit.
  4. L

    Renters Insurance

    Can renters insurance pays for living expenses if my family needs to move to a hotel or somewhere else while my house/apartment is being repaired; for example: if my bathroom floor needs to be fixed due to leaks or flooding?
  5. D

    Claim question

    We live in an apartment and our detached garage was robbed and thousands of dollars of items are missing including grand theft. Police couldn’t give us too many answers today. Question is, will this be covered since it’s not in our actual apartment, but in the garage? And 2: we are co renting...
  6. P

    Renter's Insurance company denied claim- is there anything I can do? Pls help

    I had switched to a new renters insurance company (Assurant via Geico) from my old renters insurance (American National Insurance) sometime last year. While I was on the first renters insurance (over 2 years), I had made 2 claims- both for very small amount- which I closed from my end without...
  7. G

    Toggle or Jetty

    Anyone using Toggle or Jetty renter's insurance and have any reviews on it?
  8. D

    how i do i get water and electricity running for a apartment

    im 17 and plan to move out as soon as i’m 18 so i need a place to live and i’m still confused about how to get electricity and water and how to pay for it. Also i don’t know where i pat rent if i give it to the landlord or a third party.
  9. D

    Apartment Water Damage, insurance not answering?

    Hi everyone, My boyfriend and I recently came back from vacation. We were so excited to go back home into our apartment, but once we opened our door, our whole apartment was covered with a quarter inch of water. We called maintenance right away and luckily, the leasing office and...
  10. S

    Wisconsin Renters Insurance

    Hey guys I am looking to move to Wisconsin but I do not know what renters insurance will be best over there. Does anyone have any suggestions? Looking for something affordable.
  11. M

    Renters Insurance

    I had a question about renters insurance. We have a new “company” that owns are building for a little over a year now and they are requiring us to have renters insurance which is fine but it has to be up to $200,000. If we don’t meet their requirements they will charge an extra $20 on top of...
  12. H

    Can renters insurance cover a hotel while the damages to my apartment are being fixed?

    Really trying to figure out my living situation at the moment.
  13. U

    Was I wrongfully denied renters insurance claim. Experienced advice appreciated.

    I have RENTERS INSURANCE through assurance/geico/American bankers/ whatever they call themselves and have for over 10 years. I always ask to have all the coverage and add ons possible when I renew & am told I do. I had a situation with an ex boyfriend who was psycho and abusive and whom I did...
  14. T

    How long does payout usually take?

    I had smoke damage from an attached neighbor's house fire on the 10/1 and submitted my list of items and replacement costs over a month ago but have yet to see any payment. I didnt have a lot of things in the house, maybe around 600 total items. How long does the pricing process typically take...
  15. I

    Does my renters insurance over throw my landlord insurance?

    I wanted to adopt a pitbulls but our landlord insurance doesn’t allow it. But we have renters insurance would are insurance over throw that?
  16. P

    Cheapest Renter's Insurance

    How much can I expect to pay for the cheapest renter's insurance? I don't care if they actually cover anything. I own crap. I just want to satisfy the landlord.
  17. P

    Can I up the liability limit on my renters insurance even though I've already paid for the year's worth?

    So, essentially, my apartment complex wants us to have renters insurance with a $300,000 liability limit (per person) by the time our lease renews, and I only just learned about this. I only just got my renter's insurance last month, it's bundled with my car insurance, but I had the opportunity...
  18. E

    Need Advice on Renter's Insurance ASAP

    Hello! :) I'm going to be moving into an apartment complex in the beginning of September and I just received an email saying that I am required to maintain personal liability coverage in the amount of $100K. I was given the option of either purchasing a policy from their preferred provider...
  19. A

    Neighbors tree fell on my fence

    Pretty self explanatory; my neighbors are renting and a tree on their property fell onto my fence (I own the home) and I'm just wondering what the procedure going forward should be? Will they just pay for the damage on the section of damaged fencing? Or will they be liable to replace the...
  20. W


    Hello!! i’m wondering about renters insurance claims .. i had a claim that was active for the year but cancelled due to a credit card on file that was expired. my apartment burned down tonight and i’m wondering what the best case scenario is for moving forward and filing a claim .. sorry if...