
  1. S

    TSP Allocation Question

    Currently an E4 in the BRS system with 3.5 years in active duty & will be active until at least 2029. 10% Roth TSP contribution since I joined & I’m wondering what everyone’s favorite TSP allocation is. I’ll be 25 this year and have almost 9K in my account, admittedly I’ve been hands off on my...
  2. Z

    Tsp question

    I recently sold my house at a huge profit in conjunction with a PCS. At my new assignment I will not be buying a house. So, I have $100K I’d like to invest. In 5 years I will retire from the military and I’d like to use the money as a down payment on a home at that time. In the meantime I’d...
  3. H

    G.I Bill Transfer

    Hi everyone, I need help with some questions: If my husband had been on active duty for 4 years, then continued in Army reserves for another 4 years, is that count as 6 years active duty for transferring G.I bill? If I finished my studies within 2 years, and I had a child during the extended...
  4. A

    Tax Returns & Enlistment Bonuses

    So I realize this is quite a bit after the fact but when I filed my taxes for this year I received pretty much the normal amount that I would’ve if I hadn’t gotten an enlistment bonus. I received the first part of my bonus which was 10k when I arrived at my duty station last May, and then 4...
  5. T

    E-5 Duplex

    Good afternoon all, I’m currently an E-5 and starting to get BAH. I want to purchase a Duplex Triplex or quadplex somewhere in the 7-City’s VA, with the VA Home loan. I don’t want to further my Navy career and as such have 3yrs left on my 6yr contract. I want a house that will pay all of or a...
  6. C

    MSRRA Question(s)

    I'm a Maryland resident currently stationed in California, paying MD taxes. My wife (married Jan 2023) made roughly $900 in Virginia and paid VA taxes. Having a Maryland and Virginia W-2, would I file joint federally and separately for state? Trying to use TurboTax or H&RBlock, and this is where...
  7. S

    Your last TSP allotments before retirement - WWYD?

    Background: My military retirement is effective 1 March 2024. I am currently interviewing with five organizations for my second career, post-transition. All of these organizations are NOT with the federal government. I feel confident I can start new employment in late January or early February...
  8. M

    Bank account for toddler?

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but looking for options for a bank account for my 18 month old son. I’m an E-5 with 7 years TIS, if that matters at all. A lot of recommendations are for a 529, however from my understanding that’s mainly used for education benefits (please correct...
  9. B

    Is an IRRRL of 4.25% to 3.75% a no brainer? Or should I hold out?

    Offers are coming in and this is through my current lender. It's obviously a good thing to do in the long run...however. I am considering selling the house in a couple years so my future wife and I can cosign and upgrade. Am I paying the fee ($1,109.76) for nothing if I just plan on selling it...
  10. G

    Assumption of my Fathers mortgage

    Reaching out to just hear thoughts and opinions. I know the right answer is to talk to a loan officer/RE agent/Lawyer. But my father is 80. He lives of social security and inflation has pretty much wiped him out to where he can’t buy groceries anymore. So I’ve been looking into different ways...
  11. M

    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    I have been on active duty Air Force for 16 years total, five years as a commissioned officer. I hold the rank of Capt (03E pay grade). My goal in serving as long as I can in the military is to increase my retirement (2.5%/yr) and potentially retire at 31 years total, hoping to never work after...
  12. M

    Advice on TSP

    Hello Everyone! Looking for some constructive criticism on my TSP. I just completed 7 years TIS, E-5, separating and going reserves upon my DOS on 16 December and this is what my TSP looks like: $23,038 balance - contributing 20% Roth / 5% Traditional Current shares: 51% L, 18% G, 10% C, 10%...
  13. G

    Should I get masters while serving or after I separate?

    Hey y’all, I need some advice. I am currently wanting to go to graduate school for my Masters in Accounting (MACC). I can’t decide if I should extend a year (separation date: March 2024) and get my MACC OR separate & do school full time w/the GI BILL. Extending a year will give me more time...
  14. K

    USAA Life Insurance Doubled their Rate, is this Normal?

    I did the questionnaire for a USSA Life Insurance Policy and got quoted at $37 a month. I am a pretty healthy guy, but I still figured that rate would go up slightly after the blood work, urinalysis, etc. Well they set me up at this appointment with Quest Diagnostics and the place had a 2.8 star...
  15. N

    What to do with $125K right now?

    I'm sitting too heavy in cash right now after selling a rental property and I'm not sure what to do with about $125K. What say you, Reddit? Here's some background on my situation. 35 yrs old, married, 3 kids Single income family Active duty military (enlisted) with about 6 years until...
  16. L

    E-6 Budget in Germany. Thoughts and opinions?
  17. M

    Can someone help me calculate how much money I’ll have next year from military pay?

    Ok so, im in the national guard and I’ll be gone for 200 days and if i decide to do my 6 months orders after i come back from basic it’ll bump up to 380 days. I’d be earning at the E-2 active duty rate which is $2,261.10 total per month. I also might receive BHA which is an additional ≈$800 a...
  18. S

    Buying a house in washington as an e-4

    Hello all, I am recently applied for a loan and got 445k pre approval at 4% from the bank. i am tis for only three years. And i have no debts besides montjly credit cards. I dont make a lot as you know, but with the help of bah, i make about 5k a month before tax and put 40% to tsp. So...
  19. T

    Finance Check-Up

    DINK, max TSP (legacy retirement, ideally O-5/6), 6+ month emergency fund in investments, $80k in student debt between SO an I (6.0% avg), no consumer/car/CC debt. Question is do we aggressively pay off student loan debt, or instead put that extra payment money towards our 6.125% mortgage? The...
  20. K

    How am I doing Financially?

    Just some background on me and my current situation: -24yr old E-3 Air Force. -No debt. -About to get married in April. (No kids yet.) -Investing 15% in my Roth TSP. -Recently opened a Roth IRA with Vanguard. -Combining all my money from my bank accounts, I have little over $10,000 saved...