
  1. M

    Do we need legal fees ready for a loan offer if the house won’t be completed for 7 months?

    We have a booking deposit made on a house. Currently we have all the deposit saved including a 3k gift from her parents. But now we’re thinking we may need the legal fees before we get a loan offer and sign contracts. Is this the case? If so, I’ll probably try to get a gift of 7-8k from my...
  2. L

    Mortage timeline

    Super stress is over and thanks to some of you here it has been a short ride.... Here is my timeline 10.3. got aip in AiB - just basic 15.3. saw the house 16.3. paid 5k deposit 17.3. applied in EBS as well 21.3. AIB isued second AIP - called reviewed 22.3. EBS moved forward and requested...
  3. S

    My house purchase experience in 2023 with data on prices (asking vs sold) in South Dublin

    Commented on a few posts over the year about my experience and people found it useful so here is the final updated version and what we can learn from it. By the end of the year I could estimate the value of a house and even advised some friends that were selling and guessed the correct price...
  4. D

    Mortgage/Home Loan Restructuring Facility for Contract Employee

    Hi, I’m 36M. I have a property valued by Maybank at RM500k and the outstanding amount with them is RM262k. I plan to consolidate all my loans i.e. property, car, personal loan under one property loan. The only constraint to restructure with Maybank is I’m a contract employee. Is there any...
  5. G

    Daft Asking price versus reality

    Very general question but if your budget for a house in Dublin is X, realistically what house price are you searching for on daft? X - 100k, or X *0.8? E.g. you have 500k net to spend (that's just for purchase price, you have budget for the extras) Are you then looking at 400k houses...
  6. U

    Home and Contents Insurance:

    EDIT: CONTENTS INSURANCE ONLY, NOT H&C......With the ever increasing cost of living, insurance, too, is continually going up and up. Currently, we are with AAMI and have cover for 220k and accidental cover and the wife's wedding rings. Notice that I just received advising it will increase to...
  7. U

    Build garage / self contained unit Q¿

    Hey all, Thanks for reading and responding :) We have plans to knock down current garage and build a new one with a self contained unit above it, it will be detached from our current home. We are just at the super beginning of this process, we have applied for $200k and have no idea if it will...
  8. Z

    New Build - Terraced vs SemiD

    Interested to get some opinions on the following hypothetical situation from this sub: Given the choice between 2 new build house types in the same estate which would you choose: A 110sq.m 2 storey 3-bed semi-d or a 134sq.m 3 storey 3-bed mid-terrace? Some things to consider: - The price...
  9. C

    How Singapore Solved Housing

    For context, the Singapore population is 5.6m people with a land area of 728.6 km². Relative to Ireland of circa 5m people and 84,421 km². There are roughly 7600 people per km in Singapore compared to 60 people in Ireland. Yet we've managed to botch housing. I think there is a lot to be learnt...
  10. S

    Looking to buy property in 4 - 5 years

    Hey AusFinance, mostly lurk around here, post on the occasion, and this is one of those occasions. I'm trying to get a place to live as soon as possible, so in the next 4 to 5 years preferably. I currently mostly invest in individual stocks (US through Stake, ASX through Superhero, as you can...
  11. G

    750k condo for first home + ownstay, 0% down payment, partially furnished. Bad idea or not, for sub-7k salaryman?

    Stats: 30/M/single/KL, 6.5k monthly, 5.4k take home, 150k savings, 80k epf, 10k random investments (doing shitty atm), 15k/yr freelance on the side but not consistent. -1.8k rent, -2k monthly personal expenditure (at most, can be MUCH lower), CTOS “Very good”, no existing loans, no outstanding...
  12. S

    Planning Permission Q's; stuck for some A's

    [22m] Currently looking at investing in an old property and renewing it. It's a small cottage of roughly 35m2. Beautiful area, great plot, etc etc. If I manage to get a hold of it I would plan to extend the property. Tried to gather as much info as possible about extending and have some...
  13. N

    First home buyer - any and all advice

    I'm a first home buyer in Melbourne with pre-approval for finance for up to 570k. I'm looking at two bedroom flats mostly but they are very mixed and the one-bedders for around 450k look really nice. I guess any advice from people who are experienced in the property market would be really...
  14. C

    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    Hi All So i last posted 6 months ago about my investment strategy and alot has changed in that time Id like to check back in again to see your honest opinion if you believe this is a sound plan for the long term Abit of context is key to start i suppose Background : 26 Y/O Salary 60k plus...
  15. S

    A little PSA on renovating your home

    We’ve just made cosmetic renovations new carpet, new flooring, polishing old floors, new storm water plumbing, down lights throughout, 3 x BIRs, painting, replastering, caulking, kitchen respraying and landscaping front and rear - plus a heap of smaller things you’d hardly notice. Spent around...
  16. M

    Timing the market is enormously important for property investing

    Contrary to the saying "time in the market beats timing the market", capital gains for property vary massively depending on when you buy and sell, even if you hold for a long time (e.g. 10 years, which is a commonly suggested timeframe for property). The linked charts show the inflation...
  17. B

    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    I recently bough my second property from developer (developer unit). Price is around 900k I took out a loan from the bank , loan amount is around 1mil in which I have a cashback of 100k. My first unit and second unit is in the same developement/condo My first unit I did the same strategy...
  18. A

    Renting vs Mortgage (Google Sheet)

    Hi, I was interested in understanding the difference in cost overtime with renting versus a mortgage. I created this first version of a Google Sheet to better understand the arguments. Check it out and would love to hear some feedback on how to improve it and make it more realistic. I'm...
  19. H

    Could this Home Loan idea work, would it save the current gen, and help the next gen. Thoughts, pros and cons.

    We all know what's going on.. no need to rehash. So here is an attempt at a solution. A government owned Not for Profit Bank.(let's call it GovBank). For Australian citizens who have lived in Australia for 10 years minimum. For homes purchase price under $1 million. Provide Zero interest loans...
  20. E

    [Netherlands]: How to get a loan for a property where I will live and use for a business

    I currently own a property in the Netherlands where I live but I also use for a Bed & Breakfast (B&B). Meaning, I share my property with my guests. I have solid figures for the last 14-16 months which shows a steady income. For last year tax declaration I have filled the income as "Other income"...