poverty finance

  1. J

    Breakfast for less than $2/day. Been eating the same recipe for over 6 months now, wanted to share in case it might help someone

    It is very high in fats so it is calorically dense, but they are the good fats shown to lower LDL cholesterol and high fats are shown to increase satiety. The idea behind it is to help make you feel fuller for longer so that way you are less likely to eat higher calorie foods which will make it...
  2. H

    Deal or Not @ McDonalds

    $10.05 1 Large Frozen Coke 1 Large French Fry 2 x 4 Piece McNugget (BBQ Sauce) R.I.P. Mambo
  3. A

    What budgeting apps do people use that connect to bank accounts?

    Looking for something to help me budget but don’t want to manually enter in any data. I’ve heard about PocketSmith and I’m wondering if there are any other apps out there people use for budgeting?
  4. C

    Re: the importance of getting all benefits you are eligible for..

    I got the news I am "conditionally approved" for SNAP. I realize I should have been getting it for the last... oh, 7.5yrs or so. And if I add up all the benefits I should have gotten... well, it's a lot. It's about equal to my debt, in fact. lmao. So folks, remember to hoop jump for every...
  5. E

    Why is the income on my W-2 always 10k-15k LOWER than my calculated annual income?

    Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem. I feel so dumb. Every year I turn down applying to benefits for my family because my income that I calculate (reg. paycheck x number of pay periods) looks super high. But then I get my W-2 and it shows an annual income that is 10k-15k LESS...
  6. W

    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    Hi. I'm a reporter and I'm working on a series about Gen-Z and millennials financial struggles, particularly around using payday loans at the moment. I've seen a lot of posts about shortfalls between rent due and financial aid checks coming in, which I think is a huge issue we need to really...
  7. S

    Research Opportunity: Older adults managing household expenses and food insecurity

    Hi everyone! I (Dalton Stevens) am a graduate student at Syracuse University, and I am recruiting participants (with moderator approval) for a research study on how older adults manage household expenses and food insecurity here on r/povertyfinance. Many older adults face poverty and food...
  8. C

    Is Fixed Deposit with 2.6% pa worth it?

    Is it wroth it? It can also have compound interest effect since after each month the next month will be higher
  9. C

    $235 bought me more than 90 meals at less than $2.60 per meal with no cooking

    I'm disabled which makes cooking tough. Here is my every other month food shopping at Costco in San Jose CA. I already have cereal from last month. https://preview.redd.it/gso49wspopsc1.jpg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bec418b5a76cf16dde0b9e90b3c33e93598dcc2
  10. P


    So let me just start by saying… I know this post is going to sound a bit selfish and I apologize in advance but I’m annoyed. Just over it. I have been going to a doctor regarding seeing where I stand to have kids. My s/o and I talked in depth about it. I thought we had reached a different...
  11. A

    Employment Opportinities During COVID-19

    Repost from r/personalfinance This is a PSA for anyone recently unemployed in this time of turmoil and feeling desperate. Below is a list of companies that are activily hiring due to increased demand from COVID-19: Feel free to contribute in the comments if you come across other companies...
  12. M


    I am at the age where everyone is getting married and they are killing me. I had 3 weddings last year and I have 5 weddings this year. Closest one being 2 hours away furthest in Mexico and I’m in Canada. That is 4 bachelorettes, 2 stags, and one bridal shower. Just going to the wedding is 100...
  13. S

    “They Were Entitled to Free Care. Hospitals Hounded Them to Pay.”

    Fascinating long read in today’s (9/25 print edition) The New York Times about Providence, a nonprofit hospital chain based in Washington, which is currently being sued by the state’s Attorney General for state law violations in billing, such as sending Medicaid patients to third-party...
  14. H

    How to keep going with a disability?

    My MiL is disabled living in Portland and her husband died a year ago. She’s been looking for ways to keep her house since then but everything has fallen through. She has I think $170,000 dollars left, and the house is worth $300,000 (just dropped $100,000 in value because of the portland...
  15. A

    When you have no food money after paying rent and you find an extra 1.80$ in change in your pockets

    😂💰😊💰::made it another 2 days, made it another 2 days:: 💰💰 P. S. hope no one takes this as giving up on trying to change my situation. I am, every single day. But it does help to laugh a little and be greatful for the small things
  16. B

    F It, probably won't make it to retirement. Cashing out retirement to buy a house

    in muh 30s, have about 60k in 403(b), I am cashing it out for a downpayment on a house. Tired of throwing away money to a landlord. I am done, doubt I'll live long enough to see 65 anyways. ####### Thanks Everyone, after reading through comments I decided I would just use FHA in combination...
  17. T

    shopping refund

    Hi reddit. Im not sure this qualifies to be in here but i need help 6 weeks ago i made a purchase on an ecommerce website: a bunch up of formal wear. I was hoping to get new clothes for my work wardrobe. I eventually ended up cancelling my order the very same day because a friend of mine told...
  18. J

    Emergency savings: HOW MUCH???

    Dave Ramsey suggests Emergency Savings of $1,000 to start. Vanguard suggests at least $2,000 in this new video: Who should we follow?
  19. A

    Free Wifi HotSpots for students K-12

    T-Mobile is giving out free wifi hotspots for grades K- 12 students who don't have internet access. The hotspots give 100gb of data for one year, so it's really intended for just doing homework and not much beyond that. There are some eligibility requirements, check if you qualify here...
  20. N

    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    I feel too rich for this sub and too poor for the other one. r/Frugal seems to be a lot of people taking the long route to save a few cents. Is there another sub that might be a better fit? I literally receive EBT and live paycheck-to-paycheck now that I’m on my own, but I grew up upper-middle...