plan choice suggestions

  1. D

    Help with selecting coverage

    My questions - while insurance & health related, go beyond simply "health insurance". If this is not allowed I will remove it. Also, any tips on other places to post this would be appreciated. I looked at "findareddit" and couldnt find a more general "benefits" channel. Could you folks...
  2. C

    High out of network costs, which HSA HDHP plan?

    Update 1: I found out that cross-accumulation applies (e.g. amounts towards the OON deductible apply to the IN deductible), but didn't figure out how to put that into the calculator. and I fixed the calculator I finally found out that 100% of my expected out of network costs would go toward...
  3. G

    Possible to join a discount provider network w/o insurance?

    Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to join a discounted provider network such as a POS, PPO, etc. without having health insurance? I'd like to pay in order to be able to use providers within a network and receive the discounted rates for services that are negotiated within those networks...
  4. L

    Help deciding between two 2023 plans

    So the Marketplace allows you to preview 2023 plans already, and I'm getting a jumpstart on picking a plan. I've narrowed it down to 2 plans which are ALMOST identical - same insurance company, mostly same coverage, and only 3 dollars difference between the two's premiums. I've provided links...
  5. V

    Is Health Insurance Really Necessary?

    To have bottom of the line health insurance for our family, it's around $450 a month. That's with the government deduction based on our income taken off. That does not include any co pays or deductibles. This is a high deductible plan with around $5,600 Deductible and $13,000 Out of Pocket Max...
  6. D

    Healthy 17 year old that’d like health insurance

    I just started my first year of college, just started driving, and I may be looking to begin an rotc program. I figure health insurance for someone my age wouldn’t be too expensive but I honestly know nothing about it. Any recommendations on what would be the best way to go about this? Or even a...
  7. D

    Please help me understand plan costs

    I have two plans offered to me, and it seems the one with lower premiums will also have a lower cost overall. Can that be right? Please help me compare these two. Both are PPOs... A: $26,234 per year, $0 deductible, $8,750 family out of pocket max B: $14,092 per year, $5,000 family...
  8. K

    Which Plan is better?

    I got a new job and am looking at my employers benefits plan. They offer 2 plans through cigna. One is a High Deductible Base Plan and the other is Buy Up Plan. I also live and work in NY so not sure if that matters much. For some background I'm a 29 years old and have no medical issues at the...
  9. S

    Out of Pocket Max for Mom + Baby

    I just discovered that if you add your newborn to your insurance, your out of pocket max increases. After doing some insurance math, my husband and I (living in Los Angeles) decided to get: Me - Platinum Plan @ 937/mo, $0 deductible, $4,500 individual out of pocket max (double this for family)...
  10. L

    Shopping for a PPO for my mother with cancer

    Hello all! Age: 71, Female, retired Income: ~$15,000 ZIP: 92346, 91750 (California) I'm trying to find the best care for my mother (71) with pancreatic cancer. The signs and symptoms seem to worsen with every week and I'm not happy how long and far a part her appointments are with her care...
  11. L

    Which plan to choose?

    A family of 3, mid 30s and 3 year old son. I lean towards to alternative HDHP. Appreciate any inputs! Plan Info
  12. M

    Help compare to current plan?

    Hi! Thanks in advance for the help, I’m completely lost. Plan 1 is our current plan. Spouse got a new job which has decent coverage (Plan 2) but it’s like comparing apples and oranges to me! Family Coverage: 2 adults, 2 children. No more anticipated. 1 adult and 1 child have a heart condition...
  13. D

    Short term insurance plans for an international student in NYC

    I'm an international student in New York City (on F-1 visa). My university health plan expires on December 31, and my new job (and hence, new insurance plans) begins in February. My school/provider doesn't provide any option to renew the plan I am for this intermediate period, and they recommend...