
  1. L

    PLDT whiffs as Q1 net income down 12% y/y, capex on chopping block (Friday, May 8)

    Happy Friday, Barkada -- The PSE closed up 14 points to 5654 [▲0.25%]. Daily meme COVID Update WW: 3903965 ▲1% PH: 10343 ▲3% Top 3 MB indices: #COVID-19 ▲2.63% POGO Prop. ▲1.93% D30 Targets ▲1.64% Bottom 3 MB indices: Telco ▼3.10% 2019 IPOs ▼2.64% POGO Gaming...
  2. D

    What would you do if you are starting over at 40 y.o.?

    I know people might castigate me for this. But then again, I might gain some insight from people who actually have invested something. I'ma be turning 40. I don't have any savings or investments. Basically it's like I'm starting over. Am a single dude by choice. Would personally choose...
  3. I

    BNCOM sets P12/share price (4% discount) (M:Mar14)

    Happy Monday, Barkada -- The PSE lost 13 points to 7112 ▼0.2% Thanks to Jing for the meme love, and to Tony R. and Kevin for sending me a heads-up that CTS Global's IPO application has been approved by the SEC. Shout-outs to misunderstood, Anamay Legani, Julius Palamos, Althea Savannah...
  4. L

    ALI and RLC profits drop 77% y/y; q/q recovery the real story (Monday, Nov 9)

    Happy Monday, Barkada -- The PSE closed up 41 points to 6686 ▲0.6%. Apologies to anyone who sent messages or commented on Reddit in the past few days: my account was accidentally disabled. Shout-out to /@ky_gal, who had to manually approve everything that I tried to do while Reddit fixed the...
  5. S

    Return on Investment of Solar Installation

    This post is inspired by a recent question (that got removed by mods lol) and the post linked below that detailed living with a solar installation for a month. So here, I would detail my own experience; Detailing the initial cost, how much money it makes a year, when I'd hit breakeven, and the...
  6. I

    BDO Q1 profit up 40% -- banks are killing it (Th:Apr20)

    Happy Thursday, Barkada -- The PSE lost 18 points to 6446 ▼0.3% Thank you to Carlos de Guzman for pumping my tires, to Alex for spotting the typo in yesterday's post where I referred to "December 31, 2023" instead of for 2022, to Rod Leaf for the meme appreciation, and to /@eccemachina for...
  7. L

    Fear of missing out??

    Hi! Not sure if this is the right sub for this. Quick background 32m with 2kids and good wife(I mean hnd maluho ☺️) former ofw and decided to stay na sa pinas With enough EF(8digits (yeah yeah msyado malaki but ayoko muna mag risk for now)), properties, insured and right now my source of...
  8. J

    Hosue n lot vs lot only

    As a rule of thumb, how much would it cost to build a typical 40 sqm house (2 br, 1 cr, 2 floors) This is the typical townhousr design. Torn between buying a house n lot that's 2.3M VS lot only that would cost 640,000k If I buy the lot, is 1.6 enough to build a 40 sqm house? Or mas...
  9. C

    Junket Scam So proven na pyramiding scam pala yung junket investing scheme ng Team Z?
  10. I

    SCC Q2 profit 170%, despite flood of cheap Russian coal (Th:Aug4)

    Happy Thursday, Barkada -- The PSE gained 68 points to 6430 ▲1.1% Are there any registered shareholders of Xurpass, Boulevard Holdings, or House of Investments, that are willing to volunteer to send me your notes on the upcoming shareholders' meetings? Thanks to John Y., and G for the meme...
  11. S

    For those earning above 6 digits monthly, what critical decisions did you make in your career to break past the 6-digit mark?

    The title says it all. Share tips naman for those who are graduating fresh out of college.
  12. S

    CIMB account types

    I have CIMB and ING accounts but ING is still in the verification process so I would like to put my funds first in CIMB but I’m quite confused sa 3 types of accounts. GSave UpSave Fast and Fast Plus account I’ll type here the pros and cons of each based on my understanding and will put my...
  13. R

    Why is $PLUS still a BUY?

    It still keeps going up... it jumped +6.39% day P/L FinBox has it all on GREEN.
  14. T

    Buy a house or rent?

    Hello, I'm in my 30s (M), single, have 2 dogs, work from home (permanently), and have occasional meet-ups with our team in Metro Manila (not mandatory) and overseas (mandatory, pero mostly in Asia pa din naman). I have worked sa Metro Manila for 5 years, pero di ko nagustuhan ang CoL at traffic...
  15. A

    Water Refilling Station by 18

    Using a throwaway account because friends. This is lengthy but head straight down for my question. Hi I am a 16 year old that has saved 200k (might increase, all invested on family business) with a separate 100k EF. I can also ask fiancial help from parents but I saved enough for me. By 18 I...
  16. M

    Ask Me Anything About Philippine Taxation! 11.May.2020

    Hi! I am a CPA specializing in Philippine Taxation. I created this AMA to help Filipino business owners and investors understand the effects of taxation on their financial decisions. Also, to promote our subreddit. Importance of taxation Effect on investment income - Financial advisors will...
  17. E

    Where and how much funds to put to get 200k payout every month?

    As the title says, the aspiration is to receive 200k/month interest for a lifetime from funds deposited in a solid financial institution. I’d really like to hear the advice of the financially savvy on a) how much to put?, and b) where? Obviously, a loooot of money will trickle down 200k...
  18. S

    I just a hit a milestone, I finally reached a million in my savings

    I would like to thank this sub for all the tips and learnings. I know a million is not that much in today’s economy, but it finally feels good to be called a millionaire.
  19. E

    Juan Hand keeps calling because number was used as reference?

    TL DR: Some one gave my mom's name and number (w/o permission) and used as reference (idk what its called) , she said no but Juan Hand still keep calling constantly. So ayun someone used my moms name para sa reference, para ata maka utang sa Juan Hand. In the call my mom said no, pero they keep...
  20. C

    Bank account for 80+ y/o Lolo

    Hi! Just seeking advice if it is okay for me and my Lolo to open a joint bank account or his own savings account na lang? Account is intended for my Lolo's money from selling his lots and he wants someone sana na maka-access din sa account just in case something happens.