personal finance in the uk

  1. E

    Best app or trading account for S&P 500

    Hi there, so I’m new to Reddit and investing. I’m hoping to start putting £50 per month into a stocks and shares ISA and invest in the S&P 500 like the VUAG ETF for example. My understanding is that my bank lloyds and HL will charge something like £11 per investment and Vanguard account...
  2. K

    Moving money back to the U.K. but don’t live there. What taxes can I be charged?

    I’m due to inherit money from a family member who passed away abroad. I also live abroad (non E.U.) The amount is too low for inheritance tax. As a U.K. citizen not living in the U.K. but hoping to move back next year. Will I have to pay another tax like capital gains tax?
  3. M

    Managed to hit my 30k pension goal by 30

    Hi All, So I had a post up last year where I hit my first 20k in my pension pot and had a goal to hit 30k before I hit 31 (which is in less than 2 weeks) so I could say I hit 30k at 30 (cringe I know). Checked my app this morning to see I finally hit it. I’ve been trying to put in around 7/8k...
  4. G

    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    Hi all. I purchased this dehumidifier on a whim to dry out my work van which had 25L of water spilt in the back. I didn't put much thought into as I was only going to use it for this purpose but I decided to try it out in the living room where I hang up my family of 4's clothing to dry. Wow I...
  5. N

    Advice on what to do before switching?

    I’ve currently got a S&S ISA with Plum and will be looking at moving it over to Vanguard in the new tax year due to lower fees and greater choice of funds. I’m currently not putting a great amount into the ISA as I’ve been out of work due to ill health for the last 18 months but aiming to get...
  6. J

    Rent Affordability. I have created a budget to help me predict if I can afford the cost of renting. Please be critical!

    Hi all, I am currently trying to ascertain if it is feasible for me to rent a small flat. I have produced a spreadsheet below including my salary and a series of costs, both provided on a monthly and yearly basis. I have grouped these into categories and provided a total and percentage of...
  7. T

    New job new salary: questions about taxes, pension and taxable benefits

    Hello guys, I'll try to keep it short and to the point. Let's imagine a salary of £60,000. 1st matter:If I try to calculate net pay with some of the websites available, they all give me the same result: ~£3,575 (some 3,575.31, others 3,575.01, but I guess it's okay and mostly due to rounding...
  8. H

    planning on opening second s&s isa, need advice.

    I have an h&l s&s isa with some funds i particuary like. is it possible to open a 2nd isa with a cheaper provider in 24/25, and keep the h&l ticking over, as long as I only pay into the new one ? if yes, in the h&l, could I buy and sell funds with money already in the wrapper as long as I dont...
  9. C

    Surpassed £85,000 VAT threshold selling second-hand goods - how shall I go about managing the implications? 23 y.o total accounting novice.

    I have a business selling second-hand clothes on eBay which regrettably sailed past the £85,000 threshold a couple of months ago without me even realising that this threshold existed! Totally foolish on my behalf and I take full responsibility for not educating myself earlier on the issue...
  10. R

    Trying to understand if my investment portfolio growth over last 7 years is “good”

    Hi there I was looking at my HL S&S ISA which I’ve had for the last 7 years or so and have been actively putting money into it. For the past year, I’ve been putting £600 in per month and previously would mostly put lump sums in. Without saying the portfolio value sum (I hope not necessary for...
  11. Y

    K tax code and self assessment

    Hi there I’m pretty confused about having to pay extra tax from a self-assessment and receiving a K tax code from HMRC for 2023/24. During 2022/23, I thought I had done well when my employer went public and I exercised shares. However, this was treated as income by HMRC which put me into a...
  12. S

    Sale of the property purchased before becoming UK tax resident

    I sold my foreign property in a market with highly volotile FX rates, so timing in calculation is important here. Now as I am submitting my tax return I am trying to work out right way of calculating capital tax gains. Here are three events with some references: Time Amount in local currency...
  13. O

    L&G Pension Fund Choice

    Hello, Could someone help a friend select a pension fund for themselves. They are 37 and have just started the job. Legal & General offer the following: AAA-AA Fixed Int O15 Yr Targeted Duration (PMC) 3 AAA-AA Fxd Int All Stks Targeted Duration (PMC) 3 AAA-AA-A Corp Bond All Stocks Index...
  14. E

    I’m setting up a e commerce clothing brand but I don’t know which bank to go with

    I’ll be operating as an LTD and my work will primarily be importing blanks from American and Asia so I’ll need good conversation rates for said areas. I’ve seen Starling and Barclays be highly regarded but I’d like to know which bank is the best for what I’m doing (e commerce clothing) and if...
  15. P

    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    Dear UKPF, I have about 3k of my ISA allowance left for this tax year. I have about 3k cash however I can't invest this at the moment I need to pay rent, bills etc. However I want to max out my allowance. Can I put this 3k cash into my ISA on the 4th of April, "park it" until the tax year...
  16. H

    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    I have read many a comment over the last few days that have made me question the overpay v save debate. My understanding was that the overpayments are affecting interest on a larger debt balance whereas the savings compound from a smaller balance hence it is better to overpay. I input an...
  17. N

    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    Hi Im 34 in £37k worth of debt to 7 credit cards and 1 loan. Interest is being added to all debt as I am u able to transfer any of the CC to 0%. My take home is £3k a month and outgoings look abit like this 450 rent 100 g/e 145 car 200 food 700 nursery 76 phone 47 internet 250 wife 1200 debt...