personal finance in the uk

  1. E

    Does it make more financial sense for me to buy a house now or continue renting for a few years

    Throwaway account. Hoping you financially savvy Redditors can offer some advice - I (28F) am considering buying a house with my fiancé (28M). I make £39k (due to rise to mid 40’s this year). Fiancé makes £29k & we get ~ £300 per month Disability Living Allowance for our autistic son. We live...
  2. B

    Energy cost of devices on standby in my home [Updated inc oct price cap]

    I saw the excellent post by /@sleeplesswhite-the-jackal and wanted to build on this further, this now includes the October price cap rate of 34p/kwh and I've added some more data to this from around the home. I have converted this to a Google Sheet which can be customised with your own...
  3. M

    Can't find conveyancing solicitors to act in property purchases in UK/London w/ crypto profits. Any recommendations?

    Hey everyone,I'm reaching out to this community in hopes of finding some guidance or recommendations based on your experiences. Recently, I've been in the process of trying to purchase property in the UK, specifically in the London area, using profits I've earned from cryptocurrency investments...
  4. F

    18y/o, £35k salary, living with parents - savings advice

    Hi all, I'm about to start my first job post A Levels with a salary of 35k/year. The job is hybrid so I'll be living at home with my parents. They will be charging me about £300-500 per month rent, everything included. I am contributing 5% of my salary to my pension and my employer is...
  5. L

    Is there such a thing as a financial M.O.T?

    I'm a co-director (50/50 with my wife) of a small retail shop in the U.K. where we own our premises, and live elsewhere. I've got loads of little questions questions about things like pensions (which neither of us have), capital gains tax, and just loads of other things. I've been told that my...
  6. M

    UK Personal Finance App/Software - P&L and/or Asset Tracking - Recommendations...?

    Hi all Can anyone recommend a personal finance app/software that does at least one of the following: ASSET TRACKING - automatic transaction feeds from bank accounts and investment account(s), to see a graph of (liquid/semi-liquid) assets over certain periods. I.e over 1/2/5 years.An...
  7. 8

    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    I have a company pension which is currently in the L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 L&G say this is for long term growth through exposure to a diverse range of asset classes. I've...
  8. S

    UK Capital Gains Tax Query - Second Property

    Hey r/UKPersonalFinance community, I need some guidance on a UK Capital Gains Tax situation for some relatives: X bought a property for £2,000 in 1960 living in it for c. 10 years. X married Z in 1980s, neither have lived in the house since and the house has been used to provide rental...
  9. C

    Is this a normal return for a workplace pension? +£73.09 (0.89%) in almost five years - honestly what can I do to improve this?

    Total contributions: £8,184.13 Last regular contribution: £210.00 Value of investments: £8,238.76 Investment loss or gain since 07 Dec 2018: +£73.09 (0.89%) This is a workplace pension set up by one of the big German discounters with Legal and General. 2 funds invested in: L&G PMC...
  10. A

    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    EDIT 2 (1/11) - Sincere thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to educate me and provide valuable advice! I’ve decided to stick with my pension and chuck the entire inheritance towards my debts :) ——————————————————————- So I (24F) have found myself with about £15k credit card debt - I’m well...
  11. S

    Carrying Forward Pension Payments to a SIPP

    I have been with a defined contributed pension since 2004 with Scottish Widows and have changed my provider to Vanguard SIPP. For the first time will be contributing as an LTD company instead of myself as a PAYE earner. I would like to carry forward 3 years of pension payments from my LTD...
  12. O

    Mortgage increasing by £250p/m wiping out savings

    Due to the ridiculous interest rates at the moment we're looking at around £250 p/m increase on out £130k mortgage. Currently we save around £300 a month so it's basically wiping that out completely. Is it worth saving £50 per month at all?? Is it worth putting it into premium bonds? What would...
  13. S

    2024-25 Stocks & Shares ISA's Q

    Hey all, Little bit new to investing in general so looking for some help. Last year I opened a S&S ISA with HL. And I'm wanted to ask: Can I have more than one Stocks & Shares ISA accounts for 24/25 - as long as I don't go over the threshold? Example, keep contributing to my HL S&S ISA. And...
  14. B

    I have moved back in with parents, is there anything that I need to inform HMRC w.r.t tax?

    I have recently graduated and started a Job in London so have moved back in with parents. Is there anything that my parents need to inform HMRC of? (excluding child benefits) Thanks for your help!
  15. F

    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    Hi, I’m an international PhD student working at a university. I have received my first month’s salary today which I realised was much lower than expected - it’s because they auto-enrolled me into the USS pension scheme. I asked about personal vs employer contributions so apparently I pay 9.8% of...
  16. M

    U.S. Index fund FX risk

    Hello all, I am looking to start putting some spare cash into index funds (probably a good time to do so at least). I'd like to do this across a few funds and I am attracted to U.S. stock index funds (betting on the U.S. economy is historically a sound choice) e.g. Vanguard S&P 500. I work in...
  17. P

    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    My RSS feed subscription managed to pick up the changes to the ISA legislation, so I've found the Autumn Statement ISA changes will be going ahead. A summary from the change document: These Regulations amend the Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998 by: increasing the age at which a...
  18. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    Hi All, I'm 32 and starting a new chapter in my life. I've NEVER had credit. Abused it as soon as I turned 18 and never got back on the right foot. I was in a high paying sales role which included a company card. I managed to pick up a drug habit and subsequently abused this privilege. I'm 18...
  19. C

    Looking for some advice on how to make my portfolio easier to track and manage

    As I was growing up, my dad managed an ISA for me (using Hargreaves Lansdown). A few years ago, I started managing it and investing myself. It is doing okay, but I do not really know what I am doing… I have been stalking this sub for a while and read through the wiki, but unsure how to 'get my...
  20. J

    I’m finding it really hard to get motivated to go back to work after 5 months out.

    So some background context; I have as few qualifications as any really after having to drop out of college after 18 months to help my single dad pay rent. As I result, I took a job back then as an 18 year old and spent nearly 7 years working for one of England’s biggest supermarkets, flashy I...