personal finance in switzerland

  1. T

    Alternative asset classes through IBKR

    Hi all, With P/E ratios at all time high, does anyone know of good alternatives to invest in Private Equity (is it better to go for PE stocks or are there funds of funds?) or Real Estate (e.g. REITs) that can be found on IBKR? I would allocate 10%/15% of my portfolio to the above, the reast...
  2. S

    Not Putting in 2nd Pilar.

    Hello all I will be switching my job soon. Normally when switching my job I would take all the capital of my current "Pensionskasse" to the one of my new employer. My question now is: can I instead of sending the money to the new Pensionskasse, invest it in the VIAC Freizügigkeit? I guess the...
  3. N

    Joint bank account

    I've been binge reading posts here and found that it's pretty common that folks here have joint account with their spouse. When we opened ours on ZKB, we were told that joint account is problematic if it's the only one, because in case of death of one spouse, account is freezed until...
  4. T

    Portfolio protection

    Hello there, So far since having a job, I've only invested about half my life savings (yes stupid, but also grew up poor with no parents that could help out in a financial emergency, and the only inheritance I could expect are debts, so having a cushion was kinda critical for survival)...
  5. R

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    Hi All, Besides puting aside some money in indexes, I would like to invest in an active management fund with a decent track record, ideally based in Switzerland. Do you know any? Thank you
  6. J

    Financial advice - what to do in my situation (medium-time investments?)

    Hi everyone, I am a bit unsure on how to manage my money, and I would like to hear your advice. I'm in my early 30s and working in Switzerland since 6 months (B permit), and I have 2.5 years left on my contract. The contract is non-renewable (I work in a swiss university) and the only way for...
  7. T

    I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

    I need tips to find solutions to keep my 10k and get some interest and in case i need it i can withdraw without a problem? Do you guys have any tips
  8. G

    CHF to EUR transfer

    What’s the best and smartest way to transfer around 40’000 CHF from a swiss bank account into a German bank account in EUR? My approach would’ve been transfer from my swiss bank to alpian and from there to the German bank account? Grateful for any tips!
  9. A

    Lohnbuch 2024

    Does someone have the Lohnbuch 2024 in Pdf version or similar?
  10. S

    Switched from Swissquote to IBRK in January, didn't get a letter from Calida. What did I do wrong?

    I sold the shares at Swissquote and just bought them again on IBRK. I remember that you had to fill out some form on Swissquote, I don't know where I can find it on IBRK. I filled out everything that I could find, yet it didn't work and my better half is bummed.... lol. On that topic, am I the...
  11. S

    How do you prepare for yearly bills?

    Hi all i am fairly new in switzerland and i just paid my yearly insurance for car and taxes for it. I wanna be prepared for next year and dont want to hold cash monthly for this, at the Kantonalbank there are no such „Unterkonten“ to put the amount there… just one saving account but i want to...
  12. B

    Why a Swiss broker?

    Swiss brokers such as swissquote are usually more expensive than other non-Swiss commonly used brokers like IB and DEGIRO. Moreover, investing with a Swiss broker has an additional 0.15%/year for stamp duty. I am then wondering if there is any pros in investing with Swiss brokers, as many in...
  13. J

    US Estate Tax on VT for non US Persons (all of us)

    I’ve carefully reviewed an excellent post from 2020 about US Estate Taxes for non-US Persons on Assets (such as VT) on Mustachian Post. As someone who’s a bit older and closer to retirement than the average, this topic has become increasingly important to me. However, since the post is somewhat...
  14. A

    Advice needed: 75k on a PF current account

    Hello! I am 38 years old, living in Geneva, and earn 105k/year (gross). I've never been particularly interested in managing my finances. However, my partner and I are planning to buy a flat within the next 5 years. The only step I've taken so far is opening a 3a account (Postfinance) with 14k...
  15. R

    Report with Withholding tax - tax declaration

    Hello , My first time doing the tax declaration having ETFs in IB and, when creating a report for 2023, I do not see the option to select Withholding tax, so that I can claim the 15% tax back (US ETFs) - see image. Could you let me know where can I have that info...
  16. D

    IBKR US witholding tax

    Hi Everyone, First year using US ETFs on IBRK and, although there are a few articles about this online like the poor swiss one ( How To File Your Taxes With Swiss And Foreign Securities In 2024 - The Poor Swiss ) , I feel dumb dumbs and I'm not quite sure how to claim back the 15% US witholding...
  17. E

    Best ETF on yuh?

    Is someone investing in etfs through yuh? If yes, in which ones?
  18. M

    3-4 years fixed horizon, what to do? iBonds?

    Hello everybody, first reddit post here :D I live in Zug and I'm trying to understand how to allocate my money before an incoming big expense. Other than my long-term investments. I have an extra 150k€ that I know I'm gonna need by 2027-2028. While looking for a way to invest them with...
  19. J

    Financial planning for young adults

    Hello everyone, I am 18 years old and would like to know what to do with my money. I am currently a college student and looking to educate myself. As I reach adulthood, I wanted to know what investments I should make. Should I start contributing to my first pillar? I am passionate about finance...
  20. S

    Neon or Yuh?

    What are your experiences with Neon and/ or yuh? I want to invest in some ETF's and Cryptos. What would you recommend? Are there any notable differences in fees? Which of the two have better ETF's?