personal finance in switzerland

  1. M

    Beginner question: Depot or Fondsparplan

    Hello lads and lasses I wan‘t to start investing a part of my savings but I‘m unsure how to approach this. I‘m an absolute beginner since I haven’t invested any money, except of my pillar 3a. I know that people here recommend internet banks or platforms because the fees are lower. But that’s...
  2. M

    Retirement Planning Top 5-10 to do’s

    What do you think are the most important to dos pre age 55 for a successful retirement phase? Please help me prioritize and build on following thoughts: A. Clear Budget for Retirement Phase with realistic cost assumptions B. Financial Plan pre and post retirement C. Transparency over income...
  3. J

    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    (Zurich) Own a cheap car bought a long time ago with cash, which works well so far but still has some costs now and then. Since I thankfully don't have to commute to work by car anymore we use the car maybe 4 times a month on weekends. No kids, no obligations that require car use, thankfully...
  4. L

    Lump Sum Investment Swiss Broker - VT vs VWRL vs VEVE & VFEM vs SSAC (ACWI)

    Hello SwissPersonalFinance community First of all I want to thank you all, as I've learned a lot through this subreddit. I have an amount that I want to invest in the next couple of months/years. My time horizon is about 30-40 years. Since it is a lump sum investment and I will hold it for...
  5. J

    Feedback New ETF Portfolio

    Hi Everyone, As end of the year break is in full swing, I took the chance to reorganize and consolidate my investments, which I felt were a bit too scattered. I have come up with the below portfolio of ETFs. I wanted to pass it through the community for a sanity check and any feedback or...
  6. X

    Budget for 70k-80k

    I saw this post of a family living on 75k. Assuming this is netto, could someone give me a budget breakdown how would you live for 75k?
  7. M

    Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

    Hi all, following this sub for a while, first post for me. I wanted to invest ca. 60k CHF now but im kinda unsure about the market situation of Swiss Frank weakness and interruption of the bull market. CHF lost already roughly 8% this year to USD, but I believe it will rebound later this...
  8. T

    Home bias in finpension pillar 3a

    I've just checked my pillar's asset allocation in finpension. Back then I've decided for the "Global 100" strategy with a Credit Suisse index fund. Now I realized that this is not so global after all - it contains 40% Switzerland, where the real global share of Switzerland is at around 2-3%. The...
  9. M


    Hallo zäme, i han ändlich gnueg Gäld dasi näb der 3a Süle no guet 400.- übrig han pro Monet ums chönne z investiere. Was für wär öichi empfählig wenni nid möcht daytrade. Viu rede ja vo etf‘s. I has zwar scho nocheglöse und googlet aber i verstahs gäng nonid ganz🥲 Danke fürd hilf.
  10. B

    Withhold tax for US-ETF as a B-Permit holder

    Scenario: I am a B-Permit holder with a salary under 120k and wealth under 80k. Hence, I don‘t have to make a tax declaration. Also I am not interested to do it as I live in a city with higher taxes than the canton and would probably have to pay more taxes. Now I want to start investing like...
  11. P

    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    I'm genuinely curious why people often think VT is a better choice over VTI or another S&P 500 type ETF. I know VT tracks a more global market but if you look at the chart since 2008, the ebbs and flows are directly correlated to how the U.S. Market performs, while the performance of VT...
  12. A

    Leveraged 2x SP500 ETF - SSO, DBPG, SPUU w/ Interactive Brokers

    Hi all, I am looking for the most efficient way to invest in 2x Leveraged SP500 ETF, I have seen that DBPG and SSO results being good options ( Not interested in having SPY and and UPRO and rebalancing ). DBPG is in EUR with higher transaction fee ( 1.25USD x transaction) but lower TER (0,6%)...
  13. E

    House in Italy/Spain with Swiss mortgage?

    Gruetzi! I’m an Italian living in Switzerland and I’ve been thinking about buying a house in Italy or Spain (still debating) as an investment and I was wondering whether taking a loan from a Swiss bank (vs local) would be feasible and advisable. Does anyone have any experience on this subject...
  14. S

    Welche Vor- und Nachteile haben Autos für die Menschheit und die Umwelt - Made with Findmind

    Hallo Zusammen, Da ich von der Schule aus eine Vertiefungsarbeit machen muss, habe ich dazu eine Umfrage erstellt. Wäre sehr lieb wenn ihr euch 5 Minuten Zeit nehmen könntet um diese zu beantworten. Danke im voraus
  15. D

    Doubt over classification as private investor for beginner

    I am living in Switzerland and plan to start investing around 5-10k every quarter (so 1 transaction per quarter) on an ETF (something like iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF) through a broker. I have read that there are 5 criteria outlined by the FTA to be considered as a private investor (listed...
  16. R

    AHV Pension

    Calculation on what one receives at retirment from AHV seem to be "complicated". Q: is there any minimum threshold to meet in order to get any AHV Pension? E.g. what if I only spend 15 years in CH paying into AHV... Will onget any pension at age of 65? Assuming also I won't be resident in CH...
  17. S

    ETFs, Dividends, Taxation, is it still worth buying VT?

    So I am down the butthole, regarding dividend taxation, ETFs Fund domicile and VT. There are quite a few good resources on the net e.g. [1] [2] [3] and [4] [5] [6] Suppose I'll...
  18. F


    Hellou Auso z ding isch i bi ids 1 1/2 mönet chrank gschribe gsy. Ids bi ig ids minus gworfe worde (da weiss ig, dass ds nid geit ha ou scho gseit dasi ds nid wirde nachehole wüw chrank gschribe isch chrank gschribe) ids chöme die aber u säge wüw mir zyt vor schaffe - ds ds geit mitm minus -...
  19. O

    Tax declaration: Quellensteuer

    Hi there! I moved to Switzerland 1,5 years ago and last year my company paid a tax consultant for me. This was only for the first year, so I tried doing it this year by myself. I live in Schwyz and use the eTax. I found it quite complicated at times, but got good support via email from the...
  20. A

    Financial Year Sankey Diagram - Gross Income CHF 155k

    Inspired by posts of @kevindsingleton and u/L1007. I found this very interesting to make and thought it may be interesting to share. However, if you are sick of these, feel free to scroll on or downvote...