personal finance in switzerland

  1. T

    I just got my will and Vorsorgeauftrag notarized at 24 - ask me anything!

    I did what the title says. In preparation, I did some research to the point where I read all the relevant articles in the ZGB. My research also revealed that the great majority of people don‘t take care of these things, which I found quite shocking (I mean I get it, these are not happy topics...
  2. N

    Tax reporting of a new Fixed term deposit / Festgeldanlage, ZH Tax

    Hi everyone, and thanks for the amazing info that you all share here. I opened a 3-months fixed term deposit in December 2023 and I want to ensure that I report it correctly to the tax authorities. My actual questions are: Should Steuerwert (Tax Value) and Nennwert (nominal value) be the same...
  3. J

    Feedback New ETF Portfolio

    Hi Everyone, As end of the year break is in full swing, I took the chance to reorganize and consolidate my investments, which I felt were a bit too scattered. I have come up with the below portfolio of ETFs. I wanted to pass it through the community for a sanity check and any feedback or...
  4. T

    3a without tax benefits

    Hello, I'm a newbie here in Switzerland and I think I already made a mistake. I'm on a B permit and after calculating my tax (Zürich), I'm saving 4000 on taxes by remaining on B permit and not declaring my 3a holdings. Unfortunately, I invested 7k last year into it, so I don't have access to...
  5. G

    where can I start planning my financial future?

    Hi everyone! I am a 26y/o Swiss citizen in her last year of her masters. I have some savings on a "Sparkonto" as well as a "Säule 3A". My parents are moving away so in 1-2 years I could take over their house in a lovely agglo. I'd like to inform myself about saving and investing possibilities...
  6. C

    Unexpected return to EU from Switzerland: VT vs VWCE

    Hi everyone!!! I would like to take advantage of the hive mind of the subreddit to do some brainstorming. Origin story: M30, Italian citizen, 4 months ago I signed a contract with a large corp in Switzerland and in January this year I moved there and started working there. In preparation for...
  7. A

    Taxation on stocks?

    Hello, i cant figure out how stocks are taxed in CH. The internet is giving vague answers. I am Danish but with swiss citizenship, i’m considering a move to canton Neuchatel. How are stocks taxed? In denmark its 42%.. Thank you
  8. E

    Best fund domicile?

    Hello, I live in Switzerland and I’m new to ETF investing. So much information and I am confused on fund domicile. Is it better to buy something based in Ireland? USA? Luxembourg? What gives the best tax opportunity cost? Any suggestions on 5 ETF where to invest 10k each as a lump sum...
  9. G

    How much Swiss rental income tax should I pay?

    Sorry I’m not familiar with the Swiss tax system. I’m curious to know the amount of Swiss tax on rental income from properties located abroad (for example in France, Germany, Uk etc). Thanks
  10. M

    Looking for advice on what to do with 300K CHF

    So, my partner and I have saved a little more than 300K, not including our pensions. We have decided that this NEEDS to be the year that we do something with this money. The reason why we have this cash is because we were thinking about buying a house. Now, I am thinking that buying might not be...
  11. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    Ok, as a resolution for 2022, let me try to make the decision whether to buy or rent a home in Switzerland a bit more rational. With price to rent ratios typically above 30, I find it really hard to justify buying real estate in our beautiful country. I have tried to adjust a model from Holy...
  12. D

    IBKR settled up and savings transferred, what's next?

    Hey everyone, I've been closely following this subreddit lately as I've decided to invest some of my savings from my Italian bank account. I'm looking into a long-term investment strategy, possibly spanning 5 to 10 years. I've noticed that many people here recommend SPY or VT, but I'm quite new...
  13. B

    Claim deductions when taxed at source

    Hi folks, I'm a 30-something B-permit holder living in Kanton Fribourg. I'm assessing whether it makes sense to claim tax deductions, as I'm contributing fully to the 3a pillar. I will give you a bit of context: my annual brutto is 103,200, which becomes approximately 75,336, implying a tax...
  14. G

    Review of investment strategy + questions

    I (30M) have 180k CHF (excluding 3a pillar and 2nd pillar) I save like 4k/mo. Using IBKR I have spread my investments as so: 20k P2P lending 70k S&P500 ETF 20k Total International Stock market ETF ex-US (VXUS) 30k play money in stocks, which i put in 2-3 companies that i think might be...
  15. J

    Buying Swiss ETFs

    Hoi zäme! I have been actively investing in US ETFs through IBKR which works out quite cheap. Since I was getting started a year ago I didn't pay so much attention to either consistent investing or designing a fixed portfolio. At the moment I have 80% US(VTI, VO, VUG and VTV) and 20%...
  16. T

    Compte de Libre Passage

    Bonjour à tous ! Je vais prochainement quitter mon poste et tenter un challenge à l étranger. Ce que j ai compris est que je devrais ouvrir un compte de libre passage. Avez vous une banque / institution que vous recommandez ? Idéalement j aimerais placer ces fonds sur un ETF MSCI world ! Qu en...
  17. L

    Low fee stock trading Platform

    Hi As a swiss i’m looking for a platform with low(!) fees on buying and selling stocks. I’d like to so some swing/earning trades without leverage. My main deposit is at Swissquote, but the fees there are exorbitant high. Scalable capital would be perfect with their 1€ fee policy or even 0% if...
  18. C

    Help required with relocation to Switzerland

    I am a UK citizen, recently moved to Switzerland and plan on living here with my Swiss wife. I have close to 70 K GBP in savings in the UK, which i was investing but decided to liquidate as i was moving here. I am really keen on getting the money into different uses, but i have no idea how...
  19. A

    Emigration (but still pay tax) and pension funds

    I will go travelling 1y+ end of this year, I cancel my apartment and therefore lose my residency (I am Swiss, no other nationality or US tax problems), I will also not work from then on. From what I gathered, I will not only want to but also have to un-register my adress: once I leave I am not...
  20. J

    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    On the one hand, it's obviously made to be attractive. I am aware that - even without involving strangers - a group of people investing into a real estate project is almost guaranteed to be fucked up in some way. Edit: Just to avoid confusion: these are not obvious scam ads like "65 year old...