personal finance in switzerland

  1. R

    Accurate Tax Simulation

    Hello Everyone, I am currently calculating my tax burden between my municipality in Zürich and potentially Basel. The situation is that I currently have a full apartment in Zürich and a WG room in Basel due to a new job. I applied for "Wochenaufenthalter" in Basel, which would allow me to...
  2. S

    Mortgage liquidity

    In the event of one having large amounts of money in stock, would it be possible to calculate the stock into the required amount 20% I would need to provide to get the mortgage without having to sell them. E.g provide them as frozen assets. I would assume if this is possible that in the case...
  3. D

    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    I’ve been reeding a couple of subreddits, including this one and there always seems to be the same types of post of people struggling to make ends meet on a normal salary. I am seriously wondering how this is possible in Switzerland. The only explanation I can see is that people have incredibly...
  4. K

    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    Just got an email from neon announcing that WIR bank (their partner) is offering a savings account with 1.8% interest rate ( Caveats: 1. Valid only until Feb 2025 (1 year) Max withdrawal of 20k, need 6 month...
  5. U

    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    I'm currently using PostFinance for my savings, which offers a 0.8% interest rate. I'm exploring other options that might offer higher interest rates. I've heard about Bank Cler, but it seems the higher rates are only beneficial in the first year only. I'm specifically looking to open a new...
  6. L

    Expected Return ETF VT, VWRL, ACWI, etc

    I know past performance is no indicator for future performance. Everything is assumed in CHF. Is it more for synthetic funds like ACWIA from UBS since there are no withholding taxes at all? Despite this, what is a reasonable return to expect for ETFs like VT, VWRL, ACWI tracking ones or even...
  7. T

    Question about the 3rd pillar

    Hi guys, Been wondering for a moment if it’s worth it makin a 3rd pilar or just invest in more ETF? Most of the proposals i got have an expense ratio of 1.5% to 2.0% and with an interest of 3.7% that is a good interest it comes down to 1.7%-2.2% so i am just protecting my money from inflation...
  8. T

    Moving from Milan to Zürich

    Hello, I’m planning onto moving to Zurich from Milan, I’m already doing some interviews and the salary for my role on LinkedIn goes from a minimum of 90’000.- to a maximum of 140’000.- but I’ll consider the lower one to not create false expectations, also the applicants are not many, like 2-3 on...
  9. J

    Guidance regarding U.S. Tax Form 1042S?

    Do any of you know of a good guidance on how to read the U.S. tax form 1042S and how to enter the data into the DA-1 form with for example ZHprivateTax?
  10. N

    Experience with WIR mortgage?

    Hello! Does anyone have any experiences they could share with WIR bank and their mortgages? I found on their website that they offer 0% interest for first three years for first time buyers. Then capped at 1.75 percent. Seems too good to be true!? Is there a catch? Looked into WIR as we put...
  11. C

    Is it worth it to transfer from PostFinance to IBKR

    As per the title. I have some US shares and ETFs in a PostFinance E-Trading account. Is it worth it to transfer holdings to Interactive Brokers? Anyone who has done it would you recommend it? I mean technically it’s possible. You need to fill out a form (on paper!) and fax or post it to...
  12. 2

    Best broker for long term investment?

    What brokers do you guys recommend for a person who only buys some stocks/etf once o month (500-1000 CHF)? I currently have a Swissquote account, but I have a feeling that the monthly maintence costs are too high. Maybe i am wrong and swiss quote has fair conditions? What do you guys think?
  13. P

    Investing your 3-te Säule Konto

    Hi there I'm about 2 years into my finance jurney so still quite new and in the past 2 years I managed to contribute to my 3 Säulen Konto. All is in a active managed fond with Raiffeisen called: Raiffeisen Futura II - Systematic Invest Balanced -V- I dont like the current active managed fond...
  14. J

    I’m receiving a relatively large inheritance from the US - but CHF keeps growing!

    I’m receiving approximately $100’000 USD in a few months which I’m deciding to either send to Switzerland (where I live and invest), or send to my home country of Canada where I still have some money saved. The bummer (in this particular case), is the CHF keeps growing rapidly compared to the...
  15. R

    Any cheap gas life hacks?

    I think I’m already pretty optimised on this, but I’d love to know if anyone has any hacks/tips I don’t know about. My current strategy is that I check the TCS app for the cheapest gas station between my house and work. I won’t go way out of my way to get a cheaper station however. I try to...
  16. S

    Liechtenstein investment tips

    Hoi zemma :) , I'm a half Liechtensteiner/half European person that's been living in Liechtenstein for the past 4 years. Since there is no dedicated "LiechtensteinPersonalFinance" subreddit I thought I'd ask here(since as we all know Liechtenstein = Schweiz or is pretty close to it at least...
  17. F

    Suggestions to Start - 3a vs 3b

    Hey guys! Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read. I know you probably see something like this every day ahah. Some context: I am 27, work in IT and live alone for now but with partner incoming in the near future to stay (partner does not work for now). I think I have a pretty...
  18. T

    I just got my will and Vorsorgeauftrag notarized at 24 - ask me anything!

    I did what the title says. In preparation, I did some research to the point where I read all the relevant articles in the ZGB. My research also revealed that the great majority of people don‘t take care of these things, which I found quite shocking (I mean I get it, these are not happy topics...
  19. N

    Tax reporting of a new Fixed term deposit / Festgeldanlage, ZH Tax

    Hi everyone, and thanks for the amazing info that you all share here. I opened a 3-months fixed term deposit in December 2023 and I want to ensure that I report it correctly to the tax authorities. My actual questions are: Should Steuerwert (Tax Value) and Nennwert (nominal value) be the same...
  20. J

    Feedback New ETF Portfolio

    Hi Everyone, As end of the year break is in full swing, I took the chance to reorganize and consolidate my investments, which I felt were a bit too scattered. I have come up with the below portfolio of ETFs. I wanted to pass it through the community for a sanity check and any feedback or...