personal finance in malaysia

  1. T

    For sake of argument, I you get MYR 200k ~ 250k to invest, which investment will you do?

    Let say in some near future (maybe in 2 ~ 3 months) you will be getting this money (200k ~ 250k), which investment will you choose? And please give detailed answer, thank you. a) Play safe (ASNB) b) Property c) Buy American company stock like Google or Microsoft d) Stashaway or Wahed...
  2. G

    US stock brokerage fee comparison of several popular brokerages

    Was making a compilation of US brokerage fees now that Rakuten Trade has officially enabled their US trading feature. Thought to share with the community here. The below commission minimum totals are in USD (in the case of Rakuten trade, converted from MYR), and includes stamp duty and clearance...
  3. G

    Should i sell my current car and buy and 2nd hand car to run away fixing it?

    Current im driving a 13yo inspira. Ive put over 6k already in fixing the car and i can see i might be spending another 7-10k just to fix other problems that it has, that includes the whole undercarriage, aircond, steering rack. And the car also about to reach 200k km which means engine rebuild...
  4. A

    Where to start?

    I’m 21M. I’m on my 2/4 years of college(IT) and my only source of income is weekly allowances. Im lucky to finish college later debt free, and won’t have any commitments as I have a car n bike from parents, n planning to live with them until I marry (30 hopefully lol), so I plan to save up and...
  5. T

    What goes into deciding the rate you’d get for a loan?

    Housing loan specifically. How much do the following things affect your rates? one missed payment in CTOS (credit card, one time ever, 10months ago) promotion or change of jobs (does it matter how recent it is since the change?)
  6. J

    Currently owe 50k++ in consumer debt

    33M - Single and the parents (not working no pensions) are staying with me. I have maxed 5 credit cards (10500 limit each) and paying minimum of 525 on each card monthly. Total minimum paid is 2625/month. 3 of these cards are maxed out again each month to cover some of my living expenses...
  7. Q

    Anyone used P&O promilej car insurance before?

    How does it work and how do you claim? Put mileage on the first day and put mileage at the end of year?
  8. D

    [Serious] Worrying about my future career and need advice

    I'm 22 y/o and now working as graphic designer position with small company, currently salary RM2.4k, and graduated with diploma level. Also having debts to clear. ( Loan and PTPTN ) And I have confession to share and need your serious advice to courage me because I'm not happy with my current...
  9. N

    My personal strategy with ezycash promo or balance transfer promo

    There was another post earlier about the maybank new ezycash offer for cash out with 6 months instalment at 0% interest rate, and I notice some people dismiss it or think it's too little benefit to care. For people that think it's dumb to take advantage of these kind of offer for just few...
  10. D

    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    Previous post : So that post was 9 months ago and I took the decision to relocate to KL and as of today, I've been here for nearly 6 months (time flies). I wanted to share the income level, living costs and other expenses, and overall the experience I've had here living in Klang Valley...
  11. J

    How to fill in Borang B

    Hello, anyone has experience filling in Borang B? I'm a freelancer how i fill in the balance sheet part? I keep track of my income and expenses ij excel but didnt do proper account, and i use my personal bank account so i dont know how much cash belongs to business too. Should i leave this blank?
  12. L

    Quitting My Amazing Job (Am I insane?)

    Hello fellow redditors! First time posting here. 28M, currently earning 6k per month (take home pay around 5.2k). My car is fully paid off, only commitments are PTPTN and some basic utilities. FYI my company is in the Branding/Marketing industry, we deal with clients from all around Asia to...
  13. D

    Car loans/ Credit score w/o credit card [Newbie Questions]

    Hi guys, I'm looking to buy a old 2nd hand car ('05 and before). Looking to get a car loan and pay to start building up the credit score. I've just started working, so I do not have a credit card yet, at least not for another 4 months etc. Can I start building my credit score already/ Does...
  14. M

    Hitting Rock Bottom

    Hey guys, I’m 25(M). Truly need your advice and kind support for me. I have been suicidal for the past 6 months and I have no one to open up. It all started in 2022, I started trading forex and made a huge gain that I couldn’t even believe myself. I was making a whole lot of new money. At peak...
  15. D

    Tax Filling Issue

    All these while, I've been filing my income tax by myself. As been told by my old parents, they told me that my gross income is the figure u get from ur salary. Eg 5k x 12 = 60k then i will put 60k into gross income column in lhdn when i file them. however, lately, after watching Ziet vid...
  16. J

    Help with Job Choice

    Disclaimer: Throwaway account, don’t wanna out my other userid. For anonymity purposes the company names are skewed or omitted, but you might guess from there. Hi /r/MalaysianPF I currently have two job offers, one from a Singaporean FMCG/Logistics (satellite office in Klang Valley) startup...
  17. C

    3.85% p.a. with Maybank eFixed Deposit-i

    EDIT: Wrong link Any thoughts on
  18. N

    Touch 'n Go, GO+ 4% Bonus rate, thoughts on this?

    On the 1st of November, Touch 'n Go launched a campaign under the GO+ investment features, which provide an additional 4% p.a. bonus rate on top of the daily return rate (1.47% p.a). The campaign only lasts for 3 months, which starts from 1 November 2021 until 31 January 2022. It is also stated...
  19. M

    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    Salam and greetings to sifus, second time posting here on this sub. Been an avid reader all this while. I am 30(M, Bumi) married with a kid in KL (Moved recently). I am Netting around 7K Monthly (Approximately -10% from my previous job, with 20-30% higher cost of living; basically living...
  20. J

    About salary as Automation Engineer (PLC and Industrial Robot guy)

    Hey guys Wish u all well, I m 31(m) been an engineer about 8yrs and particularly have been working with PLCs almost 6yrs, did some development project for customized manufacturing machine... i can say i m well versed with Siemens Tia portal beckhoff's twincat and AB's Studio5000 with their...