personal finance in japan

  1. R

    Am I fucking up my GK setup as a US citizen? 50/50 with non-US citizen wife

    After piecing together advice from tax accountants for both US and JP without success, no one tax advisor will give me a straight answer so it's time for Reddit! I'm not cheap. I paid money for consults. Consults so far: I have a JP accounting firm who is going to setup a GK for me tomorrow. I...
  2. S

    Minimum to bring when buying a house - your honest opinion based on experience

    Hi all, I am reaching out to you all to hear your opinion and advice based on experience. Simply said …. I want to buy a house in Japan. Before you go “oh god another one” , a bit of background. I got PR , wife is Japanese and our kid is turning 5 this year , meaning elementary school will...
  3. S

    Inheritance tax. Leave japan and come back?

    Some people Amy consider this immoral or something but I need to ask if someone has done this and if it’s possible. Me and my sister will inherit 3 properties collective value is 2 million dollars (about) Liquid assets is about 5-6 split two ways. Then there’s stock and bonds and some...
  4. C

    Wealthnavi performance compare to other Nisa providers

    I have searched around on information about potential service for NISA. What I read online is almost always about o Rakuten, SBI, Money ... Mainly comparing their UI and Funds availables. But very few info on this reddit about robot investor like wealthnavi Now, I really don't like finances...
  5. S

    I’m planning on reselling Japanese products over social media but lost in the tax topics

    I’m planning on reselling Japanese products (I offer the products on my social media to my followers), I live in Japan and I’m a U.S. tax payer, I can’t find info on how that would reflect on my Japan taxes or how to declare it. Should I register as a sole proprietor? I have a LTR status, no...
  6. N

    eMAXIS Slim or Nomura NISA?

    I see Nomura has started a new NISA fund now, it looks like a eMAXIS Slim replacement. If I'm going to buy new NISA in the end of this month, [eMAXIS Slim] all country 22,294 per share S&P500 Index 26,421 per share [Nomura NISA fund] all country 11,559 per share S&P500 Index 11,759 per...
  7. N

    Inheritance Tax Questions (after reading past threads)

    Dear fellow redditors, I've been scouring through previous posts on the topic of inheritance taxes and the calculations behind them but has anyone actually gone through the process or spoken to a tax advisor or the NTA and received advise on what is the correct way to calculate your tax...
  8. C

    follow up: moving to Japan! Please give me some advice about what brokerage to use to continue holding my current U.S. stocks and buying more!!

    Hi all, I posted a few days ago but I wanted to make a follow up post, I will be an expat in Japan in 2 months (moving from U.S.). I have American Permanent Residency and Japanese citizenship. I have a re-entry permit, so I can stay in Japan for up to 2 years, but after that I may lose my...
  9. C

    AEON Bank campaign-- 3.0% (pre-tax) on 1 year fixed deposit. Good deal?

    Firstly, I've been very lax/negligent regarding the best use of my every-growing/still somewhat small savings (almost 7 million yen, after buying a residence). My New Years resolution (again)-- get a plan together. A problem-- I'm a US citizen (I hope my "flair" is correct). I'd love to drop...
  10. H


    Hi everyone, I've just came to Japan for 9 months and I am currently a permanent (正社員) of company A and I do some freelance stuffs (業務委託) for company B. Company A take care of all my tax, I do not have to submit anything. Company B just sent me a 源泉徴収税額 for the income I earned in 2022. The...
  11. B

    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    (Yes, this is a Tokyo centric thread, please spare the “who cares / life is much better elsewhere” replies). By central central I mean inside the Yamanote or just adjacent to it (west Shinjuku, Shinsen, Daikanyama, Tabata etc). The post-Bubble couple of decades in which a small detached house...
  12. T

    How does income tax work for self-employed consultant under G.K

    I've been trying to learn about income tax if setup a G.K. to work as a self-employed consultant. I could use some help me understand the following. I believe the income will fall under corporate income tax as described on this JETRO webpage. I assume that I can receive the income from my G.K...
  13. D

    Understanding the Ministry of Finance/Zaimusho

    I'm fairly familiar with how the NTA works due to my job, but I'm more ignorant about the MoF than I'd like to admit. I'm aware that it played a significant role during the economic rise of Japan, similar to the way China is currently managing its economy, but I'm not quite sure of its...
  14. L

    21 Y.O Making a NISA as a student

    Hello friends, I am a 21-year-old student in Tokyo and I'm looking to open a NISA account. I moved here 2 years ago for uni and don't have much knowledge on this subject so I'm looking for any help! (I am Japanese/Indonesian born and raised in Indonesia). I’m worried that inflation and weak ¥...
  15. T

    who is considered a u.s person for tax purposes? interactive brokers japan registration

    Hi folks. Noob here. I am a U.S citizen living in japan and I am trying register for a interactive brokers japan account. I live, work and receive all my income from japanese sources, and 0 from the US. When I fill in the personal information on the Interactive brokers japan website to open an...
  16. T

    Taxes: Long-term equity investing abroad, what needs to be tracked?

    I saw this thread the other day related to foreign exchange gains among other posts on the topic relating to possible "ghost gains" when the yen weakens when compared to the original purchase time of an asset. As an American who needs to invest outside of Japan, I'm looking to clarify...
  17. N

    Trying to get a credit card after 1 month

    So i opened a bank account on JP bank as other thread recommended but i realized that i dont get a credit card not even a debit card! I came from Argentina and whenever you open a bank account it comes with a debit card, but this JP just gave me a cash card? Just to take out or put in money, and...
  18. Y

    Receiving Foreign Assets

    I’m in a bit of a weird situation and am not really sure what I need to do. My mom is inheriting her deceased father’s properties and businesses in the Philippines. She spent years fighting off family for the inheritance and wants to transfer everything to my S.O and I soon(ish) so that we don’t...
  19. E

    Looking for a nice life insurance

    41 y/o holding a permanent residence. Married, with a 5 y/o daughter. Wife is professional, full time worker so she can still provide if I die. However I want to leave some money behind, hopefully a 30 million life insurance if possible. I already checked Rakuten and MetLife, they’re pretty...
  20. B

    Trading name / business address v personal for kojin jigyo expenses?

    Hello, First of all apologies for the basic questions, but I’m just at the start of setting everything up for my freelance business and am a bit worried I’ll make a mistake here that could wipe out my ability to claim any startup or ongoing monthly expenses. I am planning to submit the kaigyo...