personal finance in india

  1. G

    PSA: Important Links

    Hi Guys, I see everyday a lot of people coming here to understand or plan their future. I created a list of links that I feel one should ideally check out as they get serious about organizing their personal finance. Basics of Personal Finance - Hindi version- Pehla Kadam -...
  2. P

    Whats the ideal rent to income ratio?

    So I’m (22) planning to move out because I hate hate hate being at home and there is no mental peace. I think I’m wasting crucial time in life on the travel to work (1 hour +) and I could save the time and actually do things I need to do (study, side hustle, gym). I found a really nice place...
  3. P

    Build a product to simplify investment, tell us what you think !

    Hello , My friend from IIT BHU has built this awesome app to suggest the right mutual fund based on your needs and goal horizon. App Link : Website : After struggling with stock trading, and difficulty in finding...
  4. J


    Hi, M/37 married with a 8 yo kid. Had some doubt about my financial status and how should i go from here. My current situation: Home Loan 1: 53 lakhs outstanding (1.10 crore property value) Home Loan 2: 1.70 Crore outstanding (1.90 crore property value) Car Loan 1: Paid off Car Loan 2: 12 lakhs...
  5. B

    Tell us about what you prefer in your credit card

    Hi PersonalFinanceIndia readers, Am looking for help for my research on credit cards. In return, I promise to respond any query that you have on credit cards in India. - You can tag/ DM me for these, or ask to answer. Credentials - You can gauge based on advice, would just say that I create...
  6. J

    Touched 2.5 CR and 2 CR in the same year

    Hi everyone, Thanks for all the encouragement and support on my journey. I've a new update to share. With few days left in 2023, I've crossed 2.5 CR in networth (almost 2.6 CR now) after touching 2 CR in May this year. Here's the breakup...
  7. C

    25 M sole earner in family of 4. taking 10 Lakhs education loan to study abroad

    Hi guys, need some advice I'm currently working in dubai for almost 2 years. Taking an MBA and studiying abroad was always my dream, My father passed away when i was 15 year old. I'm eldest child and was responsible for taking care of my siblings. As i put hold on my abroad dreams and started...
  8. N

    Need help in preparing for FRM-1

    I want to prepare for GARP FRM Level 1, I heard that there are 4 subjects and they all are overlapping with each other in some readings/chapters, what should be the ideal preparation strategy in which order of chapters I should start learning as I'm a working professional and can only devote 2...
  9. M

    32 M - networth touched 8 figures in FY 2024

    2012- Zero networth 2024- eight figures (1.2 cr to be exact) Living in a tier three city. Low cost of living. Only major recurring expenses is online lectures and classes and purchasing books. Working in a psu bank currently. Before joining work was freelancing. Saving rate after necessary...
  10. M

    Look at my finance and comment whatever you feel

    30M, unmarried. IT guy in Bengaluru, Income 1.9L take home. Bought car worth 15lac.11lac loan pending. MF- 4.5lac, Stocks -5lac, SGB- 40 gram, Lended to friends n family - 14 lacs, Edit: this money is 98% safe. This is distributed to many people with different rate of interest in the range...
  11. A

    Rate my portfolio and advise

    I'm 28M and married, started working from Jan-2020 (Approx. 4 years and 4 months). The savings i have done as of now Mutual Funds - 17.8 L (93% Equity, 7% Debt) Stocks - 4.5 L EPF - 13.1 L NPS - 6.7 L PPF - 1 L SGB - 1.2 L I want to be financially free ASAP (not to wait for monthly...
  12. C

    Nest Egg Risk Diversification

    34F GC holder with an Indian passport, married to Indian origin 2nd generation US citizen. One 4 yo. Plans for 1 more by next year. Was in the Indian tech workforce since 2012, spread across 2 FAANGs, out of which 6 years were in the USA. Resigned last month. Had a side gig since 2016 via a...
  13. T

    Getting out of debt trap

    Okay, so a bit of background intro …. I am 29 M, life has been a downward spiral since Covid, currently having 5.5L worth of bank loans(multiple loans) & owe money to a few friends(around 7L in total). Current salary 50k with 20k of home loan EMIs. I had investments in various stocks but after...
  14. M

    Purchase advice

    Have recently started my first job with 9.5 l.p.a and planning to get a bike worth 3.5 lacs after monsoons next year. Ideally how much liquid / emergency fund should i have with me before buying and how can i save for the down payment of the bike ?? (1 lac dp - 9k emi) Monthly expenses expected...
  15. J

    EPFO withdrawal issues

    My Friend has worked for an organization X from 2017 to 2020 and the PF account used to be under EPFO. Then my friend on 2020 switched to company Y where the PF was not under epfo. Then on 2020 itself my freind switched to company Z where PF account comes under EPFO. Since late 2021 my friend...
  16. T

    Alternate approach to FIRE

    Core of investment is to cover the monthly cost of living: Assume that current expenses monthly are: 60,000 INR (This includes following items at current cost: house maintenance, food, phone+internet, house-help, fuel, electricity+gas, personal expenses, OTT subscriptions, medical expenses if...
  17. M

    Banks give additional interest on deposits for a specific period

    Any specific financial reason behind banks giving an additional percentage of interest for deposits made for a specific period. for e. g., hdfc bank gives 7.1 % for upto 18 months, 7.25% for 18 21 months, and 7.0% for 21 months + is there any financial significance to this period, which...
  18. K

    Aiming for FIRE by 40: Seeking Wisdom on Asset Allocation & Financial Goals

    I am 29 M,Doing Business - also self employed since I even do freelancing. Looking to FIRE by age 40. Getting serious about FIRE this year But confused regarding a few things. Here’s my current breakdown. Monthly Inwards: 2 L post tax Current Expense: 40 k PPF: 1.5...
  19. S

    Opinion on buying house in BLR

    I’m 25M, i have savings around 55L(including PF) and most of it is invested somewhere in form of equity, debt or bank deposits. I don’t have dependents as such, mother is a government employee and father has a small business and younger brother is also employed. My family is suggesting me to buy...
  20. E

    Seeking advice on MF portfolio

    Goal - 40k monthly SIP for my son's education fund. Long term investment for atleast 20 years. Son's age - 10 years My age - 40 years MF's selected 1. Hdfc large and mid cap (G) 2. Canara robeco bluechip equity fund (G) 3. PP flexi fund 4. Kotak Gold fund 5. ABSIL Money Manager fund.