personal finance in australia

  1. J

    WWYD- $500k property- Sell or buy out brother

    My dad passed away last year and left my brother and l a farm. 50 hectare There no animals, dence woodland, rock, creeks with massive ledges and only a small area that you would be able to clear and build. 6 acres of build space. Road clearance is only 2.4m wide. It has an existing 6 bedroom...
  2. F

    Purchasing first home

    Hello everyone hope you are enjoying your new year. Just recently found this property in Fremantle WA It says it was last sold for $419,000 in Feb 2015 but now searching for it the value seems to have dropped to an...
  3. O

    Hey r/AusFinance, what are your thoughts of the government extending road tolls to all highways in Australia? E.g. Parramatta Rd, Hume Highway etc

    This would provide the government a substantial increase to the federal budget, allowing more expenditure to the public service sector. This would also be a stable source of income to the government as well, as suburbs with limited to no public transport have no choice but to use toll roads...
  4. S

    18 y.o asking reddit for financial advice (as you do)

    18 y.o, studying cs, 10k in etfs, 5k in cash, working 20h/week as a waiter. All money is from previous part time jobs and side hustles during school. If you were in my position with all the knowledge you have now, what would you do? For example: “spend your cash on x business idea” or “stfu...
  5. C

    New Dad - how did it change your finances and what was your approach?

    32M first time dad. Just welcomed my baby girl and it has simultaneously been the greatest joy and brought about the biggest challenges. Previously DINK 350k/yr with not a care in the world. Now it seems like money in = money out on just my income. Spouse intends to go back to work at 1 year...
  6. T

    Crippling student debt is a thing in Australia too, like the US and unlike the rest of the civilised world (e.g. Europe)

    Education has become extremely unaffordable in this country, especially at postgraduate level where CSP are very rare, and a master's degree can cost $80k at a good university. Even Bachelor's degrees are increasingly less affordable, although most of them are supported. And let's not forget...
  7. T

    Gary's Economics - seems to ring true in Australia

    Recently stumbled on this guy on youtube - former Citibank No. 1 trader who made bets on wealth distribution continuing to flow to the top and is now writing a book about how to fix it. It's all stuff that's probably obvious to a lot of people in the sub, but he has a good way of explaining...
  8. P

    Please stop using Comparison Rates

    Government mandated comparison rate (i.e. the advertised one) is, of course, useless. $150,000 loan amount over a 25 year term is not practical in any way. But I still get a lot of people asking about comparison rates for their specific loan amounts, thinking this will give a good indication...
  9. A

    How much does income need to exceed expenses to get a credit card?

    Posting for the first time so hopefully I don't break any rules. I've recently been rejected for credit card applications for NAB and ANZ (slightly fancy ones with lots of Qantas bonus points). ANZ actually called me and went through all the values I'd put in the application to make sure they...
  10. T

    Have I been over paid? Or is this correct. Confused

    For context - this is my first pay check in aus, I’ve just moved over from the U.K. I get paid every 2 weeks (that’s new to me), and I haven’t even worked a whole two weeks yet. My salary is roughly at $96k before it should go up soon. Anyway, for my first two weeks (actually less) I got $3475...
  11. M

    Saving Outside & Inside super - Math check

    Hi everyone, I've read some posts from and I found this one particularly interesting , it basically explains how much you should save inside and outside super. This combined with a...
  12. T

    Question about filing a K-1 form

    I have received a paper K-1 from Proshares for a same day purchase and sale of UVXY. Didn't really know what I was doing tbh, was just playing around with a small amount on Stake learning about leveraged ETFs. Does anyone have any advice/resources to help out? Cheers.
  13. B

    HECS-HELP question

    I hope this subject is allowed… My question is when indexation is applied to these HECS/HELP debts to represent the actual value of the debt with regard to inflation(?), could indexation somewhere along the line lower the total dollar amount to be repaid? e.g. If indexation was something like...
  14. U

    Home and Contents Insurance:

    EDIT: CONTENTS INSURANCE ONLY, NOT H&C......With the ever increasing cost of living, insurance, too, is continually going up and up. Currently, we are with AAMI and have cover for 220k and accidental cover and the wife's wedding rings. Notice that I just received advising it will increase to...
  15. D

    I’ve just been made redundant

    Can anybody help me understand what my payout will look like? Here are the facts: I’ve been a full time employee for just under 3 years My final working day is the 16th of Feb Termination date is 22nd of March I’ll receive statutory redundancy of 6 weeks base wage A further discretionary...
  16. U

    Build garage / self contained unit Q¿

    Hey all, Thanks for reading and responding :) We have plans to knock down current garage and build a new one with a self contained unit above it, it will be detached from our current home. We are just at the super beginning of this process, we have applied for $200k and have no idea if it will...
  17. M

    Caught realtor in a lie - do I just have to accept this as the standard?

    My partner and I are first home buyers. We put in an offer on a home on the higher end of the listed range. It was turned down as the agent told us he wouldn’t accept anything under $X (which was above the advertised asking price). That same $x value kept popping up for the following week...
  18. D

    Solar and battery system - 1 year later

    Background info: Couple with two toddlers. South-East QLD location, house built September 2021, HSTP system, gas cooktop with electric oven, gas instantaneous hot water system and five split system A/C units (4 units in the bedrooms + 1 large unit for the living/lounge/kitchen area). 3-phase...
  19. S

    It's ridiculous that some people consider economics a "science"

    Reading the minutes of the Reseeve Bank meetings on interest rates you realise immediately two things: they are very high level, rather than detailed, with little to no quotations (no who said what, rather "members noted" and something vague follows blahblah), you will hear about some supposed...
  20. S

    Looking to buy property in 4 - 5 years

    Hey AusFinance, mostly lurk around here, post on the occasion, and this is one of those occasions. I'm trying to get a place to live as soon as possible, so in the next 4 to 5 years preferably. I currently mostly invest in individual stocks (US through Stake, ASX through Superhero, as you can...