personal finance in australia

  1. J

    Excessive accountant fee?

    Hi all Me and my partner reached out to an accountant for advice regarding buying a second property and converting our current PPOR into an investment. We are about to begin the pre approval process, and have attained two rental and valuation appraisals and are currently setting up a...
  2. Y

    Would you start a F&B business?

    I’m interested in starting a F&B business but at the same time am worried about walking away from a steady corporate job. Is this the current dilemma that some face? Get paid well enough from a 9-5 corporate job that it becomes too risky to quit to start your own business? For those who own...
  3. P

    Latest CPI data isn’t as promising as you might think

    I’ll preface this by saying I’m generally a bit of a pessimist (although I prefer to call myself a realist). With the latest quarterly data release, we’ve seen CPI drop to 4.1% YoY for the December quarter. This is obviously good news and is a 1.3% drop from the previous quarter. On top of...
  4. C

    Are these numbers correct on Mortage Stress when the RBA gets the cash rate to 3.5% eventually?

    Couple earning 2 x $80,000 AUD = $63,000 post tax annually individually = $126,000 post tax annually as a couple Mortage on a $1M property repayments on with a 10% deposit (Loan = $900,000) 1% Interest Rate = $2,925 p/month - $35,100 per year Mortgage 2% Interest Rate = $3,361 p/month -...
  5. J

    Some quick maths on the effect of interest rates on house prices, supporting a forecast 10-15% drop in prices

    (Note: I made a post similar to this yesterday, which I deleted due to a gratuitous error. Thanks to /@birch for pointing out the mistake!) I did some rough calculations, and as a result I'm becoming more convinced that the forecasts of 10-15% drops in housing prices are pretty reasonable. I...
  6. P

    Monte Carlo Simulation of net worth in Python..

    I'll start by saying I'm not a Python expert - just a dabbler so there is probably a far better way to do this... Background I'm 100% in equities at the moment, but approaching that final 1/3 of my investing life. I've started to think about my 'transition to bonds' plan and what this might...
  7. G


    My current loan 5.84% has a redraw only (no offset). I believe that basically they both work the same way reducing my interest, with the main difference being Tax implications if I use the redraw (for non Home improvement renovations etc). This isn’t an issue as there is no chance of us renting...
  8. S

    Advice - How to save for retirement (25 y.o.)

    Hi, I was just looking for additional understanding and insight so I can prioritise my finances a bit better. I am a 25 y.o. and married (double income at the moment). Currently my S.O. and I are putting away $100 a f/n for ETF investments (at this point in time, 35% Aus, 35% American, 30%...
  9. T

    Here's my personal P&L for FY2023 - Single 38M, renting. AMA

    As described.
  10. N

    Would you sell if you were me?

    I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to be a homeowner to two properties. One as our PPOR and the other as an investment (single dwelling with a granny flat). My partner and I lived in our investment property for about a year before moving out and purchasing our current home. I was told...
  11. B

    E TORO Ads do my head in

    This is the only place I feel I might have likeminded balls of anger. As an avid youtube user, that gets targeted by the ads algorithm with finance ads, I absolutely hate E Toro. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO is preempted by some preppy American E Toro ad that is doing my bloody head in. Anyone else...
  12. B

    How many / what bank account “buckets” do you use?

    E.g I have 5. (1) daily spend (2) savings (3) holiday (4) bills (5) investments.
  13. S

    I made a tool to find the near exact salary range of jobs on since it's usually hidden

    source: see it in action - It's a bash script, so you need a Unix-like OS, or something like Cygwin for Windows. TODO, somehow port to Windows users. EDIT: I've re-written the whole...
  14. P

    Can H+R block’s tax return calculator be trusted?

    They seem to think that based off 60k income with 10.8k tax paid, I’d be getting 1.2k back. Seems a little generous. Is this a scummy tactic to get me to use their service?
  15. C

    What is the minimum salary needed such that it’s economical for a parent to keep working and use childcare rather than stay home

    Keen to get the forums views on what point does childcare vs stay at home parenting become cost neutral, In lamens terms, at what point are you no worse off or better off under the below scenarios A - Parent stays home 5 days a week and looks after child. No salary. No childcare fees B -...
  16. S

    Landlord won’t pay back bond

    I have rented an unit in melbourne for 6+ years. As I‘ve moved to another place and asked for my bond - I was told I won’t get back anything as the property has been poorly cleaned. I’ve also given a list of things which can be considered as fair wear and tear. Now as I’ve asked for the RTBA...
  17. G

    Nasdaq 100 v. S&P 500. What's your preference? and why?

    I am sure this question has been asked a hundred of times before. But, honestly, would still love to hear everyone thoughts on this now in February 2021!
  18. B

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    Posting this as a disappointed member. UniSuper has been down for three days without a peep. It’s obviously not planned maintenance, as it would have a defined outage window. If it was technical, then I think they would have reassured us. So then are we to assume it’s a data breach? Even if...
  19. K

    A tale of two auctions

    Today on my street I observed an auction. Three months ago I watched an auction for the house next door. They’re both townhouses on roughly 350m2. One a 3x2 and one a 4x2. I’d view the 4x2 as in a more desirable position on the street even if they were the same size. Three months ago for the...
  20. H

    Have a duplex, want to buy another few ip’s, bank won’t lend me any more $$, need some advice please

    Hi guys and gals , So…I have a duplex in QLD, it’s valued at 1.2 million and I owe 600k. Both sides rented at 600/week. I make 90 k a year and have 140k in super .it’s all in my name Live with my partner , pay her rent . (edit - she owns her house , i pay her 200 /week and half the bills )...