
  1. M

    I have 300k standing on my paypal

    So, I have 300k USD sitting on my German PayPal. It's money I have earned over the years as a freelancer. Why are the money still there you would ask? Well, because: The money/financing matters stress me out so I preferred to procrastinate and thus did nothing with those money. I was hoping to...
  2. G

    I’m really sick of all the “suggest a broker” post

    I feel like half the posts on the sub are people asking for broker advice. Obviously without doing any research since the options in EU are limited and speak for themselves. Can we either remove these low effort posts or refer to a Q&A section? Edit: well this blew up. I agree that there...
  3. L

    Can i earn money by juggling credit card money back and forth high interest savings account.

    was wondering this today: I have a 4% p/j savings account which pays interest monthly. Would it be possible to put 10.000e from my amex card on there for a month, earn the interest, return the cash and repeat this monthly? I'm paying €6,75 per month for this card. When i'm spending money my...
  4. U

    Payment apps question

    (Spanish and English) Hey! I'm in the process of moving to Spain rn. I work for an online website doing in-game services for games like WoW and old school RuneScape (I actually get paid p well for doing something I like lol, ofc not my actual work irl). But cutting to the chase, I would like to...
  5. G

    [Question] Is this real or fake money?

    Hello, I am here to ask the community to know if it is real money, I sold a bag and the guy gave me this money. Before I get it to the bank, I want to be sure it's real money, I don't want to be in trouble for something that isn't my fault. I do think it's real or else I would have never...