[new york] question

  1. B

    [New York] PUA Submission Question

    Sorry if someone already posted this but I couldn’t find an answer anywhere. I applied through the link https://unemployment.labor.ny.gov and they said according to my situation, they auto applied me to the PUA. It’s been two weeks and I have yet to receive an email or call and the page where I...
  2. N

    [New York] Can someone help? V worried

    I filed for unemployment like two weeks ago and certified each week, I finally got around to getting myself verified with ID.me today (don’t ask why it took me this long). My first question is how long will it take to know if I am eligible and how much I get? Second question is will I be paid...
  3. P

    [New York] Filed for UI on 4/13, I’m supposed to get partial UI, 1 effective day a week, but on my 3rd “Waiting Week”? Confused

    Was working 5 days a week FT, went down to 3 days a week because of Covid-19, filed for partial UI, in my account it says I’m valid for 1 effective day (don’t know why since I lost 2 days of work) but, I am now on my “3rd waiting week”, when I see its supposed to be 1 waiting week before...
  4. J

    [New York] What’s the difference between No and N/A when weekly certifying?

    What’s the difference between No and N/A when answering for one of the questions when weekly certifying? Same thing? Question below How many days did you work, including self-employment , during the week ending 6/7/2020 No Excluding earnings from self-employment, did you earn more than $504...
  5. I

    [New York] pandemic unemployment question- help please!

    I was a substitute teacher for a small (1 class per grade) k-8 school before Covid hit. At the suggestion of my neighbor I filed for Pandemic unemployment last week. I got the email from NYS Dept of Labor that my claim was accepted and I’ll be getting info in the mail. I’m concerned that i...
  6. W

    [New York] Approved for PUA, now says I Never finished my Claim HELP!

    I was called by NYS Unemployment TWICE. And was approved of my Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Was instructed to go on the website and claim my benefits weekly. A B S O L U T E L Y not a single Option to claim for my benefits since April 14th. Now for the past few days the system tells me that...
  7. S

    [New York], I recently found a form 1095-B from 2021, will I get in trouble for not filing it

    Help please
  8. F

    [New York] they said they’d call in 72hrs, it’s been over a week.

    I applied for unemployment online two weeks ago. They said in order to finish my claim I needed to call. After literally thousands of calls I still never got through to anyone. Then they updated it to “we will call you in 72 hours instead”. That was last Friday. It’s been over a week and I...
  9. R

    [NEW YORK] - Waiting Week how to get credit for it ?

    So I had my claim filled out and had received letters regarding confirming for the waiting week as well as estimates to my benefits however even after verifying my id and also calling to get credit for my waiting week I still haven’t gotten my benefits yet , and I’ve tried both phone numbers...
  10. S

    [New York] Terminated before last shift

    1 year ago, I was a nurse in an outpatient clinic, I submitted my resignation the day prior, and before | worked my last shift I was terminated immediately. I now received the determination that I am not eligible. Should I try and appeal it? This office was not maintaining standard levels of...
  11. P

    [New York] Charged $1000 for unemplyment insurance when i havent been unemployed for years.

    I just received a letter saying i owe NY 1000 dollars for unemployment insurance when ive never filed for unemployment and ive been employed for years now. I cant call them till tomorrow but i figured id ask here for any advice on what to do or if someone knows what this might be from. They...
  12. M

    [New York] Does my GF qualify for unemployment?

    My gf is a home helping aide for her mentally disabled uncle. Her uncle is going have knee surgery later in the month. She just found out today that with her uncle being in the hospital/rehab center she will have no work to do. Supposedly this will last for a month. Will she be able to claim for...
  13. B

    7 weeks and nothing [New York]

    So to sum it up. My husband got fired. Filed the Monday after for UI. Got a letter in the mail saying he doesn't Qualify because he didn't make enough. They only had the first 2 quarters of his pay. There was a form to correct their records. He filled it out (including the other 3 quarters of...
  14. P

    [New York] Can I be denied unemployment for not going into the office?

    contract says I will do my job both in office and remotely (but no set days are said in the contract). I went to the office 1-3 days a week at first, but quickly realized it was ridiculous. In the office I just took a desk and did zoom meetings with my colleagues who are virtually all remote...
  15. D

    [New York] Mistake on UI Application (last day paid)

    Laid off 4/1; thought I'd receive severance on 4/11 so I put that down as my last day paid. Found out after applying that my severance will actually be paid 4/26. Should I just wait until the week after 4/26 to certify/claim? Are there any downsides to that? Can't reach anyone via phone to...
  16. N

    Reached 6 months and still unemployed [New York]

    Does ny offer unemployment extension or re-filling once the 26 weeks is up?