[new york] advice or tips

  1. S

    [NEW YORK] I need help. I might lose my job if I refuse to do this and I need to know if I’d qualify

    So I stated working for a small business/landlord about a month ago. Title was office assistant. My job outline was mostly filing, copying, answering phone calls, “completing other administrative tasks”. Now I’m full on property management. Showing off houses, keeping track of insurance and...
  2. H

    [New York] partial unemployment now based on HOURS worked, instead of the full day system

    Check your email for the notification from the Department of Labor.
  3. J

    [NEW YORK] Some information about NYDOL and the Proof of Employment letters

    I know it is scary and confusing to get a letter that essentially threatens you about having to pay back a LOT of money. But don't freak out! For the large majority of people, this is easily handled without any issue. Q. Why do I have to send this info? A. It is a federal requirement enacted...
  4. J

    [New York] PUA Documentation Troubleshooter

    Hi (This is an extrapolation from https://dol.ny.gov/pua-documentation) ------Added------- Please. Also consider reading this clarification/explanation: This clarification exists mostly because of [this question and answer on a UIPL Guidance letter](, which predates the CAA, the federal...