
  1. B

    Is an IRRRL of 4.25% to 3.75% a no brainer? Or should I hold out?

    Offers are coming in and this is through my current lender. It's obviously a good thing to do in the long run...however. I am considering selling the house in a couple years so my future wife and I can cosign and upgrade. Am I paying the fee ($1,109.76) for nothing if I just plan on selling it...
  2. G

    Assumption of my Fathers mortgage

    Reaching out to just hear thoughts and opinions. I know the right answer is to talk to a loan officer/RE agent/Lawyer. But my father is 80. He lives of social security and inflation has pretty much wiped him out to where he can’t buy groceries anymore. So I’ve been looking into different ways...
  3. M

    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    I have been on active duty Air Force for 16 years total, five years as a commissioned officer. I hold the rank of Capt (03E pay grade). My goal in serving as long as I can in the military is to increase my retirement (2.5%/yr) and potentially retire at 31 years total, hoping to never work after...
  4. A

    Full-Time RV Living: Worth it? (xpost from r/navy & r/military

    BLUF: Are there people here are, or know, people who live as full-time RVers even on sea duty? I'd like to draw upon their experience and really see if this is the right move for me. When I PCS to my next duty station, I'm considering selling all my furniture and dramatically downsizing to save...
  5. I

    Extra Payments on House

    So I bought a house where I’m stationed at. Is it wise to put extra payments towards the house even though I expect to sell it once I PCS in a couple of years?
  6. D


    Im an E-6, single. Been in for 6 years. I currently have no debt, Roth IRA is following an S&P 500 mutual fund which is maxed out yearly, 35% of my base pay is going into my Roth TSP C and S funds, I’m under the BRS. I have 6 months of savings in a HYSA. I was looking into opening a brokerage...
  7. W

    Senior LT trying to figure out finances

    I know I’m a little late to the game but I’m trying to do better. I’ve read through a lot of the posts on here from my other account and can’t tell if I should be doing something different (Roth?) or move some money around. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 3.5 TIS Checking: $1,700...
  8. M

    Advice on TSP

    Hello Everyone! Looking for some constructive criticism on my TSP. I just completed 7 years TIS, E-5, separating and going reserves upon my DOS on 16 December and this is what my TSP looks like: $23,038 balance - contributing 20% Roth / 5% Traditional Current shares: 51% L, 18% G, 10% C, 10%...
  9. M

    Thoughts on this TSP allocation?

    Of course, everyone’s preference changes based on risk and other factors, but what do you guys think of this TSP allocation? 30% L-2050 25% C 30% S 15% I When you factor in the L-2050, the final allocation as of late 2019 is approximately.. 37% C 34% S 24% I 3% G 2% F Over time the 30% in...
  10. P

    Montgomery or 9/11 gi bill

    Hey! So I currently plan on just doing my 4 years and getting back to a normal life. I don’t have any kids nor do I plan on having any within the next 4 years. I’m going to college as well from one of the 3 colleges that are available to me since it’s my first time going to college. Which do...
  11. C

    Short Term (5-10 years) Investing

    Looking to getting some advice to investing/saving for the short term future, thinking 5-10 years. I would like to start being a little more aggressive with growth as I feel a little behind the curve. Here is a breakdown where I am at currently, any advice is welcome. AD, 30 yo, promote to...
  12. G

    Should I get masters while serving or after I separate?

    Hey y’all, I need some advice. I am currently wanting to go to graduate school for my Masters in Accounting (MACC). I can’t decide if I should extend a year (separation date: March 2024) and get my MACC OR separate & do school full time w/the GI BILL. Extending a year will give me more time...
  13. D

    Depressed and in debt

    Not sure what to do anymore. I’ve tried financial plans and going to the command financial counselor. I’m separated from my spouse (mil to mil im in WA, he’s in Japan) and I miss him so much. I have $19k on my car at 12%, $9k navy federal platinum card 18%, $5k navy federal rewards card 6%...
  14. K

    USAA Life Insurance Doubled their Rate, is this Normal?

    I did the questionnaire for a USSA Life Insurance Policy and got quoted at $37 a month. I am a pretty healthy guy, but I still figured that rate would go up slightly after the blood work, urinalysis, etc. Well they set me up at this appointment with Quest Diagnostics and the place had a 2.8 star...
  15. C

    International investing

    For all that missed it, a couple months ago, /@cbc8171 put up a post about getting some international exposure that wasn't the best received due to the phrasing and tone here: and I wanted to expand a bit more on it from my personal POV with extra research bits. Just like ~3 months ago, I am...
  16. S

    Leaving duty station within 3-8 months. Is it smart to lease a car or should I buy a bike instead?

    Hey I was just wondering about the pros and cons of leasing a car in the military. I get back from a detachment in a few months and from then on I will have 3 months until I separate, unless my command extends me until next Summer so that I can lateral move into a new job and they get to keep...
  17. N

    What to do with $125K right now?

    I'm sitting too heavy in cash right now after selling a rental property and I'm not sure what to do with about $125K. What say you, Reddit? Here's some background on my situation. 35 yrs old, married, 3 kids Single income family Active duty military (enlisted) with about 6 years until...
  18. D

    TSP Asset Allocation. It's Not Rocket Science - For Now

    It was suggested I x-post from /r/ThriftSavingsPlan. The original is here. This post is for those who ask about asset allocation (AA) in TSP. It is also for those who say they don't understand investing, finance, or the TSP. Which fund is the best, why, etc? No one can answer this question for...
  19. F

    TSP Question

    Hello, If I switch my TSP allocation/contribution from G Fund to C Fund, will this violate any BRS policies? Essentially: Once it is switched, will the military still match me at 5%? Thank you!
  20. E

    Enlisted Navy SRB/Separation Pay? Question

    Good Evening All, Active-Duty Navy Enlisted. Re-Enlisted on December 8th, Was eligible for a 45K Zone B SRB. I signed up for 5 years and got 29.8 K approved contract. Re-enlisted on the 8th. Yesterday 12/21 $9,256 dropped into my bank account. It wasn't a pay day and it was way higher than my...