military finance

  1. E

    No State Income Tax

    I’ve received OCONUS orders and have asked myself, why should I pay taxes to a state I won’t live at anymore? I was thinking about taking a flight down to Florida to buy a P.O. box and get a new drivers license, and switching my address to that P.O. box with admin so taxes won’t be deducted...
  2. M

    How much house can I afford with 100% P&T as my main source of income? + roommates + Gi Bill during semesters

    Young Vet need advice for first time home-purchase Currently, I use my GI Bill with around 2 years of school remaining until I get my bachelor's of Computer Science. My mother is blind and I was likely going to claim her as a dependent as I care for her so I may have a little bit of help from...
  3. M

    If you have an active military pension, then how much is FERS retirement worth?

    So according to OPM, But we all know plenty of retirees who work GS jobs. I've always understood that the pension is reduced for retirees who take federal jobs, but not gone completely. If there is an annuity for those who could qualify for a second retirement, how is it calculated? I...
  4. J

    Do you use your own formula for funds or do you lean towards L funds?

    Hi, I’m 25 years old, I joined back in June 2021 when I was 24. I’m currently putting 8% into my TSP and 12% into my Roth IRA. (Total 20% of my pay) My current blend is C: 35% S: 28% I: 17% F: 3% G: 2% L 2050: 5% L 2055: 10% I basically leaned towards the most high risk/high reward funds...
  5. N

    How am I doing? (23 y/o, O-1)

    I've posted here before but now that I'm a few months in, I thought I'd repost. I'm a new O-1 and at my current duty station I make 4945 a month before taxes. After taxes, MGIB, and my TSP, I'm left with 3825. My TSP is invested in the L2050 fund. I contribute 15% to the Roth TSP every month...
  6. K

    Real Estate Advice

    I (28m) am moving to Tennessee for my next duty station. I will be renting my house in N.C. for the foreseeable future and am buying a new build near post in Clarksville. Currently have 50k in Taxable Brokerage, maxing out the TSP, and over 20k in my HYSA. Not included in this is my equity in...
  7. B

    Do I Qualify for a VA Loan After Having 4 Jobs In 2022-2024?

    Hey everyone, so I am trying to see if I qualify for the VA loan under these conditions: I have had 4 jobs since I got out of the military. I've currently been in this job for almost 9 months and will be moving into another position here soon (same job but different squadron). I make almost 60k...
  8. A

    TSP 5% Matching

    Hello, This is going to come off as a dumb question but I’ll ask anyways. Is there a way to verify if your investments are being matched? From my understanding if 5% of your base pay is invested all year then up to 5% will be matched by TSP. I’ve been pretty poor at investing into my TSP...
  9. R

    17 y/o with no prior financial experience (no job/money to speak of) - What's the #1 thing I should know?

    Just signed my contract 2 days ago, and realized I have zero clue what I'm doing. I've heard mentions of the navy federal credit union, and looked into what that all means as much as I can but beyond that I've got nothing. As I'm moving across the country for basic, what's the number one thing I...
  10. A

    Was i supposed to receive a travel W-2 or P code on box 12?

    First time PCSing, I did a full PPM. I received my travel voucher pay out in dec of 23 and my tmo voucher payout in jan of 24. I do not have a travel/misc W-2 nor anything on my W-2 for box 12 P code. My voucher for TMO states: GCC: $15018.63 Expenses: $5548.25 PPM Entitlement 15018.63...
  11. R

    H&R Block “Tax Prep” cost question

    Does it always cost to file taxes at the end? I’m filing my taxes now and finished up using H&R Block I have the milonesource premium version. Am I paying due to me and my wife having 2 different states filing? Along with 1099s and our W2s?
  12. S

    Air BnB TLE

    Quick question for you all. Anyone have best tips for how to utilize the 10 days TLE you get from PCSing to a new station? We won’t be able to move in to our new place for roughly 8 days once we arrive. Best places to stay? Is Air BnB authorized? This is all reimbursed on the back end correct?
  13. F

    Pay off debt or beef up savings?

    Hey all, so I’m in a little situation and I’m not sure the best way to tackle it. My goal is to pay off debt and save up for a house when we PCS. I’ll be PCSing in roughly Oct 2024 so I’ve got some time. I also am not completely sure how much money I should be expecting to pay out of pocket when...
  14. M

    [TSP traditional to roth] GS-7 what to do with $8,000 from first year of TSP contributions

    hello all, i’ll keep this as transparent as possible. i’m very new to finance and investing, so my logic of thinking here may be skewed and feel free to add any corrections where i could be wrong. i’m a new hire GS-7 and will go 7-9-11 within the next two years and throughout my career i...
  15. C

    What should I pay off first

    So I am a recently commisioned army o1, AD, owe six years. I have: 2017 Honda CR-V (95kmiles) 16k, 3.25% student loans of 14k, 4-5% Career starter loan at 25k 2.99% 7k in ROTH IRA 4k TSP My question is I already owe 6 years active duty, with a possibility of 10, and a masters(or two) in...
  16. B

    VA Loan: 7.25% vs. 6.75% with points (15 months breakeven)

    We are looking to lock in today and not able to decide which makes more sense. 7.25% with 0 points or 6.75 with a 15 month breakeven. Basically, it comes down to are we going to refinance in under 15 months, if not buying points makes sense. Other than guessing the market, isn't it less...
  17. R

    MyPay and Tax Withholding

    I've just completed and sent in my tax returns for this year and got an estimated refund. As much as I like refunds at the end of the year, I'd like to stop giving interest-free loans to the government. I'm using the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to reduce my future refunds for next year but...
  18. A

    Military Personal Finance Flowchart

    Hello fellow TSP investors. I'm working on a one page "Personal Finance Flowchart for Military Servicemembers" v1.0 v2.0 with community edits It's inspired by and similar to this one from r/personalfinance and the old one: Looking for feedback. I'm trying...
  19. C

    Finance help, TSP, 401k, and other questions

    First off, I’m 18 years old in the Air National guard, I have a full time job currently making about 32k gross annually, and open to getting a second job. I currently have a HYSA in which I contribute $100 monthly. Expenses and bills combined comes out to about $800 monthly. So, after my HYSA...
  20. F

    E-4 who needs ELI5 finance help/suggestions for Roth TSP and more

    30 y.o. USAF AD. I came in slick sleeve (August will be my 4 year mark) and have been contributing 10% to a Roth TSP since I got in. My only debt is my car loan. I am NOT enrolled in the BRS because -I honestly didn’t think I was going to stay in past my initial enlistment and originally just...