
  1. B

    High Risk and Low Reward: Why the PSEI/FMETF might not be a good investment

    Before I begin my sharing, please take note that I am not a financial advisor and this is a very simple analysis, I invite everyone to share their thoughts and critique this post. Hi everyone, we are commonly told that if you buy and hold the PSEI or even just local blue-chip companies, you are...
  2. H

    VOO/SPY S&P 500 via BPI Feeder Fund, GoTrade, or eToro?

    Where is the best way to invest Mid to Long-term goal of 5-10 years? Thanks in advanced to anyone who could share their experiences, funding fees, dividend payouts with US ETF from PHP platforms that I'm considering below: Platform Fee Notes BPI US Equity Index Feeder Fund 0.75% p.a. +...
  3. M

    Michael Burry (of Big Short fame) is shorting the US Economy for a position of 1.6 B And here I was thinking of getting some VOO to earn some cash in dollars. Opinions?
  4. A

    BPI UITF Fees will go UP significantly.

    Effective Feb 1, 2024, BPI will increase its annual trust fees for the following funds: Fund From To Change BPI Philippine Equity Index Fund 1.00% 1.50% +0.50% BPI Philippine Consumer Equity Index Fund 1.00% 1.50% +0.50% BPI Philippine Infrastructure Equity Index Fund 1.00% 1.50%...