
  1. B

    Apple Pay with extra steps

    Just curious since no Malaysian bank or financial service company supports Apple Pay. Is it possible to get a card from elsewhere (Singapore, U.K. & etc.). Then change your iPhone’s region (in settings) to the card issuer’s country. Requirements: • Their app must be available in the Malaysian...
  2. E

    Recommendation: In case if you haven’t, please do subscribe to this youtube channel

    Two cents. A youtube channel that explains various topics about personal finance like youre 5. Easy to understand and applicable to everyone. The hosts are a married couple working as certified financial planners.
  3. S

    Personal recommendation on platform to invest in U.S stocks/options&more

    Hi guys, I have been on this subreddit for the past 1 year, and back then could not get any information that I wanted in regards to "Which platforms could trade u.s. stocks/options&more from Malaysia". I went off reddit for a while and found a few brokers online through almost pure luck. Given...
  4. A


    As per title (M) is for Malay, (E) is for English speaker. You can also give your recommendation in the comment section. Please Marked it with (C) for Mandarin/Chinese not to be confused with (M) Malay GENERAL Financial Faiz (M) - Very matured and his topic is broad, going into general...
  5. G

    750k condo for first home + ownstay, 0% down payment, partially furnished. Bad idea or not, for sub-7k salaryman?

    Stats: 30/M/single/KL, 6.5k monthly, 5.4k take home, 150k savings, 80k epf, 10k random investments (doing shitty atm), 15k/yr freelance on the side but not consistent. -1.8k rent, -2k monthly personal expenditure (at most, can be MUCH lower), CTOS “Very good”, no existing loans, no outstanding...
  6. P

    Where should I store my emergency fund? (F/21/International Student)

    Hi, I’m an international student in Malaysia with 4,600 RM in my savings, that I saved as emergency fund. It’s sitting in a Maybank Goal Savings Plan in my Maybank account. The current interest rate is 0.20% p.a. I’m only 21 and I can’t help but feel that I should be putting this money into a...
  7. L

    What is the best way of transferring my money to Australia for migration?

    Whats the best way to have access money in australia once I get there? I do not feel comfortable carrying money on myself and depositing the money into a bank once there. Forex account? Western union? Much appreciated for the help. Edit: Thanks for the suggestions. The prospective methods...
  8. S

    Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks

    Malaysia's MIDF To Launch Retail Digital Platform For U.S. Stocks. Check it out. Our own gomen launching retail patform to buy US shares. Look for MIDF Invest in appstore n playstore Edit: Had to say this after reading few of the comments. Guys, the point I want to put forward is the fact tht...
  9. M

    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    Hi all, I’m looking for some outside perspective and advice regarding my current situation. This is going to be a bit long. I’m 28 y/o, current take-home pay is ~RM4.5k. I have a net worth of RM246k (includes EPF, ASNB, StashAway, stocks, PRS, FD & money market funds) and no current loans...
  10. O

    Estate Management upon death for Muslims in Malaysia, Part 3: Strategising your own financial estate

    DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert in this matter, all info below is what I have found out in the course of dealing with deaths in the family and research for my own financial planning. This info is not to be used in court. Info and procedure can vary by state, my experience was in Selangor. Consult...
  11. H

    Advice on selling brand new gaming laptop

    For context, I went to an IT fair yesterday to buy a laptop for work and studying. But my judgement was clouded and I ended up buying a gaming laptop (Asus Tuf Gaming F15) with RM3, 338 (including Screen Warranty, 3 year device warranty, F-secure Internet Security 1 year, laptop bag, Notepal...
  12. R

    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    I’m 25M earning about 5k with a main job (2.9k) and side hustle (2k on monthly contract) . The thing is my side hustle isn’t stable so I’m constantly worried if I need to put more in my emergency funds for times when there’s not many jobs from it. I usually make it a point to save 1k a month...
  13. R

    50/50 into ASM & Versa cash?

    Let's say I have RM900 available to invest monthly, do I put 50/50 into ASM & Versa cash? Or is it mathematically more optimal to put more funds into one of them? ASM has higher rates (~4.5% p.a. iirc) but has a limit of 100k units available to buy, but with Versa being lower in rates (Currently...
  14. S

    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    I am 25/F my net salary is 4.5k as a government sector -I have zero commitment other than 800 for rent and I tried to save up money around 1k in TH in the bank but that was it . Yet , I still broke most of the time probably because the way I spent money on cafe food and stress shopping on shopee...
  15. B

    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    I recently bough my second property from developer (developer unit). Price is around 900k I took out a loan from the bank , loan amount is around 1mil in which I have a cashback of 100k. My first unit and second unit is in the same developement/condo My first unit I did the same strategy...
  16. J

    Applying for another credit card

    So I’ve started on the journey of building my credit score and got my starter credit card from Maybank about 3 months ago and I’m thinking to apply for a second card (either UOB and/or Public Bank) soon and I have a couple questions that might need you guys’ opinion on: 1) is it true that...
  17. L

    E-mini S&P 500 Futures Trading

    Is it possible for Malaysians to trade E-mini S&P 500 Futures? Does IBKR provide this service? Can't seem to find much info on this for Malaysians. Would like to know if there are any Malaysians who trade this.
  18. M

    Tax Filing Question for Foreign Income

    I'm working in Sg and remit part of my salary back monthly in 2023. There is this new income tax law gazetted in 2021 that foreign source income include employment remit back to MY subjected to tax, however it's exempted from 2022 to 2026. My questions 1) Do I still need to file my remittance...
  19. N

    Jump to 2 years contract in Oil n Gas, or remain at permanent office role?

    Hi all, I require some advice for this new opportunity. I'm a 28M from KL. Been working for 3 years in this office-based role. Current Job - High revenue SME, Executive level, Permanent, 5.83k/month, 100 allowance, consistently guaranteed 3 months bonus at end year. Flexi claim 2k/year for...
  20. O

    Does insurance cover ADHD testing?

    I'm a 15F SMK student and I like reading all sorts of things, but about a year ago I was reading an article about neurodevelopmental disorders and noticed some symptoms that I had resonated with, so I did research over the course of a few months (articles, Quora questions, YouTube, even tiktok)...