
  1. T

    Trying to reduce our bills by installing Solar in Brisbane - Seeking Financial Advice

    TLDR: With the increased power costs and increased expected heat this coming year, I've been contemplating the idea of installing a 10kwh solar system on my house here in Brisbane for $5000 in hope to create a zero monthly electricity bill, and I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts and advice on...
  2. J

    Can I use a 0% balance transfer on a CC to pay down my mortgage.

    I was browsing credit card products this afternoon. I started wondering if I could use use a 0% balance transfer on a CC to pay down my mortgage. I currently have a line of credit with Bank A (with nothing owing). And a 55K mortgage. Bank B is offering 0% interest free transfers for 12...
  3. S

    Advice - How to save for retirement (25 y.o.)

    Hi, I was just looking for additional understanding and insight so I can prioritise my finances a bit better. I am a 25 y.o. and married (double income at the moment). Currently my S.O. and I are putting away $100 a f/n for ETF investments (at this point in time, 35% Aus, 35% American, 30%...
  4. K

    I’d like to buy a new car. What is my best option. What should I know before making an order?

    I don’t want an EV because I like the flexibility of range and distance and being able to use fossil fuel at a moment’s notice. Budget up to $100k Station wagon or SUV style What should I consider before I start negotiating?
  5. R

    Advice wanted: Inheriting $200k - are we right to put it all into the mortgage?

    Hi all, We’re about to inherit $200k and are not 100% sure what the best thing to do with it is - some info on our situation: $1m mortgage, home value $1.3-1.5m approx $250-$280k joint income (I’m on mat leave and will be working PT 0.6fte for the next 2 ish years) income growth potential...
  6. C

    Credit Card Cashbacks, how do to min-max gamify them?

    G'day folks, credit card cashbacks have recently caught my attention and I want to put some assumptions I have here for discussion. Look at these: These credit cards...
  7. B

    Broker stuffed up need advice

    My wife and I are FHBs and require a construction loan as we brought house and land separately and are building while we rent. Being completely in over our heads we trusted our broker. He gave us options for banks and his recommendation - Bank of Adelaide - who we went with. Now the stuff up...
  8. I

    Given these T&C's: do I get any benefit from paying extra into my loan vs using offset account?

    Hello, I asked the bank about paying extra off my loan on top of the minimal fortnightly principal and interest payments and they responded with the below quoted text. Honestly I don't understand the second point. I already have an offset account that lowers the interest I pay on the loan...
  9. S

    18 y.o asking reddit for financial advice (as you do)

    18 y.o, studying cs, 10k in etfs, 5k in cash, working 20h/week as a waiter. All money is from previous part time jobs and side hustles during school. If you were in my position with all the knowledge you have now, what would you do? For example: “spend your cash on x business idea” or “stfu...
  10. T

    Crippling student debt is a thing in Australia too, like the US and unlike the rest of the civilised world (e.g. Europe)

    Education has become extremely unaffordable in this country, especially at postgraduate level where CSP are very rare, and a master's degree can cost $80k at a good university. Even Bachelor's degrees are increasingly less affordable, although most of them are supported. And let's not forget...
  11. A

    How much does income need to exceed expenses to get a credit card?

    Posting for the first time so hopefully I don't break any rules. I've recently been rejected for credit card applications for NAB and ANZ (slightly fancy ones with lots of Qantas bonus points). ANZ actually called me and went through all the values I'd put in the application to make sure they...
  12. B

    HECS-HELP question

    I hope this subject is allowed… My question is when indexation is applied to these HECS/HELP debts to represent the actual value of the debt with regard to inflation(?), could indexation somewhere along the line lower the total dollar amount to be repaid? e.g. If indexation was something like...
  13. S

    Better idea to finance an electric car?$300

    ORIGINAL POST Ok so I may be coming in here completely oblivious, please feel free to absolutely abolish me (kidding). I've recently had a thought that I'm sure has crossed many minds before. As a bit of prior info, I'm an under-18 driver who is currently learning on my parent's car. They're...
  14. B

    Impact of credit card churning (on credit score) if I’m getting a mortgage soon?

    I keep receiving credit card cash back offers (e.g. spend $x in y days and get $z credited back) and have already churned from one CC to another (CBA) 2 months ago to take advantage of their offer. Now I’ve received another one from ING that offers $200 cash back however I’m not sure of the...
  15. T

    General advice for a 23 y.o

    Hi, I'm a 23 y.o. working part-time whilst studying and trying to set up a solid financial foundation for my future would be grateful for any ideas on what I should consider/do differently. Obviously not asking for financial advice but just looking to gain some food for thought and to share what...
  16. R

    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    Hi, I got a new job this year that has allowed me to save heaps of money for the first time. I have an outstanding credit card debt that is significantly less than the money I’ve saved - I’ve been paying it off partially every month alongside putting away savings into my saver account. Is it...
  17. S

    Grad advice for career in financial planning

    I want to be a Financial Planner, will be graduating at the end of this year with an accredited degree. I have 2 job offers but am unable to pick which would be better for my career progression. Company A - Job Role: Financial Planning Graduate Small firm - 1 x Managing Director (CFP), 1 x...