
  1. E

    ON - Life Insurance - Found papers 13 years after death

    So, I found my parent's life insurance paperwork 13 years after they died. I contacted the company and they advised that they don't have records after 7 years of no contact/payment. Without saying so, they are telling me to pound sand. Is this a legitimate excuse not to pay, or do I need...
  2. R

    Best dental insurance for orthodontics or braces or Invisalign

    I am planning to get Invisalign / braces / orthodontic treatment for my crooked teeth. I'm also an international student. Can someone recommend some dental insurances that would cover most part of the treatment? Thanks.
  3. J

    Can someone help me find affordable health insurance for a few months travel? I'm struggling...

    Hi all. My grandmother will be coming to visit Canada for about 4 months. She is trying to find insurance to cover her stay and everything seems so expensive. $1,0000+ (a lot of 'international/travel insurance sites I've seen don't allow me to alter deductibles etc.)! I could see if it was full...
  4. J

    Short form for insurance company is CPLIC in Ontario

    My mother (who can’t tell me because she has dementia) has been paying insurance premiums for years via direct debit and the only info on her bank statement is CPLIC. Does anyone know what this stands for? I’m sure it’s insurance but can’t find a policy document. The only thing I can find via...
  5. E

    Shared Life Insurance Premiums & Tax Deductions in Canada

    Are shared Life insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment premiums (50% paid by employer & 50% from employee) tax-deductible at least for half of the total premiums paid?