
  1. G

    Missing FBARs, amended returns with 8938

    My wife (Japanese National) and I reside in the U.S., I am a U.S. citizen and she a U.S. PR. She was aware her parents opened up a bank account for her in her childhood and never accessed it. She believed all the new year’s gifts she received - and any gift throughout her childhood, her mom kept...
  2. J

    How one small change in Japan could sway U.S. markets

    How one small change in Japan could sway U.S. markets Looking at whether the BoJ moves the 10 year JGB rate at the next mtg in Late April and if it does it may start a movement of JP capital from the US back to Japan which may further pressure interest rates.
  3. K

    Reasons to declare investment income

    As discussed in this related post, it is common for customers of Japanese brokerages to receive investment income that they are not obliged to declare on a tax return. Typically this would be dividend/interest/distribution income, or capital gains realized in a designated withholding account. As...
  4. B

    Tax on income earned AFTER becoming a permanent tax resident

    Hi all, In reference to this previous post, thanks to @kristhuy, I got to know that if the miscellaneous income is less than 200K (home country's bank interest to be specific here), I only need to file a residence tax return, which itself might be unnecessary depending on if the amount is too...
  5. P

    eMaxi Slims with current exchange rate?

    Hi all, I’m sure this point has been discussed before or asked in a different thread, but what are everyone’s thoughts on buying eMaxi slims all country and s&p 500 with the exchange rate being as bad as it is? I’ve never bought eMaxis before and used to invest solely into vanguard funds but...
  6. M

    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    There are now just 27 days left in the year for you to furiously finish using up your Furusato Nozei (ふるさと納税) allowance, which must be paid for before midnight, December 31st, 2021. There are often a bunch of questions about Furusato Nozei allowances, the one-stop system, how to figure out what...
  7. R

    Pension update to Wiki

    Made an Update to the Wiki here: https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanFinance/wiki/index/insurance/pensions I hope it's correct? and the correct place to put it? First Wiki entry I've ever done in my life... Time of writing is January 2022. Information is based on January 2022 figures/calculations...
  8. G

    So we want to sell the apartment we just purchased

    This is continuation of our issue but since the subject matter is different I have it on a new thread. We are left with a choice of either 1) hiring our own renovation company to completely redo the place and have the seller foot the bill or 2) handing back the apartment. We spoke to the home...
  9. H

    How do you fill out your U.S. taxes with the 源泉徴収票 , it doesn't seem to have the Box - b Employer ID Number (EIN) or Federal ID.

    I have spent days maybe weeks worth of hours of researching and trying to contact the IRS and my taxes are so simple... I made hardly anything, but between trying to figure out how to fill it in, and being told by the IRS number the answer is on the website but it's not, and the differences...
  10. N

    RetireJapan Online Conference Nov 23rd

    (thank you to the mods for giving me permission to post this) RetireJapan is holding its inaugural online conference this month, on November 23rd (Labour Thanksgiving Day) from 10:00-16:00. The conference is free to attend, but you need to sign up in advance. You can see the schedule and...
  11. T

    Calculation of spouse credit for inheritance tax

    UPDATE: I found this webpage from Shika Law that explains the calculation in English such that I am now able to understand the method in the tax law. The key to this webpage is that they very carefully define the terms they are using which helps avoid the confusion I had when reading the...
  12. P

    Choosing a mortgage in ideal situations

    There are many threads here about mortgages in less than ideal situations (non-PR, inaka houses, income coming from abroad etc.), but how should one go about choosing a bank for mortgage when the situation is seemingly ideal? Let's say someone has PR and/or Japanese spouse have been in Japan...
  13. M

    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    Hello Reddit, I don’t usually post here but I am feeling a little desperate for some advice or just to hear what options I have. I am currently 27 years old, Japanese citizen, grew up in the states so I know English. I live with my dad (80 y/o) and mom (60 y/o) in a decent house. They are...
  14. L

    Sole proprietorship in Japan - ELI5 + specific questions about salary currency

    Hello. Throwaway account because of a lot of sensitive data. I will move to Japan soon with my spouse (Japan citizen) using spouse visa. For now, I have registered sole proprietorship in Poland ( https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Przedsi%C4%99biorca_b%C4%99d%C4%85cy_osob%C4%85_fizyczn%C4%85 ) and...
  15. J

    Am I doing this right?

    I’m still very new to all of this, so I’m not sure if I’m doing things right. What I have done so far - maxed out this year’s NISA with 60% eMaxis Slim S&P 500 and 40% Rakuten VTI. What I want to do is invest an additional 300k every month in 50% eMaxis Slim S&P 500 and 50% VTI. The yen is...
  16. J

    How not to become a tax resident in Japan

    I've reviewed numerous posts in this community, and here are the key steps to avoid becoming a tax resident in Japan for Japanese citizens with U.S. permanent residency status, as I understand them. 1: During each visit, ensure your stay in Japan does not exceed three months. You can have up to...
  17. I

    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    Hello, first time poster here hoping to get some opinions/thoughts on what to do with money in Japan. Context: American working for last 6 years at a foreign company in Japan and have PR. I'm being transferred to another country later this year, where I’ll likely be for 3-5 years. When I leave...
  18. M

    Did the prices of real-estate went up over the past 2 years?

    I remember checking a 3LDK in a building in Tachikawa, and it was around 40m yen at the time. I wanted to start looking for a place, and I was checking again today, and a 3LDK in the same building is around 70m now. I then checked for a 2LDK in our area (we payed about 20m yen), and the...
  19. C

    Small low-risk investment options?

    I don’t make much money, in fact I live more or less month to month. But over the years living in Japan and being frugal I have managed to save around 150man. I don’t want the money to just sit idle in my bank and would like to invest some as low-risk as possible - I’m thinking to start small by...
  20. D

    Junior NISA and transmitting value to children in general

    Hi all I need a bit of planning for helping out my kids (currently below 10 years old) of Japanese (+ foreign, non US) nationality. I am not a US Taxpayer. My goal is to help prepare for the costly education/university phase mainly, any left over being anticipation of future gifts (ideally I...