
  1. S

    How do I calculate foreign tax credits for dividend income from US bond ETFs?

    For simplicity, let's assume the USD/JPY exchange rate is constant, and interest is distributed at the end of the year. (I am not a US national.) I buy $100 of a bond ETF with a 10% yield on January 1st. At the end of the year, I receive $10 in dividends. According to my Japanese broker, the...
  2. N

    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    I'm 32-ys-o, not a Japanese or American. I'm currently working in Japan and plan to stay here for the next 5 years, I still have a wait-and-see attitude towards to PR/Naturalization. My parents want to give me some extra money (about 3.5M yen) to manage, and I feel a little bit uncertain about...
  3. B

    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    I'm running a free loan simulation at Bank of Yokohama using https://www.boy.co.jp/entry_loan/pc/simulation/free.html Input お借入額       10,000,000円 ボーナス返済     なし ご返済期間      10年 適用金利       14.6%* Ouput 毎月のご返済額    91,566円 ボーナス月のご返済額 91,566円 返済総額       10,987,920円 保証料        0円...
  4. D

    Purchasing ETF cross-listing as US taxpayer

    Hello All, I'm a US taxpayer, looking to see if anyone has any experience/information about purchasing US domiciled ETFs through a Japanese brokerage. First, some background. I plan on living in Japan for the long haul, and am currently in the process of naturalizing. Hoping that goes well, it...
  5. H

    Moving back to US, dependent tax question (W-4)

    I'm moving back to the US and filling out my W-4 for my new job there. My son will remain here in Japan with my wife, who will both move to the US later this year. Can I claim him as a dependent on my W-4?
  6. S

    Do you keep the 2.4 Million Allowance for the tax year?

    Do you keep the 2.4 Million allowance for the tax year if you sell something? Thanks in advance.
  7. C

    need some advice with owning a U.S. based portfolio as an American ex-pat (green card holder) in Japan

    Hi all, I'm a U.S. green card holder with Japanese citizenship, about to be based in Japan as an expat in the coming months. I was wondering if anyone here could shine some light on how to manage a stock portfolio in my situation. I was pretty clueless but upon doing some research, I now...
  8. T

    Final U.S. paycheck arrived after I entered Japan - taxable?

    I'm tried searching around for this, but couldn't find an answer. I was looking through my bank statements and noticed that my final paycheck from my U.S. job hit my bank account after arriving in Japan. Is this taxable? I assume not since the work wasn't performed while I was a Japan resident.
  9. T

    Capital Gain/Loss Tax Carryover

    Not investment advice. I have some tax questions that I’m hoping others here have had experience with. On May 8, I bought 12,000 shares of SONY Corp. for at about ¥12207/share. On May 15, I sold 9,000 of those shares at about ¥13312/share. This resulted in a realized gain of ¥9,880,582 after...
  10. B

    Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Equity

    Hi, first of all thank you for all your helpful replied. I've learn a lot from this reddit; and now I have a fairly specific case I would need any kind of tip of information to educate myself more. I'll try to be concise and summarize the questions at the end. I'm a japanese citizen living in...
  11. P

    help me understand the boj’s considerations now

    apologies if this is naive, im just a simple man trying to understand what is going on. 1usd currently buys 156 yen. this is because interest rates in japan are low, and the “risk free” us government bond rate is 5.25% vs the 0.1% that japan offers, so naturally more people would demand usd...
  12. G

    6 months in Canada-6 months in Japan while working for a Canadian employer: is it possible?

    Hello. I work for an IT company, that allows us to work remotely. Is it possible to work 183 days in Canada (to keep Canadian tax residency) and the rest - work from Japan for the same Canadian employer? I mean is it possible to make it clear and legal, in accordance to all laws? What type of...
  13. N

    How common is it for a company to give a maximum of 8 months bonus in Tokyo?

    Just received a verbal offer from a subsidiary of a Japanese conglomerate in Tokyo. The offer takes into account another offer that I already had from a competitor. Offer from competitor: 10.3M annual + up to 3 months bonus. Average bonus is 2 months. Yearly total is likely around 12M Offer...
  14. J

    1.3m Yen Barrier Q

    Hi there! This sub-reddit has always been so helpful so I wanted to come back with just a couple final Qs that I haven't been able to find answers to after a lengthy search... Quick background: Spouse is on a work visa in her first year in a senior administration position at an international...
  15. D

    Buying a condo with the intention of selling in 7~10 years?

    My partner and I (JP national/PR holder) have been living in a rental 2LDK at 210k/mo for 3 years. We both have permanent jobs in Tokyo, and we've been casually considering purchasing either a house or condo sometime in the next year. Initially, we were more interested in buying or building a...
  16. D

    Building a small apartment

    Considering building a 3 story house or 5 story apartment where my family lives on the top two floors. My wife and I agreed to buy a rectangle 105m piece of land 3-4 minutes from a semi popular station 20 minutes from Nagoya station. Our land is a little closer than most the other apartments...
  17. X

    Does joining the NHI make me a resident for tax purposes?

    My previous question has been answered which was that If I'm staying in Japan for a year on a temporary visa and not working would I be considered a resident and need to pay taxes on the sale of cryptocurrency while I'm in Japan, and as far as I understand the answer is no as long as I'm...
  18. P

    Is 4-5 million yen a good salary in Tokyo?

    I am a 30 year old mechanical engineer that moved to Japan as a student. I used to make 70-80k USD a year back in the US. Recently got offered a job with 4-5mil yen salary. I understand salaries are much lower in Japan and considering I only have JLPT N2 and no work experience in Japan, is this...
  19. P

    Thoughts on a 10M salary in Semicon in Nagoya

    Hi all, I’m in the process of deciding to take a job offer in Japan (Nagoya) in the semiconductor industry. The company offered me a base salary of around 8.5M yen and a 1.5M yen bonus, bonus could turn out higher or a bit lower depending on performance. 1.5M is the default bonus. They also...
  20. C

    Investment advice on company DC plan

    Hi everyone, I had to switch to my company DC plan this FY, and got a document where I can decide, in percentage, to which funds I want to allocate my monthly contribution to. They gave me very little time (until the end of the week )to fill out the paperwork and choose the funds I want to...